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Why I Wouldn’t Buy A New PlayStation Or Xbox In 2012

It's a good thing Sony and Microsoft probably don't intend to introduce new pieces of hardware next year, because I probably wouldn't buy 'em if they did.

For work purposes, I'd obviously need the PS4 but left to my own devices, I wouldn't get anything. And it's strange, too. Historically speaking, we should all be begging for new consoles; in 2012, the Xbox 360 will be approaching its seventh year and the PlayStation 3 will be in the midst of its fifth, and approaching the sixth. In any other generation prior to this one, new hardware would probably be slated to launch this holiday season.

But regardless of what Sony or Microsoft could produce, it just feels as if the current generation is nowhere near finished. I can't really put my finger on it, but I'm firmly convinced developers can do a lot more with the current hardware. Furthermore, maybe it's because consoles took such a huge leap in terms of overall entertainment appeal (Internet, movies, music, etc.) this generation; I mean, at this point, it feels like replacing a computer. Price is almost irrelevant; I really couldn't see myself buying anything new in 2012, and it's primarily because I'm plenty happy with what I have. I think many gamers are.

We also shouldn't forget that new games continued to arrive for both the PlayStation and PlayStation 2 after the successor arrived. I mean, God of War II and Final Fantasy XII came out after the PS3 launched in North America. Well, not quite with FFXII; it released a few weeks before the PS3 came out, but you get my point. And more amazing games could easily be released on both the PS3 and 360, as developers continually say more can be done. They stress that point. In years and generations past, I was always more than read for a new round of consoles. I think we all were.

But there's definitely something different about this particular generation, and I'm in no rush whatsoever to upgrade. So take your time, hardware making people.

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13 years ago

u buy an xbox?

13 years ago

Yeah, Ben does not really discriminate when it comes to good games. He said so himself long ago.

I'd buy an Xbox too if it were a good idea to do so, but it ain't.

Also, I feel the same as Ben, it feels too early for the next generation of consoles to hit the market. If I were to draw up an analogy with food, if I'm eating a full meal with appetizers, main course and dessert, it's still like I'm halfway through the main course. That's what it's like with the PS3, anyway.

13 years ago

he has to play alan wake on something

13 years ago

nothing wrong with owning a xbox. Why limit yourself to one console when you can have both

13 years ago

I have all 3 consoles yet my PS3 is the only one that see's the power grid…I'm almost afraid to turn my 360 bc I'm sure I'll get the RRoD (been about 18 months since I've turn it on and the 2nd one prior to my first RRoD). As for the Wii…annoys me more that its not HD so haven't played it since Mario Cart. O.O

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Well, I have it for Gears and Alan Wake but these days, that's about it.

The exclusive lineup between the two platforms isn't even remotely close to comparable, but so long as the Xbox has even one franchise I really want to play, I'll own the platform.

…I'd just never pay for it on launch day. It'd be a while.

13 years ago

Think about Alan Awake is that you have to get DLC to get the full ending, as the DLC is a continuation. Not that I have played it because this news has put me off it completely…

13 years ago

Ben is one of the lucky ones, he hasn't been through 5 of them, he got one that works.

13 years ago

"Yeah, Ben does not really discriminate when it comes to good games. He said so himself long ago."

Unless its on the Wii.

13 years ago

or PC………..

13 years ago

… Or Android…


13 years ago

Yeah, it's true. Hard to blame him though. Android, PC, and Wii all suck balls.



Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/9/2011 9:13:50 AM

13 years ago

no ios love?
anyone who has a apple device and has not played infinity blade should be jailed for a minimum of 15 years!
freaking awesome game!!!!!!!

13 years ago

I think it's the age of the gamers on this site, i'm raring to go but that because i'm a teen. The older you get the more conformable you are and the less you want change. That's what i think anyway.

13 years ago

That's a good point, but I also believe it has to do with the ability to recognize value you when you see it.

With the Playstation 3, there isn't a better value on the market.

13 years ago

You make a great observation. But, as one who's getting 'older' (sigh). I can attest that it's not so much about comfort, or reluctance to change. It's about time, it's all about time.

Wife, kids, house, job all adds up to not having even a fraction of the gaming time I had when I was younger. So despite having owned a PS3 since launch, I've spent considerably less time with it than I had with PS2, and PS1. The novelty still hasn't worn off, and I still have a serious backlog of great games to play. If I still had the gaming time I had in my teens, or even early 20's then I'd probably be a lot more receptive to a new console.

13 years ago

Goodness, I never thought about it in that way.

I too feel no need for a new console. Hell, I'm still amazed by the graphics in most games.

BUT just like you guys, I too only game for a couple hours a week. Maybe if I was on the PS3 3-4 hours a day, I too would want something else.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
13 years ago

Dunno. I'm a teen too but I'm not getting a new PS4 even if it comes out. The PS3 is so powerful and it hasn't been fully used – and most of the games we're playing today are really just HD versions of PS2 games. It was nowhere near the difference between PS1 and PS2, or SNES and PS1.

