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EA: Buy Battlefield 3 Used, Pay To Get Into Online Action

You already know about the EA Online Pass program so maybe this won't come as any surprise.

According to what DICE executive producer Patrick Bach told GamerZines , EA will "probably" implement an online pass of sorts for Battlefield 3 . Bach didn't give any specifics, but he did say that those who buy the upcoming shooter used will have to pay a fee if they wish to play online. Said Bach:

"I'm not sure I want to call our system an Online Pass. The whole idea is that we're paying for servers. If you create a new account there is a big process on how that is being handled in the backend. We would rather have you buy a new game than a used game because buying a used game is only a cost to us; we don't get a single dime from a used game, but we still need to create server space and everything for you."

This is something we've mentioned several times – nothing comes free in this world – but it's a very sensitive issue amongst gamers. As Bach put it- "We want people to at least pay us something to create this because we're paying for it." In other words, it's not a punishment and it's not money-grubbing corporate BS; it's "compensation."

This debate has reached ridiculous levels before; we'd suggest keeping things civil, as nothing good ever comes from such arguments.

Related Game(s): Battlefield 3

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13 years ago

This doesn't bother me any. I'll be buying the game new anyways since it'll definitely be worth it.

13 years ago

It will affect you if you want to sell your copy a few months from now.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
13 years ago

I buy all of my games new as well, but i usually end up waiting for a price drop.

13 years ago


13 years ago

@NoSmoking: How would it hurt me? When I get rid of my games they get traded on Goozex. I'll still get the same value from it if it didn't have this. Hell this is no different from anybody elses online pass and those games still get trade for top dollar.

I can trade it 6 months down the line and most likely still get $50 for it from Goozex. I don't trade my games to GS since they give you crap for them.

13 years ago

It drives down the resale value because the next owner will have to shell out more money for full functionality. Just like how selling a car with a broken radio lowers the value because the next owner will have to put more money into it if they want that function. Its basic economics, but gamers tend to think their precious hobby is immune to the pitfalls of resale like every other industry in the world.

13 years ago

Did you not read my post. It still doesn't hurt the resale value for me. I'll still get the same amount of value from it with or without an online pass. If you go to GS you won't get crap for your game but I use Goozex for trading games which gives me what I should for a game. None of the other games that have online passes have lost any resale value.

The person that buys it used isn't saving any money specially if they buy it used a few months after it comes out. People need to just shop smarter if they are on a budget. Watch for sales. I have found great deals from Amazon, Kmart, Target,and BB.

Last edited by DazeOfWar on 8/2/2011 7:11:30 AM

13 years ago

I'm okay with these online passes but I'm not sure I buy their logic. If I were to buy it used then one less person is using their servers and I take that person's place. How does that cost them money? It's just a couple calculations on a system somewhere to sign me in right? Aren't I still susceptible to buying their DLC packs and other bric-a-brac?

In any case, if the game was uber cheap used I might even get it since online is gay anyway.

13 years ago

I could be wrong (or it might not even be that big of a deal), but I believe that you still take up at least some server space via profile and whatnot even if you sell your game.

13 years ago

Your point makes perfect sense to be honest… very true indeed!



13 years ago

Thats 100% correct. They are getting fees from several people yet only one person can use that copy at a time anyway. No other industry gets away with charging several people for one service that only one person gets to use.

I seriously doubt a person's profile on EA's server takes up $10 worth of space. This generation is a money grab. From online passes to day-0 DLC that could have been on-disc, the whole industry has degraded and gamers are egging it on.

13 years ago


yes, their logic is flawed. it's not like there are extra copies floating around all the sudden cuasing an extra drain on servers.

13 years ago

I don't have a problem with MP heavy games requiring an extra fee from those that purchase the game used.

13 years ago

Either do I.

13 years ago

This won't bother me, I'm buying this game brand spankin' new. (: AND NOT THAT.. OTHER GAME!

But it does effect you when your trying to sell the game. I almost sold my Madden but the guy wouldn't buy it because the online pass cost $10 and he wanted me to take that off the price, Which was 25.

Some times, not all the time but soon guys like Activion will be charging to play online alone. That I can see, it's just who they are. And the sad thing is, them 12 year olds are going to be begging to there mommies to pay for it. Mom-"But we just got home from the store to pick up the game, why do we need to pay again?" Because Mom! I want to play online! "Well what did wejust pay all that money for then?" Ummm, a 4.5 hour campaign…

13 years ago

Dont you have to pay for that elite subscription ? Seems logical that charging to play online is the next step for them.

13 years ago

I support the "Online Pass" 100%

13 years ago

I am agreeing with that too. As far as we know, it's keeping game prices at $60.00.

13 years ago

At first glance it seems a fair enough thing: the no doubt hard working servers cost a bit to set up and maintain, then there's updates and all the other costs of keeping a hugely multiplayer weighted game going smoothly.
But something is nagging at me that this is the thin edge of the wedge, that publishers HATE the second-hand market and are looking for some way…any way to pocket some coin from that market…I mean, what next?

