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Have Trophies/Achievements Made Video Games Better?

Trophies and Achievements are designed to enhance our gaming experience. That's the idea.

They represent specific challenges completed and those who love the feature will say a game's longevity greatly increases. You spend a ton of extra time enjoying the adventure in a variety of ways; many challenges are quite creative and even open up parts of the game you never really enjoyed before.

At the same time, there are those who just don't see the significance. Back in the old days, it was all about points. "High score" was a universal term and in the arcades, that's about all that mattered. Of course, everything is more complex these days; we're talking about interactive entertainment and it's almost an insult to call these products "video games." That means Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and Pac-Man are technically in the same category, and even for the most ardent purist, that's tough to swallow. So we've moved way beyond "high score."

And yet, aren't Trophies and Achievements just a more elaborate way of keeping score? We count up the number we have and in truth, once they're achieved, it doesn't really matter to anyone what you had to do to get them. Those who don't appreciate this method of "keeping score" – which sort of implies that those who get a ton of these "awards" are bigger or better gamers than others – say that Trophies/Achievements are unnecessary. Worse, they might actually bring an even more unnecessary competitive angle to a game that doesn't need it. Maybe getting some obscure achievement alters our focus and drags us away from the core concepts of the game.

Then there's the whole need for edification thing. "You walked down a hallway…Trophy!" "You completed the tutorial…Trophy!" As if we need a shiny thing to make us feel better about our accomplishments, and then we can brag about how many of those shiny things we have. Do we really need this more complex version of keeping score? Or do you see it differently? Do you feel more satisfied when you hear that little "ding" and you see the notice? I'm just wondering how much this feature has altered how we approach our gaming entertainment.

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13 years ago

hi, my name is leatherface and i'm addicted to trophies.

13 years ago

But your "trophies" are peoples faces.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Hi, I'm Peter Griffin and I'm addicted to boobies!! Hehehehehehe!! (Peter Griffin laugh)

13 years ago

hahaha That's true, World, I have my gamerface on.
Well… I have somebody's gameface on.

13 years ago

I do agree that this system is sort of the new "high score," but at the same time it should be more about nudging players to discover hidden facets of the game. Fetch quests and "congrats you've completed the tutorial" trophies are rather vapid to me. But for trophies that are unlocked through improved skill (such as completing a level within a time limit, using certain powers/skills that you probably would otherwise overlook, discovering and completing hidden puzzles/rooms), it really does give players incentive to fully explore all that the game has to offer.

Last edited by StubbornScorpio on 9/18/2011 9:52:12 PM

13 years ago

I've not thumbed up or down because I'm split. I think the trphies for completing within X time are as pointless as a trophy for completing the tutorial. The ones I like are those which you receive which encourage you to use different weapons or taking a different approach. I find them helpful to keep track of what I have and haven't tried through multiple playthroughs. A good thing for RPG's like Dragon Age.

13 years ago

I should add not all games would benefit from a "completed time trial" sort of trophy, some games are deliberately meant to be played at a slower pace, taking time and effort into full mastery (like an RPG). I just used that as an example of encouraging player progression.

12 years ago

Yeah but you seem to forget a trophy earned for completing a tutorial is worth nothing (bronze). And skill requiring trophies are generally gold or silver.

Those small trophies are just a small encouragement for the players who need it. You probably don't but alot of entry lvl players like the free pat on the back lol.

Trophies are the devs challenges. Like: See if you can master MY game. And then we take the challenge and having 100% is like: Heh I owned your game 😛 lol Plus now you get to see if your best buddy was able to do as much as you and you compete without even telling each other haha

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 9/20/2011 10:24:17 AM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
13 years ago

Hell yeah trophies make a game better, i wish Metal Gear Solid 4 had trophies. I've beaten MGS4 at least 50 times, and have gotten all 40 emblems. Still play the game often, but trophies would give me something to strive for.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 9/18/2011 9:50:46 PM

13 years ago

MGS4 should have had Trophies age ago.

13 years ago

Yeah I need some MGS trophies too!!

