This one sort of caught us by surprise, but that doesn't mean we can't still party.
Episode #4 of our PSXE Show has arrived in PlayStation Home, and I tackle the oft-requested Final Fantasy subject (old-school glory vs. new directions), admit that Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite game of all time (and likely always will be), address my dislike for Batman: Arkham Asylum (despite how great it is), and show off my game collection. I think it's our best episode yet, as the footage is all awesome and we've got a lot of smaller segments for the sake of fluidity. You really shouldn't get bored. You just have to wait through a few minutes of a small LBP podcast in the Community Theater, and then we're up.
However, because we didn't realize it was popping up in Home this week, we didn't schedule our get-together. The good news is that the show just keeps running for a while, so I figured we'd schedule it for the normal time: 5 p.m. PST (8 p.m. EST) on Thursday. Also, stay tuned the following week for some Home announcements…we've heard whispers of something big on the horizon…but we can't talk about it yet. 🙂
Btw, we usually do giveaways for these parties, and I know I have four Scribble Shooter codes that I can hand out to attendees.
I should also get the Resistance 3 beta codes before Thursday but if not, maybe I'll give away God of War: Origins…
Ben, you spoil us! 🙂
That is what is so good about PSXeXtreme… readers and contributors are valued 🙂
Unfortunately, until I can get on Home I can't attend the parties, but I will see when and how I can get my PS3 repaired sometime in the future 🙁 No pick-up or delivery repair service in Singapore.
Last edited by Qubex on 8/6/2011 10:12:29 PM
Dammit !
I won't be at this episode, or any others any time soon. Not until I get more internet. My buddies moving and had his turned, cool of him to let my girl and I use it though.
So, ill be comming here to get a recap of the show, or watching it on yuotube via my android when it gets there.
Good luck with the codes though everyone.
are those codes for just ameicans or for canadians also?
just curious…
All codes would be for the US, I believe. But maybe they're for all of North America…I can find out.
Wish this could occur on Fridays since I work very long hours (8PM CST) Mon-Thurs for the summer. 🙁
Glad too see it back on Thursday night (Friday morning my time) since I work during the weekends.Looking forward to joining you guys again for a little fun at Home, barring any similar issues I've had with it a few weeks ago. And maybe I should get myself a USB keyboard too. LOL
Hey Ben, now that you've got this show in Home do you get messages from groupies?
either way is cool, like i said, i was just curious. but i know theres one or two
other canadians on here that might be interested.
as for me, i'm not into DD games much or mp. i'm guessing that the R3 codes are for mp?
I can't even stay connected to PSN anymore. I didn't change anything and the internet connection is fine, it just started signing me out with error codes all the time. So I'm lucky to be on for 10 minutes so there won't be any luck getting to Home if I could find the time.
Works fine for me. Probably just temporary.
I know its only me, I just hope there's nothing wrong with my system. It's been that way for a couple weeks now.
It could be that the system is somehow messing with the signal. For some reason, I had to turn off a bunch of strange settings before my connection would work properly; whenever I went to do an update for a game, it would freeze and my router would get knocked for a loop.
Sometimes resetting the router has it up for a day, maybe I'll teak the MTU…
Sometimes ISP's change things and screw you over inadvertantly. I'd give your ISP a call and see if they have any recent changes. I know my ISP blocked the port for email clients and really messed with me for a while lol.
When I get back to uni. in september I'm going to create a US PSN account, I feel like i'm missing out on a lot with these sessions 😛
I have the worst luck. My last day of work at this job is on Thursday…
Can someone please tell me where the show is at home? I been to the theater but didn't know what it was called. Its not by any chance the show called platinum, right? Thnks!
Last edited by Vidius on 8/7/2011 7:02:49 PM
Community Theater. Theater 10.
just thinking, will the show still be up on thursday?
Home goes offline on Wensday night for the usual update.
if this causes any confusion, let me know and i'll edit this message.
Shows usually stay in the loop for at least 2 weeks.
thanks, i did'nt know that
Good show!!! XD
With The Elder Scrolls and Arkham Asylum, you def are crazy. Next you're gonna tell me you don't like Demon's Souls. :/
Final Fantasy Tactics def went up on my to-do list. I always wondered what your avatar was till I saw that pic on the back of the FFT case.
What episode was it that showed off your PS1 games?? I missed it. Will it be on YouTube?
Last edited by Claire C on 8/7/2011 11:07:20 PM
I think Ben meant the array of FF games. I don't recall anything else in past episodes.
Thanks Ben. I will try to be there. 🙂
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