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Dead Island Hits 1 Million Shipped In Just A Few Days

Dead Island is a fun game. It isn't perfect but a whole lot of people have responded positively to the entertaining action/RPG hybrid.

Deep Silver has announced that Techland's zombie-slaying survival adventure with role-playing elements has shipped over 1 million copies in North America "in the first few days of availability." Furthermore, Dead Island occupies the #1 software slot in several global markets – including the UK and France – and it seems that ship number will reach 2 million before the end of this week.

Although we weren't as complimentary as other critics, Dead Island has managed to snag plenty of praise from reviewers and gamers worldwide. Featuring an in-depth style of first-person combat, a large, open environment, and a fair amount of creativity and customization, the game can definitely be addictive. Said Geoff Mulligan, Deep Silver COO:

"We’re thrilled at the retail reception Dead Island has achieved in its first few days. The critical ‘first week’ of game sales has been an enormous sales success for Deep Silver. We’re working quickly with our distribution partner in North America, Square Enix, to restock shelves as quickly as we can."

Square Enix CEO and president Mike Fischer added that with a million copies out there, it's nice to know "that the world is now more prepared than ever for what to do should a real zombie invasion ever threaten humanity." …yes, we assume he's joking. At any rate, it's nice to see Dead Island succeeding. Are you one of the many who picked it up?

Related Game(s): Dead Island

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12 years ago

With all the titles coming out over the next month or so that are on my must have lists, this one will have to wait.

12 years ago

I'm a bit surprised as Gamestops here can't keep the game in stores on either system. K-Mart was sold out and so was Wal-Mart. Best Buy had a few copies…I don't think anybody anticipated this game would sell so fast

12 years ago

With all those copies being sold you would think they would find time to fix the autosave so the game can be played as intended.

12 years ago

My guess is that they are trying to fix it but the remedy evades them.

12 years ago

According to the article I just sent over to Ben, the guys doing Dead Island said that fixing the game right now was their only priority, so they're are actually delaying all their work on the DLC until after the patch is done & released.

The 360 patch already released earlier this week, so they're working on everything in the PS3 version right now, including the autosave functions too.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/15/2011 4:31:11 PM

12 years ago

I heard the big patch that fixes most major glitches will be released soon, if not already. Hopefully this will create more praise for the game, and since I love FPS RPG hybrids ( like Borderlands ) Dead Island is definitely on my wishlist.

Just waiting to find it for under 40 bucks somewhere on the internets. Australian prices are still around 90 bucks at the cheapest. 🙁
Need to find a nice big gap to play it in too, too many games to get thru right now. Am playing Fable III on 360 right now, and I can honestly say, Fable 2 was the better game. Hopefully I'll be able to finish resistance 2 and 3 after that, then Gears 3, ICO collection, hopefully before batman Arkham city and dark souls come out.

Good God!! 2011 is like gaming heaven!! So many gave sequels and new awesome games coming!! Would've been perfect had Bioshock infinite and Mass Effect 3 come out too, but at least 2012 is looking good for games too.

12 years ago

its a good good game, seriously! and if it wasnt for the save issue I would recommend this to anyone, but its quite shocking really.

I have to play offline just so my game saves! how ridiculous is that! especially for a game that is as 'online' as it is meant to be… still, at least it saves now!

The funniest thing is that they have released info on the DLC that is coming out, like im going to put more money in their pocket when they haven't even had the decency to fix this major problem right here. …its going to be Homefront all over again.

they should follow good examples before them and offer the DLC for free, because I know I wont be buying anything from these guys again, well… not for the immediate future anyhow.

12 years ago

I really like the game, killing zombies is very addictive and the bugs are hard to ignored but they don't kill the game. The problem I have is I can't find anyone to joined up with, I heard the game really shines when you play with others but I can't find anyone for the past couple of times I played this week. I'm at level 15 and I can take out zombies usually with one hit so it ain't like I would drag another player down.

12 years ago

I couldn't resist and bought it day 1, man am I glad I did. It's such a fun game! Worth every penny.

12 years ago

as long as you play off the psn until the patch comes, its brilliant. it reminds me a lot of so many good games, and film styles..

12 years ago

I don't have any problems playing co-op. It is actually more fun. I even bought a headset because of it. I don't ever play multiplayer but this games asks for it.