13 years ago

I do agree that story-based trophies are a bit much, like in RE5 getting a trophy for every chapter, same with FF13. Trophies are something you should get for doing something CHALLENGING. Like beating the game on the hardest difficulty (or in general in the case of most RPGs), beating a hidden boss, killing things in certain ways, collecting this and that… Some games are really tough platinums. Anything I've platinumed, I wouldn't really call hard but I mean it does take dedication. I've only platinumed Uncharted 2, Resident Evil 5, Borderlands… And I think something else but I can't remember. Someone check my PSN XD.
My whole point here is I do like trophies because they give me something to shoot for, they do give a bit of competition to some games, and yes they do add longevity.

13 years ago

I actually do not mind story-based trophies. Nobody completes every game out there anyway. And most trophies you get for finish chapters are usually just the bronze ones. That's why the trophy level system works. You still get some credit for finishing the chapters and/or the game itself, but you can get better trophies if you shoot for the real challenges.

13 years ago

I like getting trophies every chapter still might be pointless but it still tells people you got that part done and you still get to hear the trophy noise which i like a lot!!!

13 years ago

If you buy a game and play it from start to end, why no getting some trophies for doing that??, some people never touches the single player campaigns

13 years ago

I have mixed feelings about trophies. In one hand, I like them because I like that my gaming identity can represent the sort of gaming interests I have. I like that the people who know me can see the kind of games I like, where it's evident that my most liked games tend to have the most trophies. I'm happy that Infamous 2 has a shiny platinum next to it's name. I like the game. I like it that much. I also have 1000g's for ME2.
On the other hand, I think there'd be another way to do this: logged hours, or something like that.
Whereas, the part of trophies I don't like is the developer generated requisites that must be met in order to get some trophies. Most games have those really retarded time consuming ones that don't serve much more of a purpose other than make itself a chore. Do I have to land 6 head shots in a row with my pistol without reloading to get this silver? I have to finish God of War in 5 hours, or without dying? nah, don't think I care enough to.
So yeah, I don't know. I have some XBL friends who have the most ridiculously high gamer points that I would personally find to be embarrassing to have nearly 80K points. And each time I see scores like that the notion crosses my mind suggesting that this person has some control issues and probably has majorly misdirected priorities.

13 years ago

My feelings exactly. I love the replay value trophies adds but hate it when I get myself caught up in the unnecessary hype.

I have a work friend who has 49 platinums. Yes you read that right, 49 platinums. Too me thats just ridiculous & says he needs to get out more or something. But who am I to judge, I'm a gaming junky too

12 years ago

Yeah but in the end those time consuming trophies is what separates the hardcore from the semi-hardcore trophy hunter. If all the trophies were easy to get and not time consuming, nearly everyone would have platinums and having a platinum wouldn't be *special* anymore.

So doing it your way would destroy the balance and pretty much kill the bragging rights of alot of trophy addicts lol also probably put an end to my trophy interest XD

You don't have to get that platinum but if you want it… you will work for it 😀

On a side note: I will never complete the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 platinum OMG dood like killing 1000 enemies with every single weapons lol how many playthrough is that XD If I see people with plat for that game I highly respect their tenacity lol

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 9/20/2011 10:35:33 AM

13 years ago

Trophies don't necessarily make games better. Speaking only for myself, they only add to the fun part and I never made it a point to platinum every game I have. I just play the games the way I want to and if I get the trophies along the way than that's great. But I really do not have a lot of time (nor patience) to devote into getting all the trophies out there.

So far, the only games I got the platinum trophies for are Assassin's Creed II and Naruto Shippuden: UNS2. That's only because I had a lot of fun playing those games and the trophies were rather easy to get. I almost got the platinum trophy for Heavy Rain but my cousin borrowed it before I could get all the endings and I'm yet to get my copy back.

13 years ago

how about give me some real trophies.

13 years ago

Then you go outside, compete in some real sport, win the game, and voila! You got a real trophy!

13 years ago


13 years ago

Even if u do what ZettaiSeigi says, you will miss that "ding"

13 years ago

I like to collect trophies makes me feel really good doing an accomplishment.

