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Ubisoft: Far Cry 3 Is A Definite Upgrade

Far Cry 2 was well-received by critics and gamers alike, but Ubisoft wants to take the next step with Far Cry 3 .

In speaking to , Ubisoft lead designer Jamie Keen spoke about how the team is seeking to improve the overall experience. He first says the focus will rest on the characters and narrative, which they plan to "push" in the new entry. Then he said they'll be "cherry-picking" the best parts of previous games, and they're addressing any problems gamers noted in the first two installments. Said Keen:

"…rest assured that we’ve listened to what the problems are. We’ve pushed forward on all the different fronts to make sure we’ve addressed those issues that arose and move on from that point as well. We’re lucky to have that platform and that we can pick out the bits that people are saying 'Hey we need to fix this stuff.' Check points being one thing, the driving experience, the fast travel… vehicles are going to be super important part of the game and something we’re really focusing on improving the experience for as well."

Yeah, we remember the driving parts could be iffy but other than that, there wasn't a whole lot wrong with Far Cry 2 . We fully expect the developers to deliver an excellent production when the third title arrives; we love FPSs with a fair amount of freedom and good stories!

Related Game(s): Far Cry 3

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Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Definitely excited for the fixes they mentioned, along with the improved visuals and trophical island setting of the original.

13 years ago

Cool story timing, Far Cry 2 just showed up in the mail today. 7 bucks. I'm gonna dig into it tonight, hope I like it.

FC3 had a strong showing at E3, you could tell it still had visual issues to overcome but everything they showed was really compelling. I'll be new to the series but from what I've followed so far it looks like something nobody else does, an open world FPS. I think I'll like it cuz typical FPS is basically on rails these days. AhemCoDAhem.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Might I suggest the Dart gun, my personal favorite. 😉

13 years ago

Battlefield 3 also look on rails.

13 years ago

Yeah I enjoyed the open world FPS, it was quite unique. And good call Claire, the dart gun is definitely a must.

13 years ago

I'll keep an eye out for it 🙂

13 years ago

I loved the flamethrower, setting fire to the field & frying all the hidden enemies within that area.

13 years ago

@Biker: To use fire as part of your plan is an awesome strategy indeed! And how well it is made too, the reactions from the surroundings, I even felt a slight panic when I set a larger area afire and the fire started spreading. They really nailed the fire in that game.
Oh man just thinking about this makes me want to replay it.

@World: If it turns out you like the game it's worth mentioning the expansion pack for FC3. I assume it is cheap now (it should be!) and has lots of goodies, amongst them an awesome arrow shooting weapon (with fire arrows!) as well as better vehicles.

This is the beauty of purchasing an older release, you get an entire game plus the expansion packs for like 10 bucks! Gotta love that.

13 years ago

I'm very interested in this. From what I've seen so far, it looks very good. I haven't played any of the previus entries, but I think I'll give Far Cry 2 a shot.

13 years ago

I loved far cry 2, especially ambushing the rival arms dealers to unlock weapons, that was always fun.

13 years ago

Hopefully I wont have to play the first 2 to understand the story.

13 years ago

They are stand alone

13 years ago

I didnt like FC2 that much I really hope they fix the gun jamming thing when you pick up an enemys gun, and the amount of enemy encounters you couldnt go 10 feet without running into a group of people

13 years ago

I agree with that last point about the crowdedness. I assume you refer to driving along the roads. That was annoying. I ended up driving through the forest instead when possible, just to avoid them.
I hope they keep the gun jamming though. It's nice with different qualities on the weapons – makes unlocking the guns in the stores a point in itself.

13 years ago

I want!
And with the FC3 trailer, I want even more!

Man, that was the very first game that I started my PS3 marathons on. I spent over 85 hours in FC2, mostly just checking out the whole countryside, & even got a trophy for it "traveling every square inch of all the whole map".

BTW, I accidentally bumped the rump of an antelope once with my technical, so he head-butted my front bumper & then trotted a few paces away & just dropped dead on me.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/25/2011 11:13:08 PM

13 years ago

He must have shaken loose an embolism

13 years ago

Hey World,
After you're in the game for a while, see if you can commandeer the technical jeep that's got got a 1-shot, that's like a bazooka, it does a lot of damage.

You'll have to hunt around for those jeeps as I don't remember them looking much different than the other 3 Jeeps, so try each Jeep out you come across safely in order to find those.

And try not to get too much Malaria!

13 years ago

Been playing FC2 a bit now, hey I really like it. This is how sh*t should be, you choose the approach, behave like a human and not a bullet sponge on rails, it isn't there's some depth. All good. Feels like I'm even getting a look at how Dead Island might play only without zombies.

The only problem: Ubisoft and their epically bad screen tearing!

13 years ago

I'll be *shocked* if Dead Island is anywhere near the quality of Far Cry 2… If so it'll be the surprise of the year to me.

But you sir got a lot of quality hours ahead of you! I don't know how many hours I've spent in that game and I've not even beated it (there are some really tough challenges at the end – at least for my skill level), but it's a *lot*.
Some of the missions took me a looong time to complete and some of them are a real b*tch but mostly I loved every minute of it.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/26/2011 5:46:15 AM

13 years ago

good to know so i dont try to fast track it

13 years ago

I will keep a look out for Far Cry 3 to see what improvements have been made. I remember at the time they were boasting about how realistic the fire physics were in the game world; must admit it looked good at the time.

