Don't think the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection is just a graphical upgrade.
We get other features, too, all of which increase the value and appeal of the package. The man himself, Hideo Kojima, has now turned our attention to yet another little bonus:
If you check his Twitter page , Kojima has confirmed that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will boast online co-op via the infrastructure mode. The PSP version can also be played online, but you need Sony's adhocParty app and a connection to a PS3 that utilizes a wired internet connection. It doesn't need to be that complicated for the HD Collection ; just log on to the PSN or Xbox Live service and jump into some co-op fun, as you would with any other game that features the option.
Obviously, this makes us think of what the old MGS adventures would've been like with co-op…well, maybe they wouldn't have worked as well, but who knows? Personally, I will always see MGS as a one-man adventure with a singular protagonist.
Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
No word on it having split screen?
I thought MGS was a single player game also but I would like to see how this co-op mode works.
It won't sell on the Xbox without co-op
Multiplayer would only work in Peace Walker as it was designed with that in mind…and that's the only game that includes the option.
I'd like Split screen, but this online mode is great news in itself.
Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 9/5/2011 10:24:34 AM
This is why i never buy a psp just to play peace walker. I had a stong gut feeling that someday it will be upgraded in hd and be brought to consoles and i was right.This is a no-brainer D1P for me all the way since im a mgs fanatic. Me personally am just not into portable gaming.
I'm not in to portable gaming myself, just going to interfere with my PS3 gaming. But why no Portable Ops in this collection? Doesn't follow the story right after MGS3, it says on wiki.
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 9/5/2011 11:15:13 AM
I have PW on PSP and have tried to play it many times, but I just feel so disconnected from the cast. The political activites just overwrite the characters which just makes it less engaging and Every boss battle so far has been against an over the top futuristic machine, rather than a character, I will try to replay it with this PS3 release, but I am not getting my hopes up.
As for co-op, I pressume that'll be just for some of the missions…. actually that kind of nails my other problem with PW… missions. The other Metal Gear games structure felt far more engaging as I was not constantly taken back to a menu (Other than MGS3 to change my f'ing camo…) In PW you seem to take as much time on the menus than actually on the field.
Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 9/5/2011 11:21:40 AM
As if I needed another bonus reason to get this collection 🙂
Nice to know that it'll be included on the PS3 as well, I suppose.
Ok, I give in! I will buy this game when I see it on sale for $30 or less. $50 is a bit of a tougher sell when you've played and beaten all the games already.
I have MGS PW on psp, never touched the co-op. It's a great addition, however it's not really needed, the game is super easy even if you play it by yourself. PW is great game, easily my second favorite MGS right in behind MGS4.
no couch co-op?
come on is this generation really that antisocial!?
cant believe the amount of games these days that have online but no local co-op.
portal 2 especially, good luck getting through that with someone online!
half the people dont have mics so you cant instruct and coordinate with them, and the half that do either scream and swear like its the 4th of july, or theres so many networking issues.
we need to bring back the good old days of LAN parties!
Who said LAN parties are dead!? Just gotta find them! Not sure how it is down under but in the states there are still plenty of nerds that like to be in the same room as there comp or partner.
P.S. Im one of those nerds
Hi. I seriously finally joined the page as a member, and it was because of what that guy _____________ said up there that I decided to make the account… Anyways lets get to the point. Is it me or you are giving Portal 2 as an example of non-local co-op game? Because Portal 2 is in my opinion one game that has a very good split-screen co-op, as in you can totally hook up two controllers and play with one copy of the game with a friend… Totally worth it.