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Uncharted 3 Multiplayer: You Won’t See Its Like Anywhere Else

If it's impossible to compete numbers-wise, it's important to offer something original in comparison.

After admitting Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception has no chance of competing with the likes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in the multiplayer numbers category (i.e., sheer number of players), Naughty Dog designer Robert Cogburn says the team is still shooting big, and seeks to offer gamers something "they can't get anywhere else."

"In terms of what we’re doing, I think Naughty Dog is bringing the kind of experience that you will not get anywhere else on the market right now. In our multiplayer experiences, it’s super quick, you can do all sorts of crazy stuff you can’t do in other games.

You can play multiple play styles, and we have these massive set pieces that you can’t get anywhere else. No other multiplayer title lets you jump from truck to truck while attacking a flying airplane."

Cogburn conceded that the industry needs games like MW3 but at the same time, Uncharted 3 online will be a very different and even unique experience. Many of you have already sampled the multiplayer action in the beta, which continues on at this very minute. But get your fill now; it all stops on July 14.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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13 years ago


13 years ago

I think we're definitely going to see more gotys for Uncharted 3.

Ben, check your title (grammatical error) though we know what you mean:)

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

No, that's intentional.

13 years ago

lol, don't edit an editor, it is a turn of phrase.

13 years ago

probably agree with nonprophet. it does look like like an error. oddly phrased headline.

matchmaking is too slow in uc3. one of slowest i have ever seen.

13 years ago

i think nd decision to not include dedicated servers really hurts the experience. i noticed a lot of fans complaining about that, i wonder if this decision is why the matchmaking is so damn slow, and the visuals looked dialed back. nd has said they have done that becuase the costs… come on this is a big budget game, don't be holding back.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 7/12/2011 6:29:44 AM

13 years ago

Have to disagree fellas. The matchmaking is just as fast as Uncharted 2 MP is. Also, you have to keep in mind that this is a Beta. You're not going to see any type of perfection in regards to a Beta. Plus, when you get into a match and it's over you keep the same players unless some leave and the next game starts in seconds..Matchmaking isn't that bad at all..especially if you've experienced Uncharted 2 matchmaking

13 years ago

i still think it is a mistake not use dedicated servers on a high profile game like this. the slow matchmaking will be a turn off to some. dedicated servers have other benefits as well. it helps reduce lag.

13 years ago

@ Excelsior

I agree that it will be a turn off to some, more likely newbies to the series. But I haven't really experienced any lag. If there was a severe issue concerning matchmaking I think they'd implement dedicated servers.

13 years ago


Dedicated servers are more efficient than a peer to peer server but I could care less honestly. The matchmaking was fine and Uncharted 2 was similar and no one is complaining about that so… I think what you really need to focus on is that this is still a beta. Any issues now will be ironed out, that's the point of all this.

Basically what your saying is that probably somewhere upwards of 80% of console games are mistaken for not using dedicated servers. Hmm I wonder why that number is so high?

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/12/2011 11:55:58 AM

13 years ago

Because most games go for the cheapest option but Uncharted sticks out like a sore thumb among BIG and pretty small(Warhawk-though it's still the gets online console game EVER)Sony produced games in being P2P-even Uncharted's cost argument is nonsense seeing as they will have DLC selling to a bigger audience than Warhawk and THAT's been around for the four year target ND have set. Put simply it's a sick joke not to have dedicated servers(U3 and U2 suffer from lag but worse is the host advantage and matchmaking that has always, with disconnects, been it's biggest issue)in a game this size which makes the fact MW3 won't have them beyond any kind of sick joke in gaming history.

I expected ND to care more than Activision about the actual quality of their players experience.

13 years ago

great games!! this one its going the be the best of the 3… I dont know why, I just can feel it!!

13 years ago


It sucks it ends July 15th. I'm not going to test out the last update.

but i know uncharted 3 will be the GOTY, easy.

But… MW3..? We don't need… that.

13 years ago

I personally liked Uncharted 2 online better. It was simpler. I feel like with additions of sprinting, medal kickbacks and power-plays, it's getting closer to a CoD style of gameplay…

Now before you hate me, I DO still like U3 online, I'm just making an observation here and stating my opinion.

13 years ago

I agree completely man. The Matchmaking may of been slow, but ranked games were the shit. I am a proud level 60(if i remember correctly) and a level 50 in ranked gameplay.

13 years ago

Agreed..I hate they implemented sprinting in this one. Medal kickbacks aren't needed. It takes away the realism that Uncharted 2 MP had.

13 years ago

I actually welcome all these additions. I still play U3 as I do U2 though. Knowing it's more in depth is just a plus.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/12/2011 11:58:50 AM

13 years ago

Other than the slow matchmaking, everything has been amazing! I did not expect to have so much fun playing online. Before I played the beta I was going to wait till the price dropped for the game, but after playing the beta with my brother and some friends it's definitely D1P. How am I going to find time for Battlefield 3 AND Uncharted 3 now?

13 years ago

Popularity means nothing to me. In fact, it's more of a detriment to my want to play a game. I'd much rather see innovation every few years than the same old s*** year after year.

13 years ago

I have no want or need of it anyway. I'll be getting Uncharted 3 purely for the single player campaign.

13 years ago

Yeah, same here. I play a game for the same reasons I read a book or watch a movie: To experience a narrative. Multiplayer can be fun, but I never enjoy it as much as the solo campaign.

13 years ago

+1, but not coz i don't like multiplayer, I really do want to try this beta, But due to my Crappy internet speed i cant. But again Uncharted for me is all about single player experience and Drake. I enjoy people sitting next to me and watching the game(U2:AT), not playing just watching as if its a movie. 😉

13 years ago

looking forward to the single player experience!!! cant wait! hurry up november!

13 years ago

Man I look forward towards this MP than Mw3's. I was totally addicted to UC3 MP and it only has 2 (3) levels xD.

13 years ago

Its interesting because when GOTY is talked about, all we hear is Uncharted. However, more ps3 users buy COD. It makes me wonder; if Uncharted is clearly a better game, why is it that more players choose a lesser game in terms of quality?

13 years ago

Because CoD is a household name while Uncharted isn't.

13 years ago

Some people just don't have the patience for a game like Uncharted. I convinced a friend to get U2 last year. He got stuck (in one of the easier puzzle mind you) and I told him what to do. Two days later he traded it in for CoD