At this point the hardware is still ready to push out more and the games themselves aren't ready for a PS4 – we'd still be playing PS2 games on it. Besides that…I have too many great games to play already 😛

13 years ago

I'm a teen and I'm not excited for a new generation, think about the groundbreaking games yet to release – we don't need to get new hardware

13 years ago

Well, the only reason I would buy a PS4 is if Gran Turismo was a launch game.

Xbox? Wouldn't buy one anyways. The PlayStation takes care of everything.

13 years ago

I'm with you on this.

The games that the 360 has I'm not interested in, I don't like Halo, I don't like Gears, not interested in Alan Wake. So, what would be the point in spending money on a console that doesn't have games that appeal to me? I would probably buy one if a game came out that I liked though. It depends on how good the game is.

13 years ago

Right now I'm beginning to feel it. The feeling for wanting more. This is due in part because I know 6 years of hardware advancements can make for some tremendous improvements in game design. I think because right now the idea of the the next gen is more of what conceptually exists in my mind it doesn't become quite as wanting just yet. The desire for something that hasn't been unveiled yet.
Though, I have zero doubt that once the next gen hardware debutes, with game demos showcasing the next gen of assassins creed, metal gear and more, gamers by and large will be salivating to have a play. The carrot has yet to dangle in front of the herds' faces. And when it does, store shop campers will populate city streets to have one.

13 years ago

Good point. We haven't seen next-generation games yet. Opinions may change when we have.

I lean towards sooner rather than later, providing it plays PS3 games.

13 years ago

"it feels like replacing a computer" -> That's exactly how it feels. It's just so much more than "just" a games console.
It plays my blu-ray movies, music CDs, series on DVD, stream playback from the media server, it's my music video player…
One gets attached to such a device!

13 years ago

Beamboom you should know that's like saying the motorcycle will replace the automobile 😉 Where in realty the motorcycle is an automobile too. Sony has pushed hard to convince some governmental authorities that their Playstation consoles are categorically computers and not toys. Taxation reasons.

The thought that traditional desktop PCs are being replaced by phones, tablets, and game systems isn't inaccurate, but the scope of those statements shouldn't be made in blanketed generalizations. Ps3's may replace home media entertainment PCs in some homes, but seeing that PCs are functionally used in so many other areas of life, PCs aren't going away anytime soon.

13 years ago

No no, it feels like the ps3 *itself* is a computer that's being replaced (with a newer ps). At least that's how I understood that statement?

If not then I retract my first post here. 😀 Cause the PS3 will never become a PC substitute… Oh no!
But the PS3 itself is so much more than just a games machine, so my relationship with it is almost like if it was a computer. That's how I meant it. Well, it *is* a computer. It's just too closed to ever become as useful as a "real" computer. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/8/2011 1:48:09 PM

13 years ago

Give the PS3 an e-mail client and a functioning browser and I'd (almost) never touch a PC.

13 years ago

Really? Wow, then you don't use your PC for much, I must say…!

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/9/2011 5:49:03 AM

13 years ago

After Vita delay, it's clear there will be no ps4 next year, but MS may decide this a good opportunity to push xbox out the door toward end of next year.

13 years ago

Maybe….but it could all be that we are still in a depression. People are still hurting for money unlike the last few consols that came out. The specs are fine an i agree that we don't need another new system (Microsoft or Sony) for at least another 4 years. Sure start looking at what is out there….but no need to spend boocko bucks on something that wont be fully tapped into until a few years in.

13 years ago

I am satisfied with my PS3's and if Sony released a new console I would definitely buy it (I'm a tech freak) but would really wonder why when the fall line up for the PS3 is utterly amazing.

As for the 360…I don't think Microsoft needs to release a new console but would like to see some more games as I have not purchased a game for it in about 2 years…? Anyone else having this problem? Gears 3 is the only game I have on my list and not seeing anything in the future line up that would make push me for a day 1 purchase.

13 years ago

I have that problem also….I've had a 360 for 3 years and only have 5 games, I do not see any that I want in the future.

Now a PS4 I would buy on day 1 since there's usually something extra in the 1st version of the console

13 years ago

I hear you man. I only have Gears 2, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, and Halo Reach and ODST…really not to choose from out there…

13 years ago

Development time & cost are almost twice as much as the last generation. I think that's the biggest factor

13 years ago

I'm not ready yet due to the lack of games this gen. I knw thats harsh But I am still expecting big things from developers, I want to see FFXV before the PS3 is finished or Tekken 7, a new Dead Space, Resident Evil. I would not expect the PS4 to be released untill 2014 and I cant see myself buying one until it goes down a bit so we're looking at 2015-16…PS3 still has far much to accomplish to reach the level of selection the PS1 and PS2

13 years ago

I'm not ready to buy one, I'm ready for an unveiling. Please just tease us! I wouldn't mind a ps4 unveiling for E3 2012 and a release date way later, like a year late in 2013-2014. But at least tease us, that's all I'm asking. I don't want a price tag, or a release date.

Sony should just aim for a early release date this time, right next to the next Xbox. If ps3 was released earlier, I bet it would be doing much better right now.

