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June NPD: L.A. Noire Tops Charts But Numbers Slide

Hey, you know what launched last month? …well, not much.

The NPD Group has reported the industry sales numbers for June, and the total software revenue for US retailers came in at $509 million, which is a significant drop of 10% compared to the June 2010 take. Hardware sales fell 9% to $366 million but then again, the new slim Xbox 360 launched a year ago during the same month.

Still, one publisher enjoyed a decent June, as L.A. Noire topped the software charts and Duke Nukem Forever , despite critical backlash, was the runner-up. Sony's inFamous 2 occupied the third spot – which isn't bad, considering it's exclusive to one platform – and LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean had another strong showing, coming in at #4.

Here is Sony's statement from SCEA Sr. Director of Corporate Communications Patrick Seybold:

"According to the latest NPD report, PlayStation continues to see growth in software with a strong demand for exclusive PlayStation 3 franchise titles. The recently launched inFAMOUS 2 was the #1 software SKU in June. In addition, momentum is accelerating with the upcoming fall releases of Resistance 3 and UNCHARTED 3 on the horizon. This week the UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer beta surpassed 1.5 million unique players, demonstrating the strength of the PlayStation platform and consumers’ interest in gaming experiences that combine rich stories, challenging gameplay, and exhilarating 3D immersion."

Yeah, the summer drought is officially here.

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13 years ago

Go Duke! God I hope they make a better one with those revenues, lol. I'm glad L.A. Noire is a hit but really inFamous 2 deserves better than it's got in sales so far from what I've seen. 3rd place ain't bad but it's such a brilliant game and there isn't really much competition so far.

The summer drought may be on but I just plugged the hole with purchases of Shadows of the Damned, FEAR 2, Saints Row 2, Vanquish, and Far Cry 2.

… yeah I'm never gonna get any work done.

13 years ago

It's good to see the Duke shine under the circumstances… seems there is still an appetite for that fat cigar still…

I really thought for a moment they had screwed it up badly… but as they have always said… the Duke will never die… maybe this is proof?



13 years ago

Glad to know that I'm one of the ones responsible for getting Duke on that chart. Nice to see him back.

13 years ago

The Duke is eternal, I'm glad I have the game too, its pretty fun if you can get out of the modern mindset. I still hope they can bring him up to date in a bigger kick ass way next time though.

13 years ago

of course theres still a audience for him, this is the first duke game that sucked donkey balls!
will be interesting to see how many who bought it actually liked it.
id be surprised if it was over 20%, i mean the whole point of duke is to be a beefed up steroid junkie hero.
so if he really has balls of steel, and really can bench press 300 pounds, then why cant he carry more then 2 guns?
i was having a ball with the game with a massive smile on my face in pure euphoria till my babes got stolen, then it all went far far away.
O, and that alien level was just pathetic!

13 years ago

As i said, review proof.

13 years ago

of course its review proof, its duke freaking nukem!
the game could of got 1s from every single reviewer and it still would of sold well.
simply because, well, where else do you go to get a duke game?
duke 3Ds one of the most popular games of all time!
15 years after release its still being bought by people off XBLA and the apps store, and being remade in HD.
people wanted more of what they loved, but sadly thats not what they got.
this was always going to sell well because the last one was so beloved.
the next duke title though, that will be interesting.
will the faith bestial in the series, thinking lightning cant strike twice?
or will this leave a scar and make people think before they leap?
i know what ill be doing.

13 years ago

Actually Duke can bench 600 pounds 🙂

13 years ago

It was a pleasant surprize to see infamous in the top 3. Not bad for an exclusive title. I hope uncharted 3 debuts higher.

13 years ago

In November? Don't bet on it.

ME3…Skyrim…maybe even residual MW3 sales….

Nonetheless, as Jack said at E3, they'll sell a lot of copies of that bad boy.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/15/2011 7:20:17 AM

13 years ago

@Fane, ME3 is 2012 buddy.

13 years ago

I really hope they make a better Duke game that doesn't play so badly. I want some egotistical insanity in the form of a Duke Nukem game that rocks, and while they're at it, they could re-release the old PC games that came out eons ago. I loved playing those back in the day, and wouldn't mind the nostalgia trip one bit.

13 years ago

Good news for Infamous 2. Doesn't WKC2 come out next month?

Oh, and just ignore EDGE's review… 4 out of 10

And get this snippet…
" Being able to set general parameters is the consolation, and works well enough but feels like a blunt tool. Whatever else Final Fantasy XIII got wrong, it managed a battle system on similar principles which absolutely demolishes Level-5’s effort. Where FFXIII’s combat 
was fluid, intense and subtle, WKC2’s is plodding, repetitive and clunky. "

Okay highlander you're limited to 500 words =p

13 years ago

Edge should be ignored anyway, nobody seems to understand that we JRPG fans LIKE those kind of battles. You can actually control what's going on and use a strategy.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

WKC2 is slated for September, I think.

13 years ago

i must point out it's not just edge that is giving out low scores on wkc2, or had damning quotes for it.

13 years ago

no worries excelsior, they did the same with the first one.

13 years ago

I PROMISE you, WKC2 is going to steal your life.

