When we praised David Jaffe for being up front with gamers concerning the Twisted Metal delay , we said he reacted just like a gamer.
But he wasn't done. Over the weekend, Jaffe has been answering more questions from the fans, and the crux of the matter involved more reasons; i.e., why the game isn't ready yet. Well, there's a summary of those reasons at Examiner.com and as you can see, there are gameplay-specific flaws that really need to be addressed. Here are just a few:
— Iron Maiden has a few boss attacks that don't have strong enough telegraphs (aka- the player isn't able to clearly, consistently tell when she is going to launch the attack)
— We are not 100% happy with the XP rank up tuning….we don't want you to be able to hit the level cap too soon but we also don't want the level cap to be so hard to reach that only super amazing hard core can reach it
— Pick up placements for split screen local gaming needs more attention
There are other reasons, too, and we won't say they're "excuses." If there are problems with a product, they need to be fixed before the consumers get their hands on them. This counts double if the product is to bear a well-respected name like Twisted Metal . And because of this inside look at the development process, we'll patiently await a new release date in 2012.
Related Game(s): Twisted Metal
To quote myself:
"Well, how's that for nitty gritty development details that you never hear from industry types? Sure beats 'We are committed to bringing you the best experience possible' doesn't it?"
It doesn't seem like such big issues. I think they are using this to build some hype for the game and push it out of the high competition before christmas to boost some sales
In the full text he does mention that it is a horrible time to release the game around other huge titles.
i don not see the delay as a bad thing becuase i think this game would have been crushed by this fall's bigger titles. i suspect jaffe realizes this and it is probably a factor in tm's delay.
I was thinking the same, this looks very much like minor tweaks. I strongly suspect the major reason here is to push it out of the high competition.
Not that there is anything wrong in that, and any game can use some extra polish 🙂
Last edited by Beamboom on 8/8/2011 3:49:45 AM
i agree entirely. i am just going to flat out say it….this game was delayed becuase jaffe knows it will get crushed this fall. in the full text jaffe says this is NOT the reason at all. while i give jaffe props for being candid i don't think he is being entirely truthful there.
Why can't all developers just speak their minds and be completely honest like Jaffe?
I don't mean swearing like a drunken sailor, but just being completely honest about what you're up to, and whether or not you're listening to your fans. If you don't like what your fans are saying about the game, or if you think fans' expectations are ridiculous, I can only see Jaffe actually saying so without sugar coating it, and I have heaps of respect for honest people like that.
Take all the time you need Jaffe. The industry needs more people like you.
Glad to see him detail what is in need of tuning in the game instead of some PR about how they are polishing up the game to make it better. Most of the time it comes off as a marketing tool to justify moving a game to a different date where it might get better sales.
Most games get delayed, so that's not a real kick in the pants for me.
I do appreciate that he was very up front with the whys and whats.
I think it's all worth it, and the justification regarding the release date among the other titles makes sense as well.
I'd hate for such a great product like Twisted Metal to do poorly simply because it was lost in a sea of games, if it turns out to be as great as we're all expecting it to be. I haven't been this excited about a TM game since TM: Black.
I like that it's about his own personal satisfaction with the game, rather than someone saying, 'Oh, this isn't good enough'. It just goes to show how much faith Sony must have in this guy. He said himself that they could release it at the October 4 date, but he wouldn't be happy, and the fans wouldn't be getting the experience they expect. I like this guy… Can we PLEASE replace Bobby Kotick with Jaffe? We'd have some creative integrity back in the industry then 😀
iron maiden…..im buying it
oh god hes starting to turn into kaz!
please david, nothing perfect if we wait for you to be happy with everything it will be Christmas 2017!
He gets a pass for delaying a highly anticipated game because he was "honest" about it? Somehow I doubt anyone else in the industry would get off this lightly lol. Especially when I believe as others here have stated, that the delay is likely (partly anyway)due to stiff competition around the release date.
Hey, at least he's gone into details about what's 'wrong' with the game, and what they're going to fix. Respect goes to anyone who has balls enough to be candid with their customers and fans.
Also, as World alluded to above:
"No real way to ship Twisted Metal sooner than the date we are currently shooting for (early 2012)…Sorry for the delay. But the extra months are really needed for polish and we feel we need more than 4-6 weeks (which would see us hitting shelves in your suggested November time frame) of polish/tuning. Also hitting smack dab in mid Nov/Mid Dec is a bad time to release this game (although that was not the reason we delayed AT ALL…we WANTED to be out in Oct)…"
It's better than the Dark Souls delay, with no details whatsoever (admittedly, that's only being kicked back by a week, but it's the same principle, right?).
Its easier to respect the truth versus a company line that says nothing. It's like an insult, treats the gamer as a small matter.
Respects = Jaffe!
I am really interested in this game, but I am glad they are taking the time to get everything right.
It's a Sony exclusive, so the reviewers are going to be tough on it!!
Im glad they're letting it simmer in the pot a bit longer…we waited this long for a new TM, so whats a few more months? Go JAFFE!!!
Oh yeah, for the record, For those of you who stopped playing after TM 2 you missed out on one of the Best of the series (Twisted Metal Black). I would still go grab it if you havent had a chance to play it, just to hold you over until the next comes out.
Handled with honesty and class. Ain't nothin' wrong with that! The new TM looks like it's going to be a blast.
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