13 years ago

Since we're already at 1080p there's nothing new graphics wise that a new console can do.We're already at the top of the graphics mountain.Only thing they can do is maybe add a better internet browser to the ps4 or some kinda apps program.I have both a PC and an i phone so i don't see anything that a new console would offer that i don't already have.I could see a NEW Xbox with a windows based OS & internet browser but that's about it.But as far as graphics go we're already there folks.1080p

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

It's a gigantic mistake to assume we're at the "top of the graphics mountain."

1080p is hardly the max. And those who are old enough said, "can't get any better than this" with just about every new generation, starting with the original Nintendo.

If there's anything this industry's history has taught us, NOBODY can predict the future.

13 years ago

@ BigStack: just bc the current TVs can't handle the resolution does not mean the resolution can't get any better. Plus, most games are still only at x720 and we have barley tipped the x1080 aspect of gaming…you find me a 'good' game (on disc) at FULL x1080 and we can have this conversation again.

Side note: just think, x2160 is out there and a high possibility.

Last edited by anjpikapp3 on 8/8/2011 1:35:44 PM

13 years ago

A few months ago BBC got demonstrated a TV that has the same resolution as the human vision. They reported it was like looking out of a window.

We have hardly begun climbing that hill.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/8/2011 1:52:33 PM

13 years ago

ray tracing………..
nuf said!

13 years ago

1080p is the top of the hill for now. There are multiple factors that make it likely that increasing resolution beyond 1080p will not happen for some time.

First of all, 1080p is not yet even nearly the ubiquitous standard that good old SDTV was, broadcasters haven't even moved t it yet, we're lucky if they even hit 1080i. HDTVs are just now beginning to hit the price points that drive mass adoption into every living room and then into the secondary rooms of the house. Until 1080p screens are in every room of the house, it's ridiculous to talk of higher resolution than that.

Secondly, a higher resolution than 1080p starts to hit the physical limits in terms of the resolution the human eye can perceive at a given distance on a given screen size. So if you take a 40-inch screen and quadruple the resolution (2160p), you will have to view it from a much shorter distance than for 1080p. You'd be close enough that you may have to turn/tip your head to look at different portions of the screen. There is an equation for deriving the smallest element the human eye can perceive and at what distance, basically it comes down to the human eye being good to about 1 arc second. You can use that to figure out the horizontal resolution detectible and at what distance. I remember reading a large and detailed analysis of this that showed that for full 1080p you need a screen in the 45-50 inch range and a viewing distance of about 8 feet was the ideal, and the point at which the eye can properly resolve the screen. A smaller screen cut the distance, and a larger screen increased it. If you double the horizontal resolution of the screen, you will have to sit considerably closer to be able to see the difference on a 'normal' sized screen.

there are other factors such as BluRay adoption, no one in Hollywood wanting to supply content at such fidelity (they were nervous of BluRay for that reason), and 3D adoption happening at 1080p which drives the video data flow requirements to quite high levels already.

PCs have higher resolution screens and graphics cards capable of driving that, but then we set 2-3 feet from our 19-26-inch monitors and so we can perceive the additional resolution – up to a point. Perhaps we ought to remember that console games are played on TVs, not desktop monitors? What a PC can do when maxed out is not a determinant of what a games console should do.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/9/2011 10:34:32 AM

13 years ago

Nah, it would be stupid to release a new system now.

the jump in graphical fidelity would not be high enough. (The PS3 can still handle a lot of what devs are throwing at it)

but for SONY's Sake they better have something in the works, because launching late is a serious problem.

what they need to focus on is making it super easy for developers to create for it and ease of use for the general public. oh and PSN (Needs a major overhaul)

either way i said this b4 n im saying it again, im happy with my PS3 not buying another console until at least 2015

13 years ago

Where are you getting a TV that runs higher than 1080p Ben?
Let us know when you find one cause i want one.If your suggesting that i'll have to buy a NEW TV to go with a NEW console then i'll keep my $$$.

Last edited by BigStack007 on 8/8/2011 12:53:41 PM

13 years ago

Resolution is irrelevant at this point. What matters is various graphical effects current gen of consoles can not do. There is also issue with small memory, and having more processing power never hurts.

13 years ago

Use the reply button bro

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Maybe not TVs, but you read around the web of people whose monitors go up to 2560-ish.

13 years ago

How many games do you have that runs at 1080p?

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/8/2011 2:00:12 PM

13 years ago

My PS3 is in it for the long haul.

And I'm not even thinking about, or ready, for any next gen consoles yet.

And if my new sweetie should ever need repairs(knock on wood), those f*cking package bungling primates at the USPS will never get their hands on this one!!!!

BTW, they recently denied my insurance claim for my Phat Princess that they smashed.
They outright baldfaced lied & said I didn't send them all the info when I sent everything f*cking thing that they requested, so now I have to figure out what my next move against them is going to be.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/8/2011 12:57:56 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Sorry to hear that. Threaten legal action, if that doesn't work, I'm out.

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