The most awesome thing about this game is that the game is total chaos, everybody and everything is fucked up and a lot of NPC you encounter are shit scared and often can't be reasoned with … The overall atmosphere is really spot on.

12 years ago

I guess a lot of people bought both Deus EX and Dead Island. People just love their Western RPG hybrids.

Dead Island, I'll buy in late 2011 or early 2012. My backlog is overflowing at this time and I still have to buy Arkham City, Uncharted 3 and Super Mario Land 3DS.

12 years ago

I personally believe that the Shooter/RPG hybrid is the way to go.

12 years ago

Well deserved, they hit a grand slam with this game! Addicted is all I can say. I have been playing non-stop. I hope they get to the 2 million mark or higher. We'll see a sequel for sure!

12 years ago

Me and my friends bought it day one, I even bought some extra copies for my friends who couldn't afford it then. We've enjoyed it immensely and don't regret our purchases at all.

12 years ago

Got this day 1 and I am enjoying it. My mate tried it online and reliased it was bad he's changed his settings to offline now for the single player. Ok bugs aside it's a cracking zombie game.

£48 now in Game in the UK as it has sold out everywhere. I could trade mine in and make on it for £45 trade in price but im keeping it.

12 years ago

I got this too and while I don't regret buying it I regret buying it at full price. I should have waited for the bargain bin.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/15/2011 2:38:47 PM

12 years ago

Yeah, not all that great with the bugs.

12 years ago

Nice to see this doing well.

12 years ago

I've played online as much as i've played offline and I can honestly say that other than the save issue I have not seen anything that makes me go "OMG I wish they'd fix that!". I don't have a hard time finding people to play with but then again I never play with random people and only play with my friends. There are things that I'd change with the game (such as everything being bolted to the ground and the physics) but that's anyone with any game.

Its a great game. I highly recommend it.

12 years ago

In regards to that other article about disappointing Resistance 3 sales; I see that on Amazon UK ps3 sales chart R3 sits on the spot above Dead Island and as far as I recall it has done so since day 1. Surely that must mean that the R3 sales, at least here in Europe, is higher than the DI sales, meaning R3 sell pretty well after all?
If Dead Island sell better than Resistance 3 on the ps3 then I must say there is no fairness in this world. None.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/15/2011 3:05:00 PM

12 years ago

… And it's the same at Play com.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/15/2011 3:25:26 PM

12 years ago

i pre-ordered it. waiting for the arena. like the ripper (it's ok…).
the game is fun. i get quite pissed at the save game problems, but interesting to know that if you play offline it saves…
whats difficult is that since it's first person you don't really know how far you can swing, whereas with a third person set up you can see it better for some reason…

but nonetheless, i'm glad i got the game…

12 years ago

You should have looked at Beanboom's post literally only 2 posts above yours before you posted that.

12 years ago

sooo.. uhmmmm if i didnt get the game they wouldve only shipped 999,999? 😀

12 years ago

See what happens when a game is not BORING.It SELLS!Even with the bugs.It's FUN not BORING.And it's SELLING.No online pass code required to play with friends online.And it's SELLING.Fun sells,Boring doesn't.Period.

12 years ago

I think we got the point after the first sentence buddy. Btw, if you're making a crack at R3 with the whole "online pass" thing, that game if far more fun than Dead Island is, I can tell ya that.

12 years ago

Reading the user reviews on Gamefly Resistance 3 is doing very well the only gripe I see within their reviews is the online pass.

12 years ago

I still haven't opened my copy but instead Red boxed it to try it out…man, its fun and all but nothing like having a laggy game! I heard there is a patch out for the 360 already but the pc and ps3 won't be released just yet. I guess I understand why the ps3 patch won't be released at the same time as the others but isn't the pc and 360 are made the same way aren't they? Shouldn't they atleast have patches at the same time?

12 years ago

The PC version has been patched multiple times already and it runs fine now since it's the full release version instead of the pre-build version they released by accident. Me and my friends haven't experienced any lag since it's been patched, other then the usual internet connection issues from the ISP's.

12 years ago

Deep Silver recently stated that it will pass the 2 million mark over this weekend.

Nice and well deserved.

12 years ago

If this game didn't scream "average" in my face, I wouldn't have a problem with this. But I guess the combination of "open world" and "zombies" equals success, no matter how annoying the technical problems, glitches, gameplay issues, etc are.

Note that I didn't say this is a bad game, I'm just saying that a million is a little much for a game like this.

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