Many believe Resident Evil 6 will launch next year, even though it hasn't been officially confirmed.
We've seen a supposedly leaked logo and now, a reader turns our attention to the LinkedIn resume for Shannon Justison , a Previs Artist who says she has been working on cinematics for RE6 since June 2009.
Furthermore, Previs Studio The Third Floor has confirmed – via their Facebook page – that RE6 has been part of their workload. The Third Floor assisted with the likes of Lost Planet 2 and oh yes, Resident Evil 5 . This would mean RE6 has been in development for well over two years, which in turn would indicate that Capcom should make an announcement some time soon. This should come as good news to long-time fans of the franchise, right?
It should come as even better news to those who responded with disgust to Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City , a fast-paced third-person military shooter by SOCOM developer Slant Six. That one should be out later this year, if you're interested.
Related Game(s): Resident Evil 6
I respond with disgust to anything Resident Evil these days. There's just no hope for it now.
I'm gonna keep hoping for the best on this, from what i hear its a series reboot and it'll be retuning to it's roots. so we'll just have to wait and see.
Where did you hear that?
Do you really let one good, not great, game ruin a franchise for you?
I have an eye for what's happening, it isn't just the game it's the industry and the company. There is almost no benefit financially in them making the games scary or survival/horrory ever again and this is Capcom we are talking about. It is exceedingly rare for a series to make a single bad (bad meaning fans don't like it) entry in a new direction and then get better. Tomb Raider has a shot, but only because it is taking a whole new direction. The last triumphant return I can think of was Suikoden V after the turd that was Suikoden IV. Once you turn that corner it's hard to get back.
I don't need a weather-vane to know which way the wind blows.
I'd hate to have no hope.
I don't wanna say, but I got got so excited when I heard the rumors of RE6, I searched the net and found that Kotaku had the most, albeit limited, information.
if it really is a reboot, and really is sending the series back to the ps1 roots, ill eat my hat!
sorry, but RE6 being a proper survival horror RE game is as likely as ND buying the license back to crash bandicoot and doing remakes for the whole series!
All my hopes rest with Silent Hill: Downpour. That is a series that really doesn't have the option of becoming an action shooter, so it'll have to survive as a good horror game instead.
dont hold your breath on the new silent hill game being a traditional silent hill game.
IGN had a interview with one of the developers today, and he said they intend to find the fine line between action horror and survival horror.
then said horror games can have co-op, in fact multiple players make a game MORE scary!
yea, thats where he lost me.
Action is okay if done right, for instance running sequences can get your heart pounding. If they try to make the game a big shooter I'm gonna eat my shoe.
Probably a month after the HD remakes…
That's the point of remakes, right?
I was considering Code Veronica HD, but maybe I should wait on a price cut. The Dreamcast still looks great with an S-video cable.
Maybe it's going to be a long wait. I understand the HD remakes are going to be download only and that means they take a longer time to get price reductions.
Yeah, that they do, I guess I should say "sale" as those do happen from time to time with digital content.
That's one reason Vita is a problem for me, without UMDs the games could be full retail price forever.
Without UMDs? Vita isn't digital only, it uses a proprietary flash card format as well. Did you not know that?
I've heard, but we really don't know how it's gonna go down. It might only work for one Vita, thus no used sales.
That's so obviously NOT going to happen. Games on Vita will be like games on 3DS; you stick em in and play. If they were a one system deal I wouldn't ever consider buying a Vita just as I'm sure many others wouldn't either. Luckily I believe Sony not to be so stupid. You should too. :/
It's hard not to see the industry headed that way. You can't go online with someone elses game (online passes), you can't use someone elses saves (it disables trophies), you can't gameshare without putting someone elses account on your system.
Vita might not do it, but I think the future of gaming is going to eventually be games that are tied directly to a single system as developers and publishers further seek out how to destroy the used game market.
What if it were as you say, "one Vita" games, and I were to buy 20 new games for the system. Weeks later my Vita breaks, YLoDs, gets lost, stolen, whatever. Those games would then become nothing more than paperweights. Literally no one would buy if that were the case. It's not logical to assume that of physical media.