"critics" have been a huge let down this gen in overrating and underrating too many games. Aside from LBP2, WKC2 is the best game i have played this year so far. It is what FF13 and even 12 should of been, minus the story.

I cannot begin to tell you just how enchanting the game is. I played it from WKC1 (i urge you all to do that) and having it go straight into WKC2 seamlessly, makes this the longest JRPG of the gen, surely.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 7/15/2011 6:54:17 AM

13 years ago

I returned my l.a. noire cause it made my ps3 freeze so I got mortal kombat. I was having to many problems with l.a. noire

13 years ago

let's see. june npd numbers

xbox 360 507,000
wii 273,000
ps3 240,000

the 360 is just putting a beatdown on sony here in the na market. everytime i look it seems like the gap has widened more. the 360 accounted for 48% of all console sales in june and was the only console to see a yr to yr increase according to ms.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 7/14/2011 11:23:13 PM

13 years ago

Between Kinects appeal and replacement 360s for bricked units, I'd imagine the actual number of MS's userbase isn't expanding as fast as it would appear by those numbers. And even then, their base is capturing a market now that is less interested in te kind of stuff we play anyway.

13 years ago

Even though it could be one of thousands, I'm blaming you for that down thumb Excelsior =p
Well, you or maybe Porkchop =p
Here piggly-wiggly. Here boy!


13 years ago

there, i gave you a thumbs to proove it wasn't me, and becuase i agree. still, the na numbers concern me as a sony fan…they have this entire gen. sony is going to have a real uphill struggle in the consolle war as long those numbers are so lopsided. ms is going to go into next gen with a lot of momentum. i just don't understand exactly why sony is struggling so much here. the ps1, and ps2 were very popular in na.

i guess i was foolish to underestimate kinect, and ms. i honestly thought at some point this gen 360 sales would stall, and sony would catch up. at this point i think the ps3 will finish this gen in last place.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 7/15/2011 1:08:35 AM

13 years ago

edit. i gave you thumbs *up*

13 years ago

Ex, I wouldn't worry about numbers too much. Selling less hasn't had much impact on the PS3 fan. It's still a popular system that has all these great exclusives, a strong online community, and other perks the 360 doesn't offer. All I cared was the PS3 to be a success and be around to give me great games.

13 years ago

i believe selling less does have an impact, and is a big factor in sony loosing all the great third party exclusives it once had. i believe those lopsided numbers have greatly influenced japanese developers. mgs peacewalker on the 360 is just blashemy. i blame sony's poor performance in na for things like that happening. those na numbers is why the market feels so focused on the 360. you feel it when you to your local videogame store, or when you go over to all your friends houses that all have 360's but zero interest in a ps3…it's a little lonely being a ps3 fan here in the US.

13 years ago

Excelsior1 –

While Sony can't be happy with those numbers, I don't think anyone has anything to worry about.

The PS3 will still offer those who are exclusive PS3 users the best content, and to be honest, that's what is important.

13 years ago

Thanks Max, you saved me the trouble of having to rewrite a big post. Yes that's what matters. Heck if Sony was number one I don't think they would be pushing as hard as they are now to offer all these great exclusives. I'll take the 1st party games of this gen than anything the 3rd has pumped out. Aside of some exceptions of course.

13 years ago

Sorry I have to write more in regards of you feeling lonely being a PS3 fan in the US. Look, I don't feel lonely at all. All my gaming friends play PS3 primarly or its their only game console (aside from the Wii, seems everybody has that)and there's a strong online community for the system. Maybe there's a more concentrated 360 fanbase were you live but numbers aside I couldn't be happier being a PS3 fan.

13 years ago

L.A. Noire tops Japanese charts

Team Bondi's LA Noire has topped the Japanese charts on release with more than 71,000 sales in its first week.

The game lead a surge in Western-developed games, with Sony's Infamous 2 and Vicious Cycle's Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon at second and third in the charts.

In hardware sales, Sony's PSP was the top seller with 26,407 units, with Nintendo's 3DS behind with 22,943 units according to Media Create stats translated by Neogaf.

The PlayStation 3 sold 22,900 units, Nintendo Wii 13,068, the DS family 9592 and the Xbox 360 2016 units.

The top ten best-selling games in Japan follows:

1 L.A. Noire (PS3)
2 Infamous 2 (PS3)
3 Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (PS3)
4 Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (360)
5 Wii Play: Motion (Wii)
6 Little Battler Experience (PSP)
7 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (3DS)
8 Steins Gate (PSP)
9 GoldenEye 007 (Wii)
10 Wii Sports Resort w/ Remote (Wii)

13 years ago

that's so weird, why would the Japanese be interested in L.A. Noire?

13 years ago

The gap between the PS3 and the 360 is a tale of two different stories in NA and Japan.

13 years ago

great to see a aussie studio doing so well.
hopefully this puts some faith into bigger publishers to invest here and we can get some larger studios open.

13 years ago

i don't exactly see how the bigger publishers will want to associated with team bondi considering all the allegations flying around concerning the developemaent of la noire. i don't see how team bondi can survive with its current management intact.

13 years ago

they cant.
till they get that pompous stuck up prick out of there, there up sh*t creek without a paddle!
ahhhhhhh, how i miss that movie!

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