13 years ago

It's an online pass EA. Just deal with it, we aren't interested in you renaming it so it doesn't seem as bad.

13 years ago

I support the online pass, but buying games new isn't always economically feasible.I own 44 games. If I would have bought all those games for $60 a piece, that would be a total of $2640 plus tax! That's a lot of money to spend on games.
I try to buy games new but in the long run, buying some games used has saved me a bunch of money(that I can spend on other games!).

Last edited by Wraith on 8/2/2011 12:14:16 AM

13 years ago

I wonder what's your main source of used games. Do you wait more than a year for most of them, or are you getting them cheaper from an auction site? I mostly buy new, but from time to time I would like to get them used but the Gamestop retailers around do not lower the price tag of used games that much unless they are a year old or more.

13 years ago

Ben a little off topic I apologize.. but is there a way you can re format the website to be widescreen automatically? I realize I can zoom in… but its the same problem i have with Facebook, where everything is directly in the center and zoomed out heavily. Do you plan to change the Website's screen ratio?

13 years ago

Probably best to email Ben directly, he may then direct you to the webmaster of the site 🙂



13 years ago

Oh yeah I forgot about that. I just posted in the article I was already on at the time and it was a recent one so maybe he would see it. I will do that thanks Qubex.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Maybe. But if it's good enough for Facebook, I think we can survive with this format a little while longer. 😉

13 years ago

Well Facebook is a bad example of how to run a website hahaha as I outlined in my Email to you, I explained that the recent onslaught of WS (WideScreen)Ratio Tablets, TV like monitors replacing CRT and smaller LCD monitors should be about a good time to perhaps change the ratio of the site to be future proof.

13 years ago

If the Online Pass succeeds in utterly destroying the used games market, it is very likely that used games will nosedive in value.

Then, I hunt for the cheapest used copy, then slap on a little extra for online play.

13 years ago

Very clever idea… only time will tell! That may work for me on some games, but some of the AAA games I would like as part of my collection anyway…



13 years ago

all developers are doing is shooting themselves in the foot with this!
especially with rentals, allot of companies are refusing to rent these sorts of games now because of the 1 time use codes.
so no more try before you buy, so no more sales!
great way to market your games……….. idiots!

13 years ago

So I can't bring the game over to a friends house? :/

13 years ago

Only if your friend pays EA so they can use your copy of the game. But its a good thing, right? Right?! EA apparently deserves to be paid twice for one service.

What also concerns me is the large amount of people who use things like Gamefly. They are completely boned in this deal.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 8/2/2011 6:20:41 AM

13 years ago

Yes you can without your friend paying the Online Pass.

As easy as creating a new users in his/hers PS3 and logging into PSN with you account and downloading the online pass.

Just remember to deactivate your friend's PS3 before leaving his/hers house.

13 years ago

Well that just sounds incredibly convenient for the consumer!

Thats sarcasm btw.

The company i work for is 100% customer-oriented, and i absolutely love that about them. I would hate working for a company that would rather make a few extra dollars than make friends with the consumer.

13 years ago

Lol, how desperate are they for sales?

13 years ago

Worst idea ever ! At least they dont make us pay to use online if we buy it new…. yet.

They want us to pay for server time, yet isnt that what the $60 is for when we purchase new ?
I dont see it as anything more than a money grab. I get they are pissed they dont get money from used games, but alot of companys dont get money from used stuff they sell new. Its the way the world works…

13 years ago

So how much will their online pass cost cause I'm not buying their logic.

13 years ago

I am gona quote Jim Sterling on his Jimquisition episode titled "The Used Game Solution"

"All this does is punish used gamer buyers and does not reward those who bought a game new. Like an unimaginative parent who can only punish their child and not reward them. Its a lazy and unimaginative way to make some more sales on new games. And don't believe publishers when they claim that used games are the most damaging thing in the world, coz there not. Publishers rely on used games more than they like to believe. Gamestop's whole policy is you buying a new game and trading it in. and that right there is what is making this $60 luxuries, coz that is what a game is, affordable."

13 years ago

And if you take away the thing that softens the $60 dollar blow, not everyone can buy it.

Here is the full video of "The Used Game Solution"
I cleaned up the language a bit.

13 years ago

This topic has been beaten to death the last few weeks. I understand what he's saying. At the same time, it was THEIR choice to put MP into the game. The server excuse for this "pass" is so lame. If that's the reason, then don't implement MP into your game.

I just don't see how Activision has the biggest MP game out there in CoD that supports millions of players has yet to charge you for MP access but others deem it necessary for server upkeep…

Last edited by slugga_status on 8/2/2011 12:53:28 PM

13 years ago

Battlefield without online play is like having Monster Hunter without monsters. BF has always been about online play since the first one.

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