We understand that some of you aren't big PlayStation Home fans, and others are overseas and don't feel like creating a US PSN account.
But we have a YouTube Channel for a reason. While our PSXE Shows must be exclusive to PlayStation Home while they are running in the Community Theater, we're free to put up older episodes on YouTube. If you click through, you will find our second episode, where we talk about the concept of open-ended interactive adventures and the supremacy of the Uncharted franchise, among other things. For the record, Episode #3 is currently up and running in Home; it's the one where I threaten a copy of Black Ops with a katana and settle the PS3/360 exclusive debate once and for all.
And if you're wondering why we're starting with Ep. 2 on YouTube, it's because we just didn't like the first episode quite as much. 😉 At any rate, after a show leaves Home (whether it's there for two or three weeks), we'll try to throw it up on YouTube for everyone. Feel free to stay tuned for more video commentary; we might do one for Deus Ex: Human Revolution although chances are, we'll wait for Resistance 3 .
You only threatened Blops? Shoulda sliced that b*tch in twain.
I second the motion.
Haven't made the trek over to PlayStation Home yet. To tell you the truth, it really doesn't seem like my cup of tea.
Nice little episode, though!
I see you are an Oakland A's fan, Ben. Ouch, rough season. On a positive note, they did manage to destroy the Angels today.
Nice. Always good to see growth. Keep it up!
Thankyou, will get around to watching them sometime! Also, yes please to a Deus Ex video commentary.
Sucks that the majority are choosing the last option on Catherine.
A CoD game with just one new weapon and map would sell a ton more.
Here is to hoping PSXE's community grows!
I wonder whether we have seen an uptick in traffic since the show started in Home? I think we have because I see a lot more 'new' names around than I used to.
Nice one Ben… enjoyed the latest video about in-game writing and story telling…
I was hoping you would upload them to YouTube. It's the only place I can watch them. My PS3 has the Ylod.