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Why Square Enix Will Do A Final Fantasy HD Collection

God of War . Prince of Persia . Splinter Cell . ICO and Shadow of the Colossus . Tomb Raider . Metal Gear Solid . Zone of the Enders . High-definition collections of the latter two are yet to come, but we've already seen the others. And there are individual PS2 titles that have enjoyed new life in the HD world, like Beyond Good & Evil .

We've also recently heard that Square Enix is currently looking into HD technology testing. When you combine this with the enduring fans who maintain that a Final Fantasy VII remake would be the second coming, you've got a strong case for a Final Fantasy HD Collection . Of course, if it does happen, it may not involve the PS1 classics. Konami has said they couldn't include the original MGS in that MGS Collection for various technical reasons; it's why we're getting MGS2 and MGS3. For an HD remake, it really needs to be a PS2 game, or so it seems. But hey, there are several titles that are eligible.

Final Fantasy X , Final Fantasy X-2 , and Final Fantasy XII could receive the high-def overhaul (FFXI seems out of the realm of possibility, but does anyone really care?), and that's good enough for the fans. At least, for now. Above all else, Square Enix could use a boost, and these collections don't exist for no reason; they do help turn a profit, even if it's a relatively small one. Besides, I think – I think – Square Enix finally understands that some fan service is in order to keep their fans. …some of those fans feel like they're suffering, ya know. Just give 'em a collection.

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13 years ago

I would certainly buy it, mainly for FFX, I hope this happens soon.

Last edited by TheCrazyMerc on 7/20/2011 9:48:30 PM

13 years ago

We Square fans are definitely suffering!!! Square just keeps pulling further and further away from it's old fans in an attempt to catch some of the COD crowd. Problem is, the majority of their audience are the old school fans that Squaresoft built up from the PS1 and PS2 days.

Square fans are mostly Playstation fans, so I do not understand why they keep releasing spin-off games on Wii and DS when all the fans want is FF Versus XIII and Kingdom Hearts 3 on PS3, EXCLUSIVE to PS3!!!

With such fan demand, why would it be so hard to make a FF VII remake on PS3? Square Enix say it'd be too much work, but I reckon a western developer could whip it up in 2 and a half years with a big enough budget. These Japanese developers have great artistic talent, they just need help from western developers on the technical side of things, help speed things up.

In the time FF Versus XIII has been in development, Bioware has released 3 Mass Effects, 2 Dragon Ages and a Star Wars MMO. To me, Square Enix has problems.

13 years ago

I don't know what the going rate on HD remakes for developers is, but two and a half years with a "decent enough budget" sounds like a new IP to me, rather than a HD restoration. Might explain why they say it'd be too much work?

Of course, they'd make a killing on an FFVII remake, so the budget concerns still make no sense….

13 years ago

good point on that last paragraph Dancemachine.

13 years ago

FF collection
ratchet collection
jak collection
and onimusha collection

thats my wish list.

@ Ben
you're right about FF XI
i know a lot of people love it, but i think that a majority of FF fans still prefer single player experiences, with classic rpg elements

13 years ago

As a former FFXI avid player, I'm pretty sure most people who do love FFXI wouldn't want a remake anyways. Most of us played on PC. Never came across too many 360 or PS2 players. A few, but not many.

13 years ago

that also is true

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago


Grand Theft Auto Collection
Persona Collection
Resident Evil Collection (4, Code Veronica X)
Kindom Hearts Collection
Fatal Frame Collection
Devil May Cry Collection (alrdy confirmed?)
Dark Cloud Collection + Rogue Galaxy
Okami + Dragon Quest VIII Collection (Please?)

Last edited by Claire C on 7/20/2011 10:17:09 PM

13 years ago

Well confound you Ben I was planning to write something similar.

I think SE has to do this because I think they have to do whatever is in their power to try to recoup some of the major losses they accrued by screwing the pooch with FFXIII and Last Remnant. It would probably make plenty more than it cost to redo, I know I would buy all 3 of them.

Metal Gear Solid should just be remade on the MGS4 engine and released for PS3.

FFXI is being looked at for a Vita release but it would still probably be a good idea in my eyes to release it without a subscription fee on PS3 to get people somewhat interested in FFXIV which will probably require 5 more years of work to be ready for PS3.

We all know XIII-2 is just a last ditch attempt to make money so a small investment now in an HD collection would be a good idea. So they should do it. But then again SE isn't known for good ideas anymore.

I mean really, what kind of company refuses to remake a game that anybody who has ever touched a decent RPG would certainly buy?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/20/2011 9:57:19 PM

13 years ago

Agree 100% with everything you just said there, World.

