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Extra Resistance Content Online Today

Insomniac has been a bunch of busy little bees in the past month; releasing information on the upcoming Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction and announcing the extra downloadable content for Resistance: Fall of Man . We knew we'd see the first batch this month, and as it turns out, it has arrived at the PlayStation Store.

So if you log in to the Resistance servers, plan to set aside a bit of time to download the update, which includes Team Conversion and Team Assault. The two gameplay modes should make the online experience that much more robust, and perhaps even increase the number of gamers online. If there's one thing that never fails to deliver, it's something like Team Assault, right?

Furthermore, the download will also provide something called "round balancing," which is a simple – yet effective – philosophy. Thanks to a member at the MyResistance forums , we can provide the exact definition-

"Round balancing can be set "on" or "off" (default: on) when round balancing is on, if the number of players on each team is uneven at the end of the round, players will be moved from the team with to many players to the team with too few players. Parties will not be separated, So its not guaranteed to result in a perfectly balanced teams. Round Balancing is turned "on" for ranked games."

Cool idea. It might be frustrating for those who automatically get "removed" while round balancing is on, but hey, them's the rules. And besides, it's fair. There are no additional maps in this download, but they're on the way in May. Resistance is gonna be better than ever!

Related Game(s): Resistance Fall of Man