I got 3 platinums right now got 2 of them this year 🙂

I personally like the trophy noise over the xbox achievements because it sounds better even though xbox achievements load way faster so you don't sit there for a good 5 seconds worrying if you got the trophy or not.

But maybe they do that for a drumroll?

13 years ago

Yeah it feels awesome when you see the platinum trophy appearing on the top right corner of you screen.

Congrats for those 3 plats, I already have 13, has been a good year 😉

13 years ago

They are nice to have. I like when I did something hard and got that "ding" however unexpected. I find they are great for games that you want to go back to because they keep you playing. 666 hit combo in Dante's Inferno was like bam, take that you demon horde from hell.

It's basically a neat reward system to me, but I rarely go out of my way to get them. I have zero platinums but I plan to get the inFamous 2 one some day. The fact is I usually play a game through the SP and then shelf it unless it's something super special to me.

The downside is some old games without trophies don't feel worth playing. I never did beat Oblivion and I'd like to play Heavenly Sword again but without some potential payoff it feels a little empty. I'm sure a lot of people would have added another play of MGS4 if they ever gave it trophies.

13 years ago

Yes, I agree, pretty cool to have but I wish there was a way you could simply activate all of them when you want. I feel that since I have bought the game developers should permit you to activate all of them and see them all as a way of letting the owner/purchaser consume all the data he/she has purchased.

I like to see the emblems and the artistry of those emblems. I also would love most games to come with a "behind the scenes". Most movies have this, and I think that having a short 5 to 8 minute documentary on how the game was made would be very interesting, even if they are only technical sound bites.

So whilst trophies do motivate people, and in some cases, turn them into trophy whores… I think they are good and can give you the motivation to push you or maybe try a little harder than maybe you would have if that motivation was not there…



13 years ago

I would play the crap out of MGS4 again if it had trophies

13 years ago

Excellent point about the older games. I never finished Valkyria Chronicles after a rental. I would buy it, but it's still really expensive for having no trophies.

13 years ago

Trophies definately add something to the game I definitely am a trophy whore. I have 6 to 7 platinum trophies and a lot of them took many hours to complete like bfbc2. The more trivial trophies are kinda lame and the chore types just plain suck. No I don't want to kill 10000 players (im looking at u R2)

I'll also add this, with all the trophies ive earned, I feel like I should have more to show for it than the look of a guy who used to have way too much time on his hands. I have nearly 900 trophies. Shouldnt I be rewarded more than just a simple "ding?" I dunno just food for thought I guess.

13 years ago

I think they are cool to have but I never play games to get them. I usually glance over them before I play but don't really go for them with Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit as an exception. That was really easy to plat.

13 years ago

Online trophies should not count for platinum. F*ck that.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
13 years ago

@World. Amen to that. Those stupid online trophies are the only thing keeping me from a platinum trophy in KZ2.

13 years ago

I couldn't agree more. Some multiplayer games like AC: Brotherhood and Uncharted 2 were great fun don't get me wrong, but I shouldn't be forced to play online to earn tasteless "Kill 5,000 enemies" or "Play 1,000,000 matches" trophies.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Absolutely agree. I'd have a Platinum for Brotherhood if it weren't for the damn online Trophies.

How's about two Platinums? One for offline and one for online? What's wrong with that?

13 years ago

They could have an Adamantium trophy for online if they want.

13 years ago

You heard it hear first. Diamond PSN Trophies. Maybe when you get to a certain level. Level 25. Diamond for you.

13 years ago

That is what I'm talking about!! f**k online, it sucks big time.

13 years ago

Yes, they SHOULD have 2 separate platinum's for SP & MP modes. Not that I'm trying to get them cause I really don't care about them most of the time, but I'd never ever ever be able to get a plat if it has any MP mode trophies in it too.

But, if they really have to put 1 top trophy in, then they could add a "Titanium trophy" to the list, which would be for getting the top plat in each of the 2 modes.

