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PSXE Show Episode #3: Come Chat, Win A Copy Of F.E.A.R. 3

Update: We're going to have to reschedule the party slated for tonight, as the Home Theater screens are undergoing some maintenance.

We're thinking we might do it Saturday night, if that's cool with everyone.  Let us know what other days might work best; for now, though, we just have to wait until the screens are back.

Original Story:

Things moved along a little faster than anticipated, and Episode #3 of our PSXE Home Show will debut tomorrow!

July 14 is the day and as usual, we'll be having our get-together at 8 p.m. EST (5 p.m. PST); it'll run at least a couple of hours, and the fans really enjoy the time. Come on in, chat with familiar PSXE members and new faces, and watch the new episode, where we tackle the Call of Duty topic (the samurai sword is a fun prop for that), the concept of "bribing" game reviewers, and why the Assassin's Creed franchise is so damn great.

Also, because everyone loves it when we do giveaways, we've got another one for you- if you come to the party and make yourself known, you will be eligible to win a new, sealed copy of F.E.A.R. 3 . Last time, we gave away inFamous 2 soundtracks and next time…well, we'll see. 😉 Wait…I've also decided to toss in this copy of the Rage comic book I have.

Once again, the PlayStation Home Community Theater and yes, you need a US PSN account to participate. By the way, we had so many people show up last time that a few members got stuck in a different "instance;" there are instances of the theater so things don't get overcrowded. So if you come to join the party after 8 p.m. (5 p.m. PST) and you don't see a big group down by the screen, you've been knocked elsewhere. I'd suggest trying again. 😉

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13 years ago

Is this just on the american PS home? or is it just there for a limited time? because I cant find it.

mk ultra
mk ultra
13 years ago

" Once again, the PlayStation Home Community Theater and yes, you need a US PSN account to participate."

13 years ago

shame 🙁

13 years ago

i will definiely be there becuase i like the show, and i am definely interested in fear 3.

13 years ago


13 years ago

A Rage comic book AND a copy of FEAR 3?! That sounds great. I know I'll be there, especially for the Call Of Duty segment.

13 years ago

Ill be there on time tomorrow. Maybe a little early. And I planon actually participating in this give away, try my luck a little. Id rather like being in the list of people who have participated in a give away. At least that way id feel like I tried.

I'm really looking forward to the samurai sword meeting cod. If that's still your intention ( god I hope so ) nothing better than some destruction.

Looking forward to episode 3 ben and charles. So ill see you guys there.

So by make ourselves known, do. You just mean participate in the conversations or something more?

13 years ago

that;s a good question. does what you say and how much you say have any impact on your chances of winning? or is it just show up participate and the winner is picked at random?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I'll leave that open to interpretation. 😉

13 years ago

You want me to come in and rap battle ben? Cause ill do it.

Definately just kidding around. And was in any way not serious.

Guess ill just come in and by myself and join in on the convo's and hope for the best.

Looking forward to the show sir.

13 years ago

I'll be there. My Thursday night after work is all clear.

13 years ago

can't wait for the show especially for fear3

13 years ago

I'll be there again.

This time, I'm hoping I don't get thrown into the wrong instance as last time though.

13 years ago

I liked the first two episodes and will definitely show up to see the third especially with a chance to win fear 3.

13 years ago

Can anyone calculate what that is for the central time zone? I don't feel like thinking right now

13 years ago

That would be 7 p.m. World.

13 years ago

thanks spider, i might be busy again 🙁

13 years ago

Good luck in getting FEAR3 guys – my coop buddy and I are closing in on the last chapter now, and the game is a blast. Obviously a lot scarier playing solo, but it's still worth playing coop cause it's rock solid coop play.

As soon as I get the chance to actually be up that late (euro time) I'll create a US account and join in on the fun as well!

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/13/2011 1:56:35 PM

13 years ago

I'll try to be there, and probably in WKC after that.

13 years ago

And what time is this in the UK ? I think it was 1am last time I tried to work it out ?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

1 a.m. sounds right.

13 years ago

hi everyone longtime reader first time poster….will b there fo sho

13 years ago

hello, and welcome to the best ps site out there.

13 years ago

I think you're looking for Hiphop Gamer.

