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Bungie Talks Mystery Project, Working Title Of “Tiger”

Bungie has a 10-year exclusive publishing deal with Activision, and we know they've got a new multiplatform project in the works.

But what else do we know? Well, the most we've ever seen has just been released in this "O Brave New World" video (it's an hour long, so brace yourself), where the developers start off by talking about their new endeavor. It's like "starting over," they say; it's going from having the surest thing in the world in Halo to something completely unproven and untested.

It'll run on an all-new engine and rumors have stated that it's similar to a MMO. Right now, it has the working title of "Tiger" and boasts a somewhat familiar logo … In the video, Bungie adds more weight to the MMO rumor, saying the new game doesn't tell an "isolated story," but it takes on "a life of its own." They also say the game will "become more the fans' than it is ours." Now, that logo was first seen a few months ago with dummy corporation Podophobia Entertainment filed a trademark for "Destiny," also rumored to be a MMO FPS. Anyway, here's the video: