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“Rezurrection” Black Ops DLC Detailed

Well, you can't blame them for ignoring a Call of Duty entry; the downloadable content continues to flow.

Activision Blizzard has revealed the next piece of DLC for Black Ops , which will be available for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC "sometime before September 30."

We're not sure if it'll officially be dubbed "Resurrection" or "Rezurrection" but that's a pretty trivial difference. The point is that it'll be another $15 add-on and it'll unsurprisingly debut on Xbox Live on August 23. The pack boasts five levels for the game's Zombie mode along with a 20-song Zombies soundtrack. Four of the maps are remakes of the environments from Call of Duty: World at War ; the fifth, Moon, is all new and yeah, it's set on the moon. …nifty.

However, bear in mind that the four aforementioned map remakes were included with the Hardened and Prestige editions of Black Ops , so the pack won't be quite as important for certain gamers. The good news is that if you're one of those Hardened or Prestige owners, you can download the "Rezurrection" pack for free. Lastly, Activision once again reminded us that Black Ops was the best-selling title in the US and Europe for the first 6 months of 2011.

As for total add-on packs, CEO Eric Hirshberg confirmed that over 14 million DLC packs have been sold for Black Ops thus far. He even said that the game "sees more daily unique players and has higher average revenues per player than any title on Facebook." Overall number of copies sold of Black Ops ? 25 million. Anything else you need to know?

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops

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13 years ago

I need to know how ashamed I should be of people who buy all these expensive packs filled 3/4ths of the way with rehashed stuff.

13 years ago

…Umm..yaaaa about that World…

13 years ago

haha yeah?

13 years ago

What's wrong about dlc coming out late?? Look at the game grid it's first dlc came like 2 years after it came out.

13 years ago

i think i may have underestimated microsofts strategy of locking down early dlc. it's not just the cod games either. a lot of times we have fo wait for dlc. bethesda and rockstar do this a lot and so do a lot of other publishers. i guess ms is paying them to do this.

i imagine that has more of an impact than i originally thought at first. people want to play that dlc asap. i know a guy who went out and bought a 360 so he could play section 8 prejudice early. it is coming to the ps3 soon. maybe it's already out. what's strange is he tried section 8 on the ps3 and absolutely loved it. loved it so much he did not want to wait for prejudice so he got a 360.

i guess i am not a good enough salesman. consumers can be pretty whacky sometimes. i did not consider section 8 prejudice as a console seller.

one final thing 25 million copies sold is almost unbelievable. i do not think having one title getting all those sales is healthy for the industry.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 8/3/2011 10:08:07 PM

13 years ago

Ps3 has its share of early and exclusive dlc. For example, ps3 has or will receive dlc for ACB, Batman, L.A Noire, Mafia 2, Bioshock, Sniper: Ghost Warrior and BF3. Ps3 gets its share too 🙂

13 years ago

first of all i am not talking about exclusive dlc. i am talking about early access to dlc. none of those games are nearly as popular as cod, r* games, and bethesdas. i can well imagine having early dlc on the biggest games out there has more of an impact than i thought. no way the cod fans are waiting around for that content. same goes for fans of gta games, and bethasdas.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 8/4/2011 10:08:59 AM

13 years ago

You are wrong Excelsior, I know plenty of CoD fans and mostly die hard fans that will wait on the content to be released on the PS3.

So I wouldn't say the CoD fans won't wait for the content to be released. Plenty of people wait, and some won't. The amount of people I saw playing Black Ops on PS3 was 1 million, and it usually stays in the 800k to 600k's, around different times.

It's a mixed boat when it comes to content, some will wait like the CoD fans on PS3, and some will not. I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket though.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 8/4/2011 2:52:12 PM

13 years ago

11pm at night- Treyarch Headquarters

COD worker 1: "Hey, isn't that map pack due out tomorrow"

COD worker 2: "Yeah man I think it is. Shit."

COD worker 1: " Um, shouldn't we be working on it then"

COD worker 2: "Nah it's all good, we'll just run the permutation algorithm through the stages and bam , new map pack".

COD worker 1: " Really; why were you panicking then if it's all so easy"

COD worker 2: " I just remembered- In laws are visiting tomorrow"

Last edited by kokoro on 8/3/2011 10:08:25 PM

13 years ago

You can't blame them for pumping out dlc. From a business standpoint they make BANK.

13 years ago

Jeeez, Activision is becoming Mcdonalds with the sales counts, I wouldn't be surprised if they have a rehashed mcD's counting sign in front of their offices.

13 years ago

Millions served…poorly.

13 years ago

What upsets me is that there are so many stupid people out there in the world wasting their money on rehashed crap like this.

More maps (3 of the 4 being rehashed) and a soundtrack. (Well that's new and unexpected!!)

Still not worth the $15 US.

For $15US you can get 2 quality PSone classics off the PSN. I know where I'd put my money!

13 years ago

y are they stupid exactly…..its up too them if they like it

13 years ago

Is there anyone willing to pay $15 for 4 old maps and 1 map? Or are people going to buy this because it has COD on it?

13 years ago

Well if your like me and you like zombies and play it with your friends you'll buy it. But i'll be getting rid of my WaW copy now and just get all the maps on one system.

13 years ago

Activision…… Call of Duty ……. Map Pack ……….. Free…….. *head goes boom*

Surprise surprise throwing in a soundtrack this time too? Free for people that picked up a special edition? This doesn't have anything to do with that other shinier FPS coming out does it? Atleast they are opening up the four classic levels which is great for anyone thats never played them. I honestly don't know how much time I've racked up on W@W's nazi zombies, a single good game with a full four player team that actually works together can do 2-3 hours easy. Been spending more time on it with Black Ops. When will Activision sell the zombie maps separately? All I want is zombies I could care less about new MP levels that cater to snipers. $5 for a zombie map and $10 for 4 or 5 MP levels sounds more than reasonable to me. Anyways, anybody know if special edition guys need to delete the game's HDD data? I mean there are 4 maps that we have been able to play since day one thanks to a code we got, so are we are just going to redownload them all again and have it eat up more space since they are in this new package? Do we have to delete it all and spend who knows how long DLing patches and any DLC packs we might have previously gotten?

I'm not saying its not a rehash but I thought it was worth getting a hardened edition for it. I've played W@W's nazi zombies spit screen with a friend for two years and I put down $20 extra for a hardened edition when I heard they were being remade for Black Ops. The only differences are from the older version is you now run twice as fast, there are more zombies per round, mystery box guns changed to the guns in black ops' single player (a huge improvement, even if you dont like the gun you get you can still be effective,hard to do with a random WWII weapon like the flamethrower) all new jokes, the guns sound alot better even the WWII ones and a new coat of paint, If you compare them though it looks like they gave it two coats, it might not sound like much but I know I was not disappointed with it at all. Its bringing over levels from the other game which is great, even better when the game only comes with 2 zombie levels and the arcade level unless you get a map pack and even then you only get one zombie level for $15. Do you know what I would do to get a similar package for just the three zombie maps that are out? Nothing too drastic, does't mean I wouldn't want it though. Wish they put in more than just one new map, but thats classic Activision for you, forget the soundtrack another level would be better.

Last edited by evilmunkie on 8/4/2011 1:41:27 AM

13 years ago

Zombie fans get a pass, I was really just making a smart ass remark meant to be read directly after Ben's last sentence.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
13 years ago

14 million map packs sold, wow. All that money just so someone can shoot someone else in the face somewhere different.

13 years ago

How astute.

13 years ago

oh lord, never did i realize how much the human race was like sheep till this game released!
like the blind sheppard leading the sheep to the slaughter!

13 years ago

I fail to understand why wud anyone buy 5 maps, out of which 4 are remakes for 15$

13 years ago

Call of Duty World at War – 3 DLC Bundle is still $24.99 on PSN, its got the 3 of the zombie maps that are this DLC (the other was on the disk already). I think we all know World at War didn't sell as many copies as Black Ops so that means there are plenty of people that never even seen these levels, sounds like a nice deal for people in that situation. The gap on the leaderboards between how many people have played these levels on Black Ops and the other standard/dlc zombie levels is huge so it would be nice to have more traffic. I am actually suprised they added another level as I look over what I wrote. From a business stand point I knew it was going to be released as DLC even before I reserved it, eventually (sorry for not warning you all lol). Just the fact that I had to download it from PSN gave it away, theres no way that Activision will put something on the console market places without making a huge return. Last I checked afew thousand compared to millions is not a something I think they would be happy with.

13 years ago

Is this a zombies pack only?

I'll buy it if its more multilplayer maps – enjoyed the first 3 map packs – but not if its zombies only

13 years ago

This map pack should definitley not be 15.00 dollars though. I mean cmon they are remakes Activison! I'm paying 40.00 for a total remake of Halo Ce and you expect me to shell almost half of that money out for 5 maps? HAHAHA

13 years ago

People are still playing this crap?? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves!! lol

Last edited by JackDillinger89 on 8/4/2011 10:21:23 AM

13 years ago

I don't waste my money on the map pack, that's why Game Sharing with a friend comes in handy. 🙂

13 years ago

I've loved the zombie mode since W@W and like the new zombie maps. I play all the time with a few friends. But they need to make a way to purchase the maps separate from the MP maps. Call of duty has really ruined online MP for me.

13 years ago

I'll be getting this one for free, since I got the hardened edition of this game!!!

13 years ago

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13 years ago

So Lame.

13 years ago

hey god save this planet and take those fools away, people who buy call of duty should give away their money to poor and shelterless people

13 years ago

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