Pre-order numbers are often a good indication of future overall sales, and Amazon is reporting some huge numbers for several established franchises.
Recently, we heard that Battlefield 3 pre-orders were currently 10 times higher than that of Bad Company 2 at a similar point before release. Now, Amazon UK compares BF3 to its true predecessor ( Battlefield 2 on the PC), and the new game is 2,032% higher in regards to pre-orders. Unsurprisingly, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is still topping EA's offering.
But what might be even more impressive is that Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception pre-orders are currently up 488% over those for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves . Remember, as the industry continues to grow, it's a little unfair to compare BF3 to BF2, given the 6-year gap. However, with a nearly 500% leap in pre-orders for the new Uncharted …well damn, it seems Naughty Dog is going to get the financial success they deserve.
Which isn't to say Among Thieves didn't sell well; we just think the best game of the generation should've sold more.
yea i feel like uncharted 2 should have sold way more …but as you know good stories don't really sell as well as these shallow shooters anymore
YES…Uncharted 1 and 2 are classics!
Indeed. 😀
I have both Uncharted and Battlefield preordered along with Resistance 3. We know B3 is gonna sell massively but I think U3 might sell more than we expect.
Let's not forget that Battlefield is coming to consoles, that makes it part of a bigger market.
I'm glad Uncharted 3 is primed to be almost as big as it deserves to be (cuz let's face it the game deserves CoD sales numbers and will never get them) but it just goes to show you that numbers after titles sell games better than the games themselves.
Yes, its about time…
:O I know that people were still leery of Uncharted when Among Thieves came out and may have been reluctant to shell out on a preorder based entirely on hype. BUT, you do realise that if the previous preorder number is indicative of total sales in comparison to preorders this time around, it could sell in excess of 20 million copies? *Faints*
But we all know that THAT is impossible… right? Regarding BF3, well duh the preorder numbers are going to be massive over BF2, but to hear that they're ten times what BFBC2 had, it could well go on to rival MW3 if the critical reception post release is as good as prerelease.
I think Uncharted 2 sold well for the game that it is; a third-person platform adventure game where the shooting mechanic ISNT the main focus.
Also, I played the SP for like the 27th time last night, and I still think it's the best this generation has to offer. I really struggle to see how UC3 can top this, even merely match it. I'm sure UC3 is going to be brilliant, but I will forever see UC2 as my faveourite in the series. If I were to put my top 3 games in order I would, however, only put it second to MGS4. But my faveourite moment in gaming (so far) has to be the sanctuary level in UC2. It realy is perfect. It's where the story REALLY picks up and when the graphics are shown at their best, all gameplay mechanics (stealth, action sequences) are in play, and to top it off the music is just incredible suitable for that segment of the game, asif it was made for it and the game was made for the music.
Even Naughty Dog called Uncharted 2 a "one-off" they said they have upped everything in every possible way but it's hard to be certain everything will fit together perfectly to be as awesome as it was in Uncharted 2. And let's face it that's gotta be true. U3 could be better, but I wouldn't be pissed if it wasn't as perfect as U2 was.
that is a good point. i know that a few of my firends were turned off by the climbing sections in uc2. so much so they just could not get into it. pretty strange, huh? that is a common complaint i run into when i mention uc, though. i guess gamers can be pretty inpatient.
lol… Climbing? Really? That's kinda funny.
One new element I noticed that I liked, there's one spot in the main trailer where Drake is in a gun fight while swimming in water. He leans up against a wooden pole in the water for cover and draws his gun.
In the past uncharted's, you can't draw your weapon while swimming in water. That's at least 1 added feature I noticed.
Straight up shooter nuts can't fathom spending 3 minutes on a climbing sequence. We just have to accept that and realize they have no attention span.
The thing I love about uncharted is, say if I was in a firefight [in multiplayer] & I'm on the backfoot, e.g 2 v 1, I can just plan an escape route, using the climbing mechanic, and get out of trouble. For example (I've used this route so many times), your on the sanctuary map, and you're taking cover behind the big piece of wood that is directly oppisite the big opening (on either side of the map), and in that opening are like 3~5 people shooting at you (that's usually the case as that's where the enemy spawn), you can just throw a nade to distract them, get out of cover, jump on (not over) the circular gap thing, jump off upto the platform, then jump up onto the roof, take cover and bam, you've got a height advantage over them, or be adventurous/suicidal and try and flank them either left or right. That may sound a little contrieved, atleast in the world of online shooters, but its a perfectly normal tactic in Uncharted…and that's why I love it so much 😀
Yeah World, Uncharted 2 always felt like a 'one-off' game, you just can't create two of those.
Not unless your god or something
(which ND aren't far off from being lol).
Well, I actually thought that Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was at least as good of a game as Among Thieves, except for the graphics part, in some ways even better! So in no way do I have any doubts that they'll be able to pull it off again with U3!
so, now ND can try something different?
come on ND, enough uncharted give your fans what they have been clamouring for over a decade!
whats that?
no, not J&D why the hell would anyone want that!?
Remember, as the industry continues to grow, it's a little unfair to compare BF3 to BF2, given the 6-year gap.
Am I just reading that 6yr gap wrong? BF2 was 2009/2010 no?
Last edited by frostface on 8/11/2011 6:38:10 AM
No, you're thinking Bad Company 2, not Battlefield 2 itself.
Great to know these two games which I am most interested in are topping the pre-order charts… great stuff…
Actually, its a shame one of these big hitting games were not release like this week… would have kept the scum off British streets. They could have rioted on their consoles rather than harming the general law abiding public and their property… what yobbos… Scum bags!
Is it bad if I don't pre-order either? The only thing I have pre-ordered for the fall is Dark Souls.
well damn, it seems Naughty Dog is going to get the financial success they deserve.
This, definitely. If anyone deserves it, it's Naughty Dog!!