An MGS 1 remake on the MGS4 engine would be a dream come true!!! I wonder if Kojima has considered it. Do you have Kojimas email, World? LOL

As for Square, an FF collection would certainly be a big cash in for the company, and it'd be giving the fans what they want. Hopefully Wada and the team have learnt their lesson about trying to get a slice of the COD audience, you just can't with RPGs.

I also mentioned above in my post about Square taking too long to make games. Perhaps they should focus on one major title at a time, and not announce more when most of their games aren't even half finished. What do you think, World?

13 years ago

I wish I had his email, but when half the world wants to message a person they tend to keep that stuff secret.

They definitely take too long to make games and like you said it's because they start tons of projects and then just sidetrack everybody. And that's in conjunction with announcing titles too often. I think they announce things before they even go to the concept drawing board.

They admitted that FF Type-0 was shelved so they could do 3rd Birthday, and they admitted that Versus was shelved to do the 360 port of FFXIII and I imagine a half dozen other stupid games, many of which were cancelled recently when they realized they had bitten off more than they could chew.

It's a f'ed up business model they are trying to keep up and the fact is, as it turns out, it was not profitable to cater to the 360 or the casual action crowd. SE could very well still be on top if they had simply brought their PS1 and PS2 RPGs into the next generation.

The way I see it, once you tell the world you are making a game you better damn well have a team working on it henceforth until it's done. None of this, yeah we're making FF Versus and then 5 years go by without much to show for it but a game in preproduction.

13 years ago

Don't sugarcoat it for me, World. Tell it like it really is. 😉

And, for the record, I agree wholeheartedly. My love for Squeenix has dwindled substantially ever since FFXII, and their blantant refusal to listen to and be a part of their own fanbase has just ruined them for me. I maintain hope that, one day, they will come around, before it's too late, but that hope loses its sparkle a little more every day….

13 years ago

World, losses from FF13? Are you sure? It sold well across the two platforms. Maybe you meant losses from FF14?

13 years ago

Take a look at their profits, they fell 98%

13 years ago

Sure, but don't attribute that to a successful game. Look at other games… Nier for example, FFXIV for example, which still is bleeding money for them.

Your comments on whole were right on, but then to claim FFXIII wasn't financially fruitful…well, I thought you were better to bring up a different game…like FFXIV.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 7/21/2011 1:28:20 PM

13 years ago

@ Myworst nightmare

Are you absolutely sure FF13 was successful rather than the Final Fantasy brand name this time around?

If I ran a business and developed a product that 1000 people purchased and found that 500 of those people were dissatisfied, I would not consider it a successful product.

13 years ago

I will certainly buy this collection on DAY1, regardless of the price. I loved X,X-2, and XII. I look forward to replaying all of them with HD graphics.

13 years ago

BTW I just moved to the Quad Cities so I apologize for my lack of posting, I've still maintained reading the site everyday via cellphone. 🙂

Oh and BikerSaint I will be emailing you later tonight/tomorrow.

13 years ago

I'm only in the Twin Cities, I feel inexperienced, hah

13 years ago

My parents were up there before coming to help me move. They said it was a lovely place, I guess they didn't run into you 🙂

13 years ago

They didn't mention a guy with Cole's backpack climbing the buildings downtown?

13 years ago

OK, I'll watch for it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I know what the Twin Cities are.

WTF are the Quad Cities?

13 years ago

yeah what the heck man? Can you Quad-wield there?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/21/2011 2:45:51 AM

13 years ago

I just drove through Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan… somewhere along the way, I saw a sign that said something "Quad Cities" -such and such way or something like that… Don't remember where though. lol

EDIT: Also, trip to the US was a fun one. My wife's cousin is now happily married, and we're home safe and sound! US is a nice place! Still… gotta show some love for being back home in the motherland. As nice as the States is and (most) of the people are kind, I'm very glad to be back in Canada. 🙂

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/21/2011 6:54:50 AM

13 years ago

LOL….I feel like you're all being extremely lazy. Ever heard of Google!? Quad Cities are around interstate 80 and 74 on the eastern edge of Iowa and western Eedge of Illinois. There's Davenport, Bettendorf, Rock Island, and Moline. I live in Davenport.

I plan on living here for a few years till I move out to Colorado or San Diego. 🙂

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 7/21/2011 10:44:37 AM

13 years ago

That explains why I saw the signs! lol

I was just in your neck of the woods 8-9 days ago and again on the way home 3-4 days ago!

On the way up about 8-9 days ago, we stayed the night near Davenport, I think LV. At the Isle of Capri!

We were practically brothers! lol

13 years ago

HAHA. Well I went to college about 1.5 hours south of the QC but I'm actually from south of Chicago.

