If you're craving a challenge, there can be only one game for you this fall.
It's the successor to From Software's award-winning Demon's Souls , and this pseudo-sequel might be even harder . Dark Souls looks fantastic but you'll have to buckle down and do your damndest to prevail; the mammoth bosses you will face are designed to intimidate and ultimately destroy. Several of them are highlighted in the new GamesCom trailer.
Scared yet? Or do you welcome this ramped-up difficulty in comparison to so many easier games? However, all that being said, I think the inherent challenge is what so often grabs our attention; we should also remember that Dark Souls could be a legitimate Game of the Year contender. From Software did it once…why can't they do it again?
Related Game(s): Dark Souls
I love good boss fights. Dont know if Dark Souls has a chance for GotY when Two Worlds Two has already laid claim to that title =p
My Demons Souls still sits on my shelf in it's shrink wrap. I want to play it, I do. But because of Fallout 3 and Lost Odyssey, I cant start it up just yet. Sorry, two activily played RPG's at one time is already too many. I think I'm close to the end of Fallout 3, though.
hahaha @ TWII.
You'll hafta let me know if you can hang with Demon's Souls whenever you get to it. That game needs to be part of a psychological test for people.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/18/2011 4:57:07 PM
How you liken Lost Odyssey?
Awesome!! 🙂 Can't wait.
Me either. 😮
Pre-ordered it in may….can't wait to be swearing at the game for getting killed to much:)
Concerning this, there is no such thing as too much.
(Atleast that's what I think the developers believe)
I remember when I was younger it was a challenge for me to beat most the PS2 titles I had (over 50 different ones).
Boy there was so much cursing!
I am rubbing my hands together with excitement
Your hands aren't going to be the only thing you'll be rubbing if you get any more excited.
Last edited by cLoudou on 8/18/2011 1:38:19 PM
don't start a fire
LOL @ cLoudou
*que Rocky theme*
It ain't over til it's over….bring it.
In all seriousness, i may have to perform a Rocky training scene in preparation for this game!
I think even an 80s montage wouldn't help you get past the first level in less than a week.
Looks awesome can't wait to destroy some big bosses
Hell yeah. Can't wait for it!
Absolutely amazing! I can't wait for the pain!
(Please note I am not into S&M…)
Loved the first one. I really want to kick some black phantoms' asses.
Trailer looks awesome. Oh my poor wallet…
It looks good now I wonder what the actual gameplay will look like
trailer is filled with gameplay…
Not a very good joke… :/
Well at least somebody noticed it was a joke :p
I'm ready to die over and over again. Pre-ordered a while ago and I can't wait to slay some evil beasts.
No offense to the fans, but I hope some day we get to see what From Software can do when they aren't trying to get people to jump out the window and punch old ladies in the face. 3D Dot Heroes was awesome.
You might want to give it a try. It's not as hard as you probably think. There's a reason why people like myself consider it one of there fav games this gen. Just a thought. 😉
I bought DS, it frustrated me to no end so I had to sell it. I understand that the point is to evoke a massive sense of accomplishment when a challenge is complete, but I don't play games for that any more. I only have so much time to spare and wasting it by doing the same thing I did over and over and over again pains me. If I'm not moving forward in a game I feel like it's just a waste of my time.
Hell is repetition.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/18/2011 5:27:37 PM
I bet if you had tried a bit harder you would have come to enjoy it yourself. When I first played DS I didn't get too far and stopped in frustration after maybe 3 bosses. I think at the time I had succumb to all the hype it got for being so hard and sort of psyched myself out. Then a few months later I went back and was able to find the right groove. LOVE IT NOW! <3
Catherine is quite similar in the repetitive gameplay aspect but it still manages to feel like quite the premium gaming experience reviewers and gamers alike are making out to be. I also have little time for gaming nowadays but if you're smart and you pay attention to the reviews you'll never be disappointed
Sorry Claire, but I don't like to have to work too hard at love. It should grab me pretty early or I find that I'm just deluding myself because I made it through the hard times and now feel I should justify my decision with affection.
A lot of DS fans love to claim how the game is all easy just because they are so pleased with themselves that they beat it. Sickens me because it isn't at all true.
It's not that they beat it but that they understand the mechanics more than when they started, which is true.
Don't worry, not everyone can see greatness when it's two inches in front of their face. =^.^=
And not everyone can escape delusions once they are trapped in them.
I think that we Demon's Souls was torture when first starting (or maybe still is for some). I almost have it platinumed but that is only because I finally figured out how to go about every enemy and boss. And trust me, there is a very specific stategy to use against every enemy depending what you have in your arsenal at the time.
For example, for the flame lurker boss there is this homing beam type magic that somehow takes a LOT of damage from him but is very weak against every other enemy. THe gargoyles are know to be one of the hardest bosses of the game but for some stange reason the inferno magic spell destoys them.
Basically you find out what the best way to beat the enemy is and you'll have DS mastered for consecutive gameplays.
@ World
Now with all that said, DS isn't going to be everyone's cup 'o tea so by no means am I trying to convince you to like this game. Just making the point that I've been were you are and of how I came to enjoy Demon's Souls.
Sorry but I still get nightmares from the days it took me to kill the Flamelurker in Demons Souls…
Takes a while to get over a wound like that so I am a bit wary of going back for another serious kicking…
Good luck to all that enters but for me it's a pass for the moment… For those that have never tried Demon's Souls and are waiting for this. You are in for a real treat!!!
I think both Demon/Dark Souls are for people who really want tat sense of achievement (as World mentioned a couple of comments above). I'm not into that myself anymore, so won't be picking this up. It just makes me go mad.
@ Gordo
Try the homing beam type spell on Flame lurker…
Man this looks great!
I'm gonna feel like a badass when I pwn all of those bastards.
this is the best game for me for the entire year, maybe entire generation, period.
When I was 16, I battled a Rocket launching Minotaur while playing Doom on my SNES. As a challenge from a friend, I shot it a few times to weaken it and had to go in for the kill with my Chainsaw. After I got done, I was filled with a feeling of accomplishment that I could barely put into words.
Every Boss fight in Demon's Souls gave me that feeling, and I am looking to getting it again when I take on these b**ches!
gonna take a hell of allot more then a game to scare me!
last game that seriously scared me, was, well cant remember its been that long!
last game i could call slightly scary was doom 3, but the last truly terrorfying game would probably have to be the suffering back on the ps1.
now that was just f*cked up 6 ways from sunday!
made hostel look like a freaking pixar movie!
im still a little iffy on this though.
octobers so full,so its not exactly the best month to release a game like this.
might pick it up in the bargain bin come drought time.