It will be interesting to observe the upgrades to the engine made, and how gameplay has improved.



13 years ago

Funny, I mentioned the fire physics in an earlier comment. It was really well done imo, stand the test of time.

13 years ago

This, Mass Effect 3 and BioShock Infinite are the three titles so far on my d1p list for 2012. They are bankers.

Add the potential awesomeness of Dust 514 and Tomb Raider to this list and 2012 are already shaping up to be another *excellent* gaming year.

13 years ago

only thing at E3 that made my jaw drop, i mean look at the trailer it looked like a freaking ps4 game!
i hope they fix the many flaws of far cry 2.

1 please fix the checkpoints.
was so frustrating spending 20 minutes driving somewhere then finally getting there and instantly dying, and now oh lucky me i get to go on another 20 minute drive!

2 why is everyone trying to kill me?
made the above point so much more frustrating, because not only was i spending 20 minutes driving to missions i was also spending 20 minutes trying to stop people from blowing my car up!

3 from point 2, everyones trying to kill you so your car would blow up so quickly.
so wheres another?
if i had a nickle for every time i grabbed a car, drove half way to a mission, then got into a firefight, killed everyone and my car got destroyed in the process, then i would have to walk the rest of the way, id be a multi billionare by now!

4 it needs to feel like a more open world game and less of a scripted linear piece.
play the first far cry from crytek then play this, you will see really how scripted and linear this really is.

things they need to keep.

1 the fire system was freaking amazing!
so cool setting one tree on fire, then seconds later you have a massive bond fire!
plus the way the fire looked, fire is a really hard thing to make look real but they did a fantastic job!
so good in fact they did fire like naughty dog did water and snow!
even the way the fire would dance in the wind, or how the smoke would gather under trees and build up.
was really cool!

2 the weapon jamming system.
allot of people hated that, but i really liked it!
keeps you on your toes, and makes you make sure you look after your weapons.

3 the buddy system.
it was so cool how you could interact with them, do side missions for them, but if you pissed them off they would not be there to help you in combat.
they really need to incorporate that more.
make more side missions, make it that you can send them on side missions, make it that we can call them out whenever we need them to do specific tasks, or just to help us take out some pricks.
also it would be cool if you could call them in to deliver something for you, be it medical supplies, ammo or a specific weapon.

4 the health system.
not a real fan of regen health, in fact i HATE it!
so hopefully they get rid of that, but it was so cool how once you get down to 1 bar you could re break bones, pull out your knife to dig out bullets.
really made me cringe!
THAT they need to keep, if theres one thing they need to keep from far cry 2 its that!

13 years ago

Yes indeed, this is the winning formula! And quite frankly, I expect this to happen too. Man I look forward to this game.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/26/2011 9:10:59 AM

13 years ago

im sure they will, they seem to know what people want changed and seem enthusiastic to do so.
cant help but wonder what it would be like if crytek still had it.
remember reading a article from cervat saying the series has lost its way.
kinda got a point, 2 was really different from the original.

13 years ago

The first one were cool too, but I think the second is better cause of the sheer size of the thing. Also, the "stuck on an island" setting is just so "been there done that".

Frankly I was a tad disappointed that they seem to return to that setting now again.
African savannah is just so much more exotic and original.

13 years ago

yea it is a bit overdone, but when you think about it its the perfect setting to show of their vistas.
just the water in the E3 trailer, im still picking my jaw up off the ground!
gives them allot more to play around with then a african savanna.

13 years ago

My suggestions are:

– They should add a female companion (like Uncharted).
– I liked better the tropical island setting like in the first one. So they should go back to that type of setting.

13 years ago

You'll get at least one wish: They *will* return to the tropical island setting. 🙂

Regarding the female companion: It would be awesome if they added RPG elements like creating your character and selecting a companion amongst the ones you are friends with, the "buddy system" that noname mentions further up here. That'd own, plain and simple.

13 years ago

Sounds like it'll be a far cry from Far Cry.

13 years ago

I have Far Cry 2, great game, I have not been able to finish it, but thanks to this I think i'll spend some time playing it today!

13 years ago

Sorry Ben, I respectfully disagree with: "the driving parts could be iffy but other than that, there wasn't a whole lot wrong with Far Cry 2".
Far Cry 2 on the PS3 was average at best. Besides the iffy driving, the respawning of enemy areas you just cleared out seconds ago was very frustrating. The A.I was poor. Some enemies and vehicles "floated about" when you killed / destroyed them. The missions were monotonous and mostly very linear. The story was terrible and forgettable. The game cried out for a few good boss battles, but besides the mini river barge boss battle and the ending, it was a game I had to force myself to complete. Finally, there were issues of the game crashing, forcing you to reset your PS3.

13 years ago

I thought the storyline was great, and especially near the end when you found out what you were really fighting for(don't want to give any spoilers).

My only real gripe was the never-ending respawning enemy at at those same places you just cleared out.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/26/2011 9:24:58 PM

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