13 years ago

Hello and welcome.

13 years ago

dat sounds sick brah…but do us all a favor and try to actually type your words.

13 years ago

Welcome Donnie… I hope you find it helpful and friendly being part of this community…

Enjoy your stay…



Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

I'll see if I can't finally make it to one of these. =)

13 years ago

good times last time. Im there

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I should add that people don't HAVE to show up when it starts. It goes for a few hours, so feel free to show up whenever.

karneli lll
karneli lll
13 years ago

Ben, why dont you set up a clubhouse in Home?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

We've got enough on our plate with the show, thanks. 🙂

13 years ago

i have a clubhouse in home thats not being used.
its on an old account of mine that i still switch over too sometimes.
if anyone is interested, i'll probably be at the show.

13 years ago

Saturday night? Who's home on a Saturday night,…besides myself, of course?

Last edited by cLoudou on 7/14/2011 5:52:44 PM

13 years ago

I'm down for whatever night day Ben & the majority decides on.

13 years ago

Ownage, I worked the past 2 Thursdays but finally not tonight. Now its rescheduled for Saturday and I have to work then. Maybe next week I can finally make it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

As I'm saying, it may or may not be Saturday. Just an idea.

13 years ago

i don't have much of a life, so any day, any time works for me.

13 years ago

Heh I was just getting ready to fire Home up too oh well back to gaming I guess… but saturday (or any other day) works for me… BTW Ben when WKC2 comes out I will be seeing you on that as much as I see you on Infamous 2 right? lol

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Uh…maybe. 🙂

13 years ago

Saturday works well for me (better than tonight, actually). No plans this weekend besides maybe finishing inFAMOUS.

Shame the theater isn't working, though.

p.s. I would once again like to remind people who use different pseudonyms here than on PSN to make it clear during the meet-up who you are.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/14/2011 7:03:38 PM

13 years ago

That would be very helpful. My name on PSN and in Home is Highlander – with a number after it. That said, it's pretty clear it's me from the whole Highlander bit.

13 years ago

I tried contacting "TheHighlander" on PSN a while ago and he had no clue what PSXExtreme was.

p.p.s. I should have added "…if you want us to recognise you" to the preceding postscript; by all means, be anonymous if you want.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/15/2011 7:09:07 AM

13 years ago

Looks like Home isn't cooperating at all tonight, I can't seem to get in, so it's just as well that the event has moved to Saturday.

13 years ago

I think Saturday would be best, simply because during the week it is more difficult for people of different time zones. Over the weekend things can be had at a better time – for me anyway, considering I am logging from ASIA.

Got get the PS3 repaired though, and I am still contemplating doing that or buying a new one. We will see…



13 years ago

Our refurb arrived from Sony yesterday. The thing looked brand new. I mean the casing didn't have a scratch or scuff on it at all. $129 total cost including shipping in both directions as well as a shipping box, packaging and shipping labels sent to me first. It's the same model that died, so it's a like for like replacement. Nice service, and very easy.

13 years ago

That is encouraging Highlander, but I called up Sony Singapore and they said they will simply be replacing the motherboard for s$249 (Singapore Dollars), that works out to about US$ 215. I think this is steep considering it already cost US$300 to purchase off of eBay 🙁

Whenever I have to use money for repairs I think of the great games I could have bought. It is a pity Sony don't subsidies the hardware more so people feel they can buy more day 1 purchase AAA games rather than have to wait for price drops to help them fit these purchases within today's tight budgets…

What do you think; would spend US$ 215 to get a repaired PS3 back with 3 months guarantee?



Last edited by Qubex on 7/14/2011 11:56:51 PM

13 years ago

That seems really steep for a refurb with a 3 month warranty. How much can you get a new slim for? Good grief, in the US they are/were offering a refurb'd slim for $99 instead of the same model replacement for $129.

13 years ago

Damn Highlander, you have it good in the States… market is huge, so lower costs… Singapore is a hugely expensive place to live, so I guess with the price of living comes the price of lov'n your PS3…

:: Sigh ::

I would love a $99 dollar special… reminds me scoffing down a hot dog and the cheap thrill that went with it…

I will eventually be forced to make a decision, one way or another…



13 years ago

Highlander… a new Slim here is about US$325…



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