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Ferrari Challenge: Trofeo Pirelli Preview

Scheduled release date:
August 26th, 2008
Activision/System 3
Number Of Players:
1 (16 Online)

Ever since I was a kid, Ferraris have always been the quintessential sports cars to me. Lamborghinis didn't appeal to me nearly as much as a red prancing pony did. I remember falling in love with my first Ferrari, it was a Testarossa, a car I still love very much to this day. Where I live, I see Ferraris on a daily basis, specifically the F430s, and I gawk and stare the same way every time no matter how often I see them.

So when a developer picks up the rights to the Ferrari license, I get on my knees and pray they do the brand justice. The last time we had a proper Ferrari game was Sega's Ferrari 355 Challenge, a game that only boasted one car…the F355. Acclaim would then pick up the license for a Ferrari Challenge game of their own, one which would feature an extensive list of Ferraris. The game was practically finished before it was canceled, and Acclaim shut down. No one missed much, though, as Acclaim's game was utter rubbish. Fast forward many years later and System 3 has now secured the license, and here we have the most comprehensive Ferrari offering ever.

When I previewed Ferrari Challenge last year, I had a very good feeling that the end result would be a game that's full of greatness. After all, System 3's founder is the owner of many Ferraris and competes in challenge events himself, so it'd have been a cold day in hell before an experienced driver and Ferrari owner would have his babies desecrated with an inferior product. Ferrari Challenge is precisely the type of product you expect to come out of a house of developers who are passionate about the subject matter…this is a truly great racer, full of features, solid gameplay mechanics, and an extremely addictive experience.

The game starts off about as barebones as can be. You have a few of the game's tracks to choose from, and only one F430 to race with. Enter the game's Trofeo Pirelli career mode and start winning races, and you'll begin to accumulate new cars and tracks. What makes Ferrari Challenge the most complete Ferrari game is that…well, its ultimate goal is to feature every single Ferrari ever made, including various concept cars. If that doesn't make for a complete experience, not much will. A total of 16 tracks exist to challenge your Ferraris every which way, including Ferrari's own test track Fiorano.

Piloting a car on Fiorano features Tiff Needell as your instructor. Tiff will guide you around the course, telling you how you should take certain turns and then give you a report of your performance at the end of two laps, including how well you control the throttle and brakes, how well you keep the driving line, and more. The test track is a solid place to gain experience with your Ferraris, especially the F430, which is the car you'll use primarily throughout the career mode.

Tiff, who many car enthusiasts should kow as the host of Fifth Gear, also helped oversee the development of Ferrari Challenge's physics and gameplay, ensuring that authenticity prevails. I can say with full confidence that Ferrari Challenge boasts a superb physics engine that really comes to life when you've got the Logitech G25 wheel attached to your PlayStation 3. Playing Ferrari Challenge with the G25 wheel brings the experience to a whole new level, especially if you've disabled aids such as stability and traction control.

But be forewarned, disabling aids completely makes for an extremely grueling and unforgiving experience, so only purists will be able to tolerate doing so. But with that said, driving and winning without the help of driving aids makes the game feel that much more rewarding. If perhaps you find the game too hardcore without aids, you're free to toy around with the physics settings mid-game from the pause menu, so worry not.

Ferrari Challenge's super tight physics give the game a very appealing and addictive feel. From the moment I first popped the disc into the PS3 to the moment I realized I should turn the game off, a good four and a half hours passed by. I've since played the game more and I love it more and more with every run.

As far as the artificial intelligence goes, they're as good as you want them to be. Ferrari Challenge offers a variety of A.I. difficulties you can play with, from beginner, to professional, to dynamic. Dynamic is a constantly adjusting A.I. level where your opponents will be only as good as you are, and I found that it worked far better than just choosing a pre-determined difficulty. Ferrari Challenge definitely earns points for going this route with the A.I. I should also mention that penalties will prevent you from trying to outsmart the A.I. by cutting through corners; drive through a chunk of grass or go off-road to cut off your opponents, and you'll be hit with a speed penalty, limiting you to 40MPH for a certain amount of seconds. This is a simulation game, so keep your racing clean.

Visually, there's a very pleasing picture that runs at a mostly constant 30 frames per second, boasting a terrific sense of speed, in addition to a bunch of processing effects such as anti-aliasing. Details on the cars are super smooth and practically picture perfect. Additionally, you'll have a hard time spotting any ugly jaggies in the game, as Ferrari Challenge features an incredibly clean picture.

Furthermore, despite how detailed and gorgeous the rain effects are, they never take a toll on the framerate, and I liked that. With a total of 16 cars on screen, there's a lot of action going on, and when pile-ups happen you can bet that you'll see the damage translate onto each car, including yours. While the damage engine is purely aesthetic and not extreme, it still encourages you to not play bumper cars and race clean.

Ferrari Challenge is set to launch at the end of August, and if you've got a crave for a solid racing sim that boasts arguably the most prestigious name in the automotive industry, I urge you to pre-order a copy of Ferrari Challenge. Look for our full review to come in the coming days. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go clock in a few more hours with the game.

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16 years ago

This has been out in the UK for some time now and is getting mixed reviews. Some say it has PS2 background graphics and some say "its so real." I will have to rent it though!

16 years ago

Nice i haven''t heard much of this game yet but had already pre-ordered it now this makes me even more excited knowing that this game is alot better than the older ones

16 years ago

I saw the game in a trip to Europe for almost 60 euros… It called my attention, but it was too expensive, so I passed.

Maybe at 60 USD I give it a chance

16 years ago

Trust me… Rent, its a love or hate game. And yeh, in the UK its £50 what works out at $100. LOL rip off here.

16 years ago

I don't know if I want to buy this game honestly. Activision? 30 frames per second?!

Burnout Paradise is 60 frames per second. For a racing game, 30 is …. weak.

16 years ago

i may buy this game after the disappointment that was Grid. i really need my racing medicine….Please Poliphony hurry up with GT5!!!

16 years ago

I don't know if GT5 is going to be that good, I am still struggling with it and feel it could be so much better…


"aLL RoAdS LeAd TOo HoMe"

16 years ago

Might be an appetizer before the main course (Gran Turismo) or I may pass and just go for Motor Storm: PR all together. I mean, Im getting Motor Storm anyway, so it doesnt matter if I try this or not.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
16 years ago

AceTatsujin: This is not an Activision game. They have no rights to the license, they are only the distributor of it in the United States.