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BioWare: ME3 “Best Chance To Go Truly Blockbuster”

Fair warning: clicking through to the source linked below will reveal a disturbing headline for RPG fans. But if you actually read the text, you'll see the headline was – like so many others – written primarily for attention-getting purposes.

Mass Effect 3 will release next year and role-playing followers the world over are excited. BioWare marketing boss David Silverman spoke to CVG about the team's goals for this highly anticipated title.

"This is definitely the best chance we have in the series to really break out and go truly blockbuster.

We're hoping for a big hit. It's the best game we've ever made at BioWare Edmonton. The stuff we're doing – making the gameplay more action-adventre-y, making it on a par with some of the best action games you see today, whilst on top of that adding in these RPG elements that maybe people were upset we didn't focus on as much in Mass Effect 2 – it strikes a balance."

Okay, so "making the gameplay more action-adventure-y" makes an RPG fan's heart sink into his stomach. It's what they've been yelling at Square Enix about since Final Fantasy XIII released, and they'd hate to see another legendary developer go the route of "RPG Lite" for the sake of mainstream appeal. That would be disastrous.

But when asked if ME3 will have more RPG depth that its predecessor, Silverman was quick to say:

"Absolutely. Hands down. We've done a lot of research about what people liked about Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and other games too – what they like about Gears Of War, Assassin's Creed, Halo, Call Of Duty and lots of RPG games too.

We've looked at all these games to see what's resonating and what's not. On the one hand, we don't want to go too far down the RPG rabbit hole where Shepard starts rolling dice, but on the other hand we don't want to ignore that coolness – where people can customise parts of their character and making them feel that it's them in the adventure. We capitalise on that in spades in ME3."

We reserve the right to be a touch concerned about BioWare researching shooters and action titles when developing Mass Effect 3 . But provided the RPG depth remains – and Silverman insists it does – we can deal with the rest. Don't worry, RPG fans. BioWare won't let us down. I mean…they better not.

Related Game(s): Mass Effect 3

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13 years ago

They better not, indeed…!
I choose to stay optimistic until proven otherwise.
He do say that ME3 will be *more* of an rpg than ME2 was. If that is correct then this will be good.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/22/2011 10:54:28 AM

13 years ago

They won't let us down? Like they didn't with Dragon Age 2. Heh.
Only time will tell.

13 years ago

Seriously. But on the same side of that coin, they caught a tonne of flack for that and I think they probably learned a bit from the experience. They have a pretty good fan base built around ME so changing the formula too much in the third and final instalment would kind of be disastrous.

But, you're right. Only time will tell.

13 years ago

In my book, Dragon Age 2 was only a let down in one area, and that's the re-used levels.

The rest was as good if not better then the first.

13 years ago

I totally agree Max, I enjoyed DA2 a lot. I still rate DA:O slightly higher but that does not mean DA2 were bad – it wasn't.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

DAO is absolutely better than DA2 imo. Not bad though as you say.

13 years ago

Dragon Age 2 was awesome. DOA fanatics need to give it a chance and stop putting it down because it is similiar to the first outing. Just saying

13 years ago

DA2 = action-y

13 years ago

Beamboom –
I don't, for they are even in my book. I absolutely loved Hawke as a character when compared the "mute" Grey Warden. I also enjoyed the associate characters from DA2 over DAO, even though the story from DAO was much better.

FM23 –
I agree. DA2 got way to much undeserved slack.

World –
You do know there were options for making DA2 play like DAO, right?

Last edited by maxpontiac on 7/22/2011 2:41:03 PM

13 years ago

No I didn't see any that changed it over to a command structure.

13 years ago

DA2=Good game hated by one sided RPG gamers…lol Seriously though, I liked Hawke like Max said and there is nothing wrong with the action paced gameplay in my opinion. The story was very engaging. Still need DAO since I here it has better story.

13 years ago

DA:O >> DA2

I didn't hate DA2 like others, but I certainly loved DA:O more. Didn't have the reusing of levels and caves in DA:O. Didn't just have enemies countlessly appearing out of nowhere like DA2 did. DA:O gave you something to fight towards with the end of the Blight where as in DA2, it just felt so underwhelming. Character building and storytelling was awesome in DA:O where as the highlight of storytelling in DA2 was Varric and his over exaggerating on Bethany's boobs. In DA:O, battle matched the setting as in it was believable; DA2 was over the top, rogues disappearing and reappearing and warriors zipping all over the place. The only aspect of fighting I enjoyed in DA2 was the mage. I'm still gonna check out the Legacy DLC this Tuesday, but I'm not expecting anything great.

13 years ago

Oh yes the characters in da2 had classic BioWare quality written all over them. I also agree that the action was fun, no less.

The reason why I rate it slightly below DA:O is because of the catastrophic reuse of levels (that made the game feel like a rushed release) and the removal of rpg elements from dao.
Those two are *major* drawbacks. However the characters were overall more interesting indeed, I also think the atmosphere were stronger in da2.
Therefore, all in all I rate da2 *slightly* below dao. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/23/2011 4:08:39 AM

13 years ago

"Absolutely. Hands down. We've done a lot of research about what people liked about Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and other games too – what they like about Gears Of War, Assassin's Creed, Halo, Call Of Duty and lots of RPG games too."