What is happening that I agree with you on is the push for digital only. I don't like it either because it doesn't feel like what you're buying is tangible. It feels like your just renting content instead as you don't physically own it.
Last edited by Claire C on 8/16/2011 3:41:23 PM
Announcement at TGS, if not Gamescon first.
I don't know. I love Resident Evil. All of them. Slow survival horrors AND the fast paced action – all these make my heart rush!
I think I'll be picking up ORC.
Damnit, I just want Capcom to reiterate the development of REPortable. Maybe it's REVita now…
The only way I'm picking this up is if it's impressive after a rental. Survival horror wise, not action!
Bring on the down thumbs, but I'd like to see some more Outbreak files.
no thanks!
if i wanted a mindless zombie shooter i got L4D2 to enjoy!
crapcom is officially my most hated publisher!
taken 2 of my favourite series and completely destroyed them!
as if what they did to DMC4 was not enough, look what ninja theroy have done to it!
o, and mind you they say crapcom wanted them to do it, so dont blame NT is crapcom who wanted the changes.
then what they did to my beloved RE4, then RE5, then that tactical shooter crap, i wont even slap RE onto it because it has NOTHING to do with the survival horror series!
i can forgive $E for what they did for XIII because it was still a half decent game.
what crapcoms done though is plainly unforgeable!!!!!!!!!!!
not to mention what they did to bionic commando, that talented sweed developer GRIN, lost planet 2, almost every one of there world famous series has now turned to sh*t!
crapcom are bigger sell outs then that coward holtz!
That new gameplay trailer for DmC doesn't look too bad IMO. Definitely see some of the old style in the shooting segments, and it was definitely fast paced enough to fit in with the series.
there quietness is exactly what worrys me.
still got a long way to go, but it just does not look like DMC to me.
i want the old style back, the way DMC3 was.
not as good as the original, but a hell of allot better then 2!
Man, makes you remember just how dedicated you have to be to create games. Two+ years on ONE game.
You have to have a passion for it to be able to do it, thats for sure.
Two years on a single project isn't hard, but try bringing something to life for six and you'll have a whole new appreciation of the people that dedicate their lives to a single thing…
Two years is alot for something that could quite as easily flop as it could be the thing that ends your job, depending on the sales. Six years on a project is another thing completley, that's just your life devoted to it, E.G Kazunori Yamauchi. He has devoted he is life to cars and, in particular, the GT series. Not to mention the money he's poured into it..(60 million on the last game). If that's not dedication what is?
If it's anything at all like the previous two, then I'm passing this time around.
Resident evil 6 hmmm? yes why not!
Continuing leon's & ada's story is better than a reboot just make it single player again & give leon a hand to hand CQC combat system so he can break arms & legs,use the body weight of the enemies against themselves to clear a path for himself & also make every incoming attack dodgeable.
I wanna find out how they end up because leon does like a lady who can handle herself.
Remember that scene in Enter the dragon where bruce lee kicks the sh!t out of 30 guards in the underground complex?…yeah well change brucie boy for leon & the guards for zombies,some handgun & shotgun action here & there and BOOM Resident EVIL 6.
Last edited by Lord carlos on 8/16/2011 6:13:50 AM
Meh…I'll need to get more info. RE really put me off once they went away from zombies..Couldn't really get into the newer ones for some reason. I tried, but it just wasn't the RE I remembered..
I've been waiting for RE6 to be confirmed for a while now. Loved five and four.
4 was the sweet spot, scary but still up to date and not tank-like. Operation Raccoon City will probably be great though for the 3 people who buy it.
LMAO, I'm not going to lie, I'll probably be one of those three people, but its still funny. 🙂
i'll prolly get it just cause it's RE. 🙁
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IMO gameplay wise the RE games have been stagnant, i mean driving a tank you could display more agility than the char of RE. That is until RE4 and RE5, now I really like the gameplay mechanic evolution and not getting frustrated at the character being too constipated to move the way i wanted 😛