As for myself, I never check out the trophy list until after I've finished the game, and I might go back just to try for maybe 1 or 2 more trophies that I think would be "Saint worthy", but that's as far as I'll usually go with them.
I mean, it's nice to keep on hearing those unexpected dings(and yes, I do like hearing them), but in order to go chasing after it, that trophy would have to be something I'd really be interested in doing anyway.

So as it stands, I'll probably never get myself a plat even in a SP mode only game.

But what I absolutely DO hate about the trophies(and this is aimed squarely at Sony only) is that as a gaming collector, I sample every game that I buy, even the one's that I know I'll never wind up play, just on the off-chance that it may just surprise me & I'll wind up liking it instead.

So now I have more than a few games that I'll never play, yet I've still managed to pick up 1 (and sometimes 2) trophy's for them during my sampling of them. And the same thing goes for a few demo's that I've even picked up a trophy for, but also wound up not liking & so they got deleted too.
And now I keep constantly having to see them in my trophy list and that frigging irks me to no end.
It's like those few games are forever taunting me for not playing them.

Plus it looks my trophy list look like sh!te when I've got a bunch of 1-trophy games popping out at everyone.

So what I think Sony needs to do is give us(or at least myself LOL) an option button to delete those trophies so those damned games can't keep giving my eyeballs a much needed rest from all of their extended middle fingers.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/19/2011 1:41:03 AM

13 years ago

You are spot on. I don't want to be forced to log 2,000 hours playing online before I can get the Platinum trophy. There should be one for SP and one for MP.

13 years ago

Agreed. Hate online trophies.

Good idea to have a separate trophy system for online, or better yet, release the game single player on disc or for download and have multiplayer as an optional download from the game's menu. Only once you've got the multiplayer, THEN the online trophies are unlocked and sync with the rest of the game's trophies.

Good idea, right? Mutliplayer as a free download if you buy the game, trophies synced to the MP download, not on disc!! I hope someone out there sees this!!

13 years ago


That's why I have a separate "Test" account on my PS3. I use it whenever I try out the free games I get by being a PS+ subscriber. I appreciate the free games but not all of them are amazing. LOL

13 years ago

I'm with you World, I've missed some platinums just because I don't spend thousands of hours playing online

13 years ago

I'm the same as Ben. The only trophies I'm missing for Brotherhood are some of the online ones, the dumbest of which is to merely hit online level 50… Congratulations! You've finally forced yourself to play online long enough to be awarded a trophy!

Online trophies ruin trophy hunting for me. Same with Uncharted 2. The only trophies I am missing are the online ones. If you MUST have online trophies, they should be relatively simple… like… a trophy for winning a match or for playing a full match. I get developers wanting to encourage people to invest a lot of time into their game, but just get people to sample it. They will play it if it doesn't suck.

Modnation Racers had a terrible reach level 30 trophy. I got it, but I basically cheated to get it just to spite the game. It was the only one I needed.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 9/19/2011 8:52:48 AM

13 years ago

Bah, the devs are to blame, not the fact that they're online trophies. I've played some games that have fantastic online trophies. The devs are the ones who are too stupid to be creative enough to make it fun.

13 years ago

Couldn't agree more with that World…



12 years ago

I'm gonna side with Alienange. I have no problem with online trophies IF they're well-conceived, like the ones for U2.

If one point of trophies is to get people to try different aspects of the game, that should include the online modes…but not, for instance, being in the top 1% of the leaderboards or getting 10,000 kills.

13 years ago

Not for me. Perhaps for online: definately, but if anything it's more of a nuisance to watch a dark grey box with a silly phrase pop up and distract you from full immersion of a single player experience. There, I said it: pop up. That's what it is.

Though I don't overly mind trophies since it shows the long list of game you've played. Sometimes it's funny to be surprised that you've played a certain game quite a while ago and have no recollection of playing it at all or completely forgot about it's existence.

13 years ago

If most developers do what Naughty Dog did with Uncharted 2, by tying collectibles with rewards (like funny videos, developer diaries, making of videos, etc) and trophies, that is an even bigger incentive to get the trophies and unlock those cool rewards.

I hope more developers do that. It's why I love Naughty Dog so much!! 🙂

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