So, basically they almost exclusively polled those from XBox Live. I would be curious to see which "RPG's" they included.

13 years ago

I noticed those titles too. But it could have been PC gamers that were polled? Aren’t they all released for PC too? If so I'm more assured cause the PC guys know how a good RPG should be.

13 years ago

Well the Xbox gamer is still their biggest install base.

13 years ago

I only brought this up because I believe the PS3 user base is older as a whole (correct me if I am wrong).

13 years ago

Generally, I think they will do a good job… I never did get Mass Effect 2 in the end, saving my pennies for Battlefield 3 and Uncharted 3… but I must admit, Mass Effect 3 has peaked my interest as it will probably be the best of the bunch.



13 years ago

I just received Mass Effect 2 yesterday and will start it this afternoon. I've been wanting the games since the first but only have a PS3. So anyways I played the demo and honestly, I know it was just a demo, but the whole time I was playing thought "this is a shooter at heart". I didn't feel like itwanted to be an RPG but just added the parts of an RPG to make it more intriguing.

That's not taking anything away from the game again as I said I've always wanted the games. That's why I purchased ME2 finally, I really wanna play them and I don't mind wether it really is or is not an RPG that's not the selling point for me. Anyways we'll see what becomes of this when I finally get to play the full version, can't wait.

13 years ago

Yeah that demo was bad. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/22/2011 12:04:15 PM

13 years ago

The demo was bad and I almost did not bought it because of it. It's one of the best games of the generation and I am so glad I fall to my friends comments and pressure about playing it.

13 years ago

i've been playing mass effect 2, well.. whenever it decides to play, and as far as i can see its a plain shooter. the rpg elements doesnt seem to matter because i've been playing without really upgrading powers and it doesnt really matter. The RPG elements doesnt really matter in gameplay. Even though the game is like this, i actually like the game. if you have an older ps3 model, let me know if it plays on your ps3. It is the only game i have, and i have a lot, that doesnt play on my ps3.

13 years ago

I have the 80gb model that doesn't have any b/c, my 60gb died 2 years ago. I'll let you know if I run into anything though.

13 years ago

I didn't mind the demo actually. I thought the beginning was a little drawn out (glad we got a sample of the creating character and classes stuff though), but ultimately it wasnt a turn off for me. But maybe the demo was missing more d the rpg stuff. I will find out in a little while when I get to play it.

13 years ago

As you spend a LOT more time just wandering planets, talking to people, watching cut scenes, mining, upgrading, and going off on side quests than you do actually shooting it up in the main quest Mass Effect 2 is very much an RPG and the demo is not representative of that because they want to capture shooter fans.

13 years ago

I'm ok with it being either genre, don't care either way. Like I said it's not a make or break thing. But if it's in the RPG genre it should be one at heart, and I didn't get that with the demo. Anyways it's installing right now so I'ma give it a go and I'm sure it'll turn out fine and not represent what the demo did. Either way I dd enjoy the demo and that's ultimately why I bought it.

13 years ago

I highly recommend Ben's Review on ME2 to get a real feel.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/22/2011 4:53:09 PM

13 years ago

dont get me wrong, i like the game, when it lets me play it. There are Rpg elements in the game and exploration but in mass effect 2, its more like the rpg elements take a back seat. you can practically play the game as a standard third person shooter, which isnt a bad thing, but if you try to classify yourself as an rpg, just dont skimp out on it. theres one thing i dont like though, i dont like those end of mission screen that tells you your game summary. it kinda stops the flow of the game for me. also thats the screen before a game corrupting loading screens for me. i had no problem with loading screens in any game before but mass effect 2 got me started and already pushed me over the edge. makes you appreciate how uncharted 2 worked, one loading screen in the beginning and just a fluid experience after that.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

The ME series is a third person shooter with light RPG elements already so we can't be too surprised. I don't expect it to change. If anything it sounds like ME3 will have more RPG options than ME2 did.

EVERY PS3 owner needs to play ME2! =D

13 years ago

i dont get mass effect 2 level system. basically its just for getting unlock points. Theres no character stats other than paragon/renegade points. So why the hell put levels?

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

As a reference for knowing how powerful you are?

13 years ago

The levels tell you when certain new abilities will be unlocked and available, then you select what you want which customizes the way you do battle with your special moves.

13 years ago

as far as i saw it, new abilities are unlocked depending on the loyalty of your characters. so far i unlocked one new ability for miranda since shes the most loyal after i did her mission. damage and other parameters are pretty much tied to upgrades for weapons and suits. there isnt any parameters that you can see that really go with the level up system though. it seems like that character level is just there for display. i'm not saying there are no rpg elements, there definitely are, but people are correct in labeling it RPG Lite.

13 years ago

It strikes a balance, eh?

What about people who don't want a balance? Who want an RPG to be an RPG, and not a action-adventure-y game with RPG elements?

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

They're not going to change the entire game for the third entry. If you liked ME2 you should like 3.

