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First Dishonored Screenshot Elevates Our Curiosity

Dishonored will be featured on the cover of the August Game Informer, and the basic details already have us intrigued.

And now, the first and only screenshot has arrived , along with a game information summary. In the picture, we can easily spot some weapons and it appears the setting will be somewhat industrial, albeit with a few magical perks. You will play as Corvo, a talented and highly skilled former bodyguard who was wrongfully imprisoned for the murder of an Empress. Yeah, the woman he was supposed to protect. It's also interesting to note that co-creative director Harvey Smith was involved in projects like Thief and Deus Ex , so that might give us a hint as to what the gameplay will be like.

Personally, I focus on that part about "mobility, powers, gadgets, environment, and AI" all having an impact on how we play the game. I'm not a big fan of industrial-type settings but the magic/supernatural aspect sounds appealing…heck, the whole concept is interesting.

Related Game(s): Dishonored

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mk ultra
mk ultra
13 years ago

So is this game going to be in first person? If so a game where you can duel wield a sword and flintlock with tons of choices that affect the game world sounds awesome to me. I hope they focus heavily on the AI and give us something we haven't seen before in that department.

Last edited by mk ultra on 7/12/2011 11:01:23 AM

13 years ago

I'm not sure why but for some reason i thought this was going to be like an open world Tenchu game. I must have got it mixed up with something else.

I'll keep a curious eye on this to see how it pans out, but let's settle down on the post apocalypse/industrial settings for once.

There is only so much junkyards & barren wasteland i can take after two Fallout games.

13 years ago

Thief and Deus Ex are some nice backgrounds. I guess we'll be playing post murder but it would be cool playing up to the murder. However whether you chose to (for whatever plot reasons) kill the empress or do the job you were supposed to you still end up being convicted and imprisoned.

13 years ago

You don't like industrial settings? No Midgar?

13 years ago

Industrial…combined with a fantasy setting would make this…steampunk? Would be sweet.

13 years ago

kinda reminds me of WET……………..

13 years ago

Looks pirate-y to me.

Not historical, based on the description, but pirate-y nonetheless.

Tell me that's not a flintlock in his left hand.

13 years ago

Looks veery intruiging and promising

13 years ago

Screenshot reminds me of Red Stee… oh no!!!

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