Some projects are dubbed "reboots." This one is a "reinvention."
Today, EA and Starbreeze have announced the reinvention of Syndicate , one of EA's recognizable franchises.
Starbreeze is the same talented team that delivered The Chronicles of Riddick and The Darkness , and they're currently cranking on a game described as a "unique and brutal sci-fi first-person shooter experience set in a not-too-distant future." Players will assume the role of Miles Kilo, Eurocorp's latest prototype agent, and part of his motivation will involve the time-honored business of revenge. Said Mikael Nermark, Starbreeze Studios CEO:
"We are excited to finally reveal what we’ve been working on the past couple years. It's been a great experience working with EA, and an amazing opportunity for us to use our expertise in the first person shooter and action genres to bring back, and reignite, the signature action/espionage gameplay of Syndicate."
Mega corporations are running rampant in the year 2069 and in this world, everything is digitally connected…including the people. Players won't be limited to weapons; they'll also be able to directly alter their environment via the DART 6 bio-chip technology implant. We'll be able to slow down time and hack various interfaces (sounds a bit like Deus Ex , doesn't it?), and fans of the franchise will recognize many elements.
Syndicate will go into operation in early 2012 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.
Related Game(s): Syndicate
Sounds ok…
2012 should be a decent year for games
Last edited by firesoul453 on 9/12/2011 10:03:14 AM
I played the first Syndicate through on PC, like forever ago. It was great stuff. It earned a lot of reputation for it's innovative design and vivid cyberpunk presentation.
Anyone remember when you clicked your group of dudes somewhere on the map they would acknowledge the command by saying, "Syndicate" click* "Syndicate" click* "Syndicate"
Well, my memory recalls something like that anyway.
Voices in games back then was cool =p "Blades of Steel" whoa.. it talked, sounded like gravel, but it talked. reset* "Blades of Steel" reset* "Blades of Steel" whoooa
Wow – *the* Syndicate, originating from back in the days of the Amiga?
Kudos for effort but I'll pass. First person overload.
I loved the original Syndicate and Syndicate Wars back in the day. Bullfrog did a great job on those. After hearing a few months ago that a new one was in the works, I was stoked but now that it has been revealed that it's a FPS instead of a RTS, like the previous two, I'll pass.
Yes, Bullfrog! Exactly! Haha – funny seeing that name again. Awww – happy memories.
But even though it's first person it may still have strategic elements to it?
Last edited by Beamboom on 9/12/2011 12:31:15 PM
Yeah Bullfrog version was ace, was excited to hear this was being made now they have made it into a FPS why ? Why ? Why ?
Could they not have re done it but as it was back in the day, then again a mouse would be needed to use it as it original was. That game in the day was brilliant.
@TLPN, a simple mouse costs less than $5 and could be packed in with the game, the PS3 supports mouse and keyboard quite happily through USB or BlueTooth.
Bullfrog absolutely ruled back then. Between Syndicate; Hi Octane; Theme Park; Theme Hospital; and Dungeon Keeper, gaming heaven was just a flick of the power switch away. Too bad EA bought them out and basically let a great developer go to waste.
Geobaldi: Seriously! Bullfrog disappearing is the worst tragedy ever in gaming right after Westwood Studios… So sad, so sad.
"Remaking" a classic like that and making it an FPS should be illegal, and even calling it a "remake" disgusts me!
I think that this article (link below) goes a long way to describing my thoughts on this, which are best distilled into the simple statement;
Do we really need *another* FPS?
yes we do, because this is like NO OTHER FPS out there!
assuming they stick to the syndicate formula of course and not do a XCOM on us…….
if this keeps its cyberpunk style then absolutely we do need more FPS!
That was a very well written article too!
Plus it made me better recall what the original Syndicate was all about. I (wrongly) remembered it to be a rather simple top-down shooter, to be honest.
Last edited by Beamboom on 9/13/2011 6:23:59 AM
Bullfrog guys are supposed to be working on the game to bring something of the nuance of the original titles into the series, which is good. But it does sound A LOT like Deus Ex, not that that's a bad thing. Keeping my eye on it.
Shame that they're reviving Syndicate as an FPS. However in such cases with the features this game had then I'm definately interested, and despite it may seem they're changing the genre to merely conform to attract, perhaps there's alot of logical benefits for reconstructing the playstyle.
Since the older Syndicate games were kind of sanbox/set in a landscape to assassinate or fulfill the other two mission types [since it was RTS]…combined FPS does that mean it'll be like… Assassin's Creed meets Deus Ex?? Would be badass. This game is on my list.
1st Person? your KIDDING RIGHT!
I've been wanting a return of this series forever but 1st person. This is the most disappointing news.
This really, really makes me an angry, sad panda. I want to punch my screen… :(:(:(:(:(
people have been clamouring for this for years!
so, does this mean were only moments away from EA announcing stewart black is back at criterion and doing a black 2?