13 years ago

The battle system has always been one of shooting and action, ME is a balanced franchise instead of a pure RPG.

13 years ago

ME2 is an action RPG in my eyes, just a very tame RPG which I can digg. I like the balance that was struck in ME2. 60hr playthroughs based off of action, dialogue, and epicness…not inventory changes and potion mixtures, etc…I really don't like that stuff.

13 years ago

I agree World. I've always viewed it as a great game, but definitely not an RPG. By those standards, you could identify everything as an RPG. Now all of a sudden, anything with variety, customization, and a story involving one person gets to be an RPG.

You can't just plop something into a genre because it has a couple elements of that genre. I'm not sure what ME is, personally. I'm liable to call it a great shooter. But personally, I think we need a couple more games like it and give it it's own genre.

I could potentially be willing to call it a ShooterRPG. Something that differentiates it from what a real RPG is, but still separates it from the rest of the shooter genre, as it is also much more than a shooter.

But puting it in the same boat as Elder Scrolls, Demon Souls, Final Fantasy, Suidoken, etc. etc. is heresy, if you ask me. And ME is far too good to be put up against those and clearly seen as a shitty RPG. Because it is good. And it's why I can't understand it being put in among those other titles. It's far too dissimilar to fit the genre.

I dunno… maybe genre steriotypes limit it. I think it's better to just consider it a good game. Don't even both with a genre for it. (I still don't think it's that amazing though. Good, but not amazing. But then again, gun-based games aren't easilly loved by me. So there's some bias there.)

Anyways, long and short, (lol), World, is that I agree. It isn't a pure RPG, but with it's own Shooter RPG labeling, I think that would be a good place for it. Dumb it down and remove those features…. and I won't even give it that.

We all know what happened when FFXIII became "actiony".

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/22/2011 3:20:17 PM

13 years ago

as much as i liked playing mass effect 2, i wont be buying mass effect 3, frankly because me2 wont play on my 60gb ps3. the game either hangs on an infinite loading screen past the EA logo, hangs on every loading screen that shows (and the game is full of loading screens), and it freezes and corrupts my save data everytime i get a trophy during an end of game loading screen. This is retarded because all my other games play without any problems whether its an older game or newer game like infamous 2. everything plays fine, except mass effect 2.

13 years ago

Damn, you got one messed up copy. Sorry to hear that

13 years ago

I think you contracted an Xbox fanboy's ill-aimed voodoo curse.

13 years ago

i didnt get a messed up copy, i returned and exchanged it 3 times already with the same result. i downloaded the mass effect 2 full game trial with the same result. i contacted ea and they said there was definitely something wrong with my ps3 and its not the game, even though everything i tried on it worked fine, especially newer games like socom 4 and infamous 2. i tried deleting and reinstalling a couple of other games i have and they worked fine as well.

the only way i can get to play mass effect is by playing a different game to use it as a boot up disc of some sort for mass effect 2. even doing that doesnt guarantee that i'll be able to play.

13 years ago

Mass Effect 2 plays like a shooter with a tactical edge, so why not spruce up the action and make it appealing to more people. I mean, look at Fallout, do we really want to next game to handle as poorly has the previous two?…I don't, but ME2 definitely had a winning formula, but putting customization back in (I wouldn't know since I didn't play the first) is a big plus. Either way, ME is an RPG I can f*ck with. No wasted time with inventory, weight requirements, etc. I hate/love that aspect of Fallout, and now Oblivion and partly DA2 because those type of features are tedious and time consuming.

So bring on ME3, hope they use up more Blue Ray space and don't gimpl it because of obvious reasons.

13 years ago

Fallout handles fine, nothing wrong with it.

13 years ago

I love Fallout, but theres no denying the game handles awkwardly compared to other games. It only works because both 3 and New Vegas feature so much content and that I'm content with…lol

13 years ago

Just curious what you think was particularly wrong with the handling? Cuz when I hear that word I think of the controls.

13 years ago

Not the controls, but the mechanics…like the paper weight character movement, the awkward third person view where your player jumps football field lengths and is clearly gliding along the ground, and how about the fact that gunplay is mighty different than other games, but then again Fallout isn't a shooter, but you get my drift. The controls are good I guess, its just the game mechanics. Either way, it doesn't distract after you realize what your playing.

13 years ago

I just CAN'T play Fallout or Elder Scrolls in third person, it's absolutely stupid. Nothing works the way it should and I think the option even being there taints the games. It all feels so much more realistic in first person. New Vegas was a step backward in many ways but I do like the weapon mods and iron sights.

13 years ago

I played Fallout in third person when traveling, but combat took place in first person. Oblivion seems to only work in first person al around.

13 years ago

I can't count myself among the complainers on this one, Final Fantasy yeah. It has always been just deep enough so making it more shallow is a sin against gaming. Mass Effect has always been an RPG with an action battle mechanic grafted on so making that aspect more flashy isn't a bad thing in my mind.

So long as they keep the open galaxy exploration, mining, weapon and armor upgrades, side quests, deep characters, open spaces, shops, meaningful conversations, relationships, and special move customization intact it will still be an RPG to me.

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