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FFXIII-2 Lightning Edition Ver. 2 Graces Japan In December

Well, maybe you can import it if you want it badly enough.

This sleek PlayStation 3 you see before you is the Final Fantasy XIII-2 Lightning Edition ver. 2 machine that will launch on December 15 in Japan; the highly anticipated sequel arrives on the same day.

You may remember when FFXIII came out, Sony released an attractive pink and white Lightning PS3; that's why this new console is dubbed "ver. 2." This new design once again boasts the character of Lightning, but now it's emblazoned on a black 320GB PS3. It'll be available in "limited quantities" and cost 37,960 yen (around $500). In addition, Square Enix has announced that they're already working on downloadable content for FFXIII-2. We don't have any other details as of yet, but you should definitely prepare for bonus stuff not long after the game releases.

By the way, the latest Final Fantasy should find its way to North America by the end of January. That'll be one hell of a start to 2012, won't it?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII-2

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13 years ago

… Already working on dlc O_O I blame the 360! lol

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 9/15/2011 9:26:00 PM

13 years ago

Damn that is one sexy lookin ps3…

Fer why don't we in the states get badass lookin setups like that beauty?

Looking forward to ffXIII-2 though, well kind off, havnt beatin ffXIII yet, but from what I've played its decent. Couldn't care about the battle system though, I like that its faster, but chaining attacks together and staggering in an ff to me seems just…. wrong, I guess would be the best word to describe it.

Bring back the old atb gauge, and ill set it to max speed like always.

13 years ago

The stagger thing is a joke.

13 years ago

remember when spells actually looked like fire, water, or ultima. i hated how final fantasy XIII just went and made it glowing orbs.

13 years ago

It comes out on my birthday? Sweet! Too bad I'm not in Japan. Pretty close though. And they'll be getting the Vita two days after, too. Lucky folks! But that said, I like how the console looks but still not that excited over the actual game. And DLC right away? WTH??!

13 years ago

This is the one thing I don't understand about Sony because they're shooting themselves in foot by not giving everyone choice of color schemes & also more theme skinned PS3's. and I don't mean bundling a game with the PS3, I mean actually colored or skinned game themed PS3's like these 2 Lightning themed beauties.

As much as I hate to praise MS, at least they've been smart enough to keep coming out with themed 360's left & right, and now they're about to do a an amazing looking blood red Gears themed 360 squat with one hell of a meaner looking skull within a cog on the sides.

Hell, my Modern Warfare 2 Elite Deluxe 320GB themed 360 is two-toned colored, dark grey w/ light grey WM2 military styled stenciling throughout.

WTF Sony, let's get on the ball here & make lots yourself lots more justifiable profit!!!!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/15/2011 10:23:48 PM

13 years ago

hehe, imagine sony unveiling two limited edition consoles, one with a gears of war theme and the second one with a MW3 theme… But you're right. Sony does have to come up with limited edition ps3s for the rest of the world…

13 years ago

Poor SE, they are really hurting for cash. Guess that MS cash-in didn't really pay off did it?

13 years ago

well, it did finance a final fantasy hd remake but square enix decided to remake the game that people werent asking for the most. square took the easy way out and went for the easier remake because they are really in tune with their fans. maybe if final fantasy XIII-2 sells a bit then they'll pull another square enix and remake final fantasy XII.

13 years ago

still have to say the titanium metallic blue one they gave away at SEMA is still the best looking ps3 ive ever seen!
oh besides the super rare gun metal grey MGS4 one, but how many of those have been made?
i remember seeing one of those on ebay a while for, went for a couple grand!
yea its one of a kind and super cool, but my god do people have money to waste!

13 years ago

A grand?! o.o Geez.

13 years ago

no, no, a couple!
last i saw of it it was at 2800 and it still had a few hours left.

13 years ago

Wow, someone must want that badly. xD

13 years ago

Pretty slick looking. but for $15 – $25 you can order a custom skin with any pattern you want on it… So I wont be sad if we don't see this in North America.

13 years ago

True that, I've got a skin site that had them for $10.

But I'd still rather have a nice Sony branded limited edition skinned/themed PS3 to gawk at all day long.

13 years ago

i dont care what square enix is doing. The final fantasy series isnt a must buy to me anymore. i'm not buying another game pretending to be final fantasy when its clearly isnt one. the only thing i'm a little interested in is final fantasy X remake but if it isnt bundled with final fantasy x-2 remake then i really dont need it right away. why give us only half the story? the only way i'm buying anything that has final fantasy on the cover is way below $20 used since square enix dont really care about their loyal fans. I'm a fan of squaresoft, not square enix.

13 years ago

If there is a helluva start of 2012 it will *not* be thanks to Final Fantasy.
There is another rpg scheduled for release first quarter of 2012 though… 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/17/2011 9:37:20 AM

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