Speaking of the Isle, I used to go there quite a bit in college to play quarter slots with the elderly while my friends wasted away all their money at blackjack, craps, and roulette.

By any chance did you run into a really hot blonde named Kelly? She's a "friend" of mine 🙂

13 years ago

On the way back, we stayed the night in Joliet.

As for hot blondes, there were tons in Sioux Centre, where the wedding was… at the casino… lots of old people. No hot blondes. Of course, if there were, I wouldn't have looked. Might have got smacked by my pregnant wife. I definitely got hit a few times in Sioux Centre, that's for sure.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

LV: I use the Internet for work. Google doesn't get much attention from me, and never will. 😉

13 years ago

By the time they have Versus done, there'll be a PS3 super HD collection of FF13, 13-2 and Versus ready to go. Yes, Versus and it's super HD remake will release at the same time. So it is written, so it shall be.

13 years ago

A collection would be great, but if I know SE and I think I do, they will sell them separately at 30 bucks a pop.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

From Sep – Dec We got so many great games like

Resistance 3
The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
MGS Remake
Splinter Cell Remake
Uncharted 3

Im sure i've missed a couple more… So many great games & if you buy your games new like me your wallet suffers.

& I have never played a Final Fantasy game.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Why not start with Final Fantasy VII. It's $10 on PSN and you can play it on PS3 and PSP. Plus, I wrote an awesome review of it!!! =)

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I've read your review. The thing is.. I have never played anything like Final Fantasy, ever. Playing something like Final Fantasy could go both ways, I will either like it or hate it.
Im willing to give it a try.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

I bet you'll like it. Especially FFVII. It's hard to resist. =)

13 years ago

Killa, you missed a ton of great games!!!

Batman Arkham City
Twisted Metal
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Saints Row the Third
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Gears 3, Forza 4 and Halo Anniversary (for 360 of course)
Dead Island
Driver San Francisco
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Star Wars: The Old Republic (maybe)
Need For Speed: The Run

Not to mention all those games you listed above, Resistence 3, Uncharted 3, ICO / Shadow of the Colossus Collection AND MGS Collection are at the top of my list!!!

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
13 years ago

You could buy it on PSN – you should also be able to find it ebaysibly for around 4 to 8 dollars. I actually lucked out and found FFVII for $1 locally, and got FFVIII for $4 on ebay. I'll get IX sometime too. FFX should be easy to get too.

I wouldn't hold my breath for this collection. It should be awesome if it ever comes out, but Square's priorities are so weird it'll be a few years at the very least…So if you want to play an awesome Final Fantasy you might as well get it now for less than ten bucks.

In fact, most quality RPGs can be found for less than a combo meal at Arby's, which makes a seriously difficult choice for me 😀

13 years ago

If they it would certainly be their best release this entire generation.

13 years ago

Id settle for ffX in hd.

And I know its a completely different company, but id LOVE LOVE LOVE to see a .hack hd collection.

13 years ago

I care about FFXI that way I can drop WKC and go back to my old 4 year long gaming addiction (as opposed to WKC being over in a few months time) that I only stopped because my PS2 died, my PS3 isnt backwards compatible and finding a PS2 FFXI collection replacement disc (just the disc no harddrive) is so rare that it sells for 700 bucks on ebay and amazon (no joke go check).

Youd be surprised the money you save if you stick to just 1 game for 4 years. So yeah Id love an FFXI rerelase (even if it isnt HD) on PS3.. But I know it wont happen sooo WKC and FFXIV it is

13 years ago

Yeah but with the retail purchase and monthly fees how much did you pay for that one game and how many great games did you miss that you haven't bothered to go back and play now that it's a new generation?

13 years ago

That's the one bad thing about MMO's. You think you're saving money by playing the one game, but you can just as easily explore exciting and new games for the same price as that one MMO.

Plus, with World of Warcraft, I got bored of it pretty quick. Spend half an hour running here, pickup item, half hour journey back. Travel here, click on this enemy to repeatedly hit it, journey back. All clicking, all numbers, no action, no story, no drive to keep me playing.

I'd rather play through a game with a great story and in-depth characters, like Uncharted or Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed or Heavy Rain.

13 years ago

Well as for other games.. thats funny because I was actually still buying new games on release date I was just never playing them… for example I got both Disgaea and star ocean 3 the day they came out but because of FFXI I never opened or played EITHER of those games until Sept 2008… which means what? I was buying new games and not touching them for awhole 4 years after purchase? may as well have not got them until they were 10 bucks. As for new gen. umm not everyone has 600 bucks to spend on a console.. I didnt get my PS3 til may 2010.. so FFXI or no FFXI I was gonna be pretty late coming into the new gen either way.


You are saving money unless you can tell me how 15 bucks a month is more than 65 bucks a month on a new game? As for games with great storyies and indepth characters that is WHY I played FFXI for so long (and will be doing the same with FF14 once its playable). Unlike 95% of the other MMOs out there FXI (and 14) have storylines.. that was my main draw Im like ooo an MMO with a story? I GOT to see this.. and sure enough I wasnt disappointed… the vanilla game came with 3 storylines and each expansion pack that followed added one new one for a current total of 10 different storylines. So you basically have 10 different games in one.

Each story starts with a cutscsne, then like every other offline RPG you have to talk to certain NPC to advance it followed by dungeon crawling and fighting a boss at the end with more cutscenes (which actually involve your character and supporting character who aactually AR in depth) til eventually you make it to the final dungeon and final boss with the final cutscenes (yes these storylines actually DO end) chains of promathia was the best and still is imho and it was the second expansion released it felt every bit as good as playing an offline FF game… boss battles and music was epic (especially they vocal song during the ending cutscenes) characters died, final boss had multiple transformation forms like every other rpg final boss) LOT of the battle were difficult (i remember a few bosses m and my groups had to take on about 10 times before I finally developed a strategy to take them down (i was the tactician and leader of the group heh… a thief calling the shots.. who woulda thought? heh) Not to mention these storylines arent short they can take anywhere from a week to as month to beat depending on how long/often you play.

So yeah thats why I could play FFXI for so long Id NEVER play any of the more mainstream MMO (WoW or EQ) BECAUSE of what you stated.. all they consist of is grinding, pvp, endgame raids and stupid fetch quests, that would only hold my attention for a month before Id get bored and (and i know this because ive played plenty of those free to play mmorpgs and pc and they were only fun for that long) all MMOs should take a step from SE and start integrating cutscenes and stoylines into their MMOs.

Just check out the CoP opening. the first time I saw Bahamut rising from the sea I knew things were gonna be epic (and surely it was… took awhole 18 of us to take that titan down)

13 years ago

My only beef with FFXI online, was that you had to be at max level to really take part in many stories. The other issue is that it's so heavily dependent on needing other people. Which, if you have a sporadic schedule, is absolutely not conducive. You spend a lot of time trying to organize with people to advance the story, and a lot of time just getting things you need.

I like a good RPG with little chores and nit-picking, but FFXI got to be too much for me after a while… actually, my account got hacked and all my gil and expensive items were torched. And Square-Enix has shitty customer service, so I just quit. lol

13 years ago

CoP had level caps so that eliminated the need for having to be max level to participate.. i,e what good does being level 75 do you when the battle/dungeon caps you at level 30? Also FFXI has changed drastically since then.. they casuallized it down to stupidly.. its VERY solo friendly now so you dont NEED parties anymore.. and you can go from level 1 to max level (now 90) in literally 3-4 days and THATS if your playing slowly.. getting from level 1 – 30 is more work/takes longer than 30-90..

because now at 30 plus you fight in alliances (no more just 6 ppl parties) and you fight hordes of monsters at once (were talking like 20 at a time as opposed to pulling one at a time) that two or three black mages can killin one spell and they give 500 exp each…(and thats in an alliance) sooo 20 mobs that give 500 each (more if you count the exp chain bonus) plus that group of 20 dies in 5 secs from all the black mages casting aoe spells to wipe them out = well you do the math.. the levels come REAL quick at that rate… you maybe gain 10-20 levels in an hour.

so yeah if you started playing again you wouldnt have that problem anymore

13 years ago

I quit about a year ago. Has it changed that much in a year? I finished CoP far enough that I got Diablos for my summoner. Being in those big white things (forget their names) were capped at lvl 30, were they not? I only remember, because my job of choice was RDM, and RDM's aren't very useful at lvl 30. So I had to use my sub jobs (WHM or BLM depending on what my LS needed most).

Anyways, not sure I'll ever go back now. I'd be too upset about having to start over.

13 years ago

you wouldnt have to start over.. they implemented a new program that ANYONE can come back at anytime using their old character even if they quit 3 years ago so you wouldnt have to start over… and yes it has changed that dramatically in a year… even CoP is now uncapped but the levels of the monsters within hasnt increased so you can get a lvl 75 or higher players to run you solo though all the missions up to getting Sea… its so not even as challenging as it used to be

13 years ago

Any HD collection would probably consist of the initial games e.g. FF I-V

13 years ago

Doubtful given Bens reasons in the article and that they have already rereleased those games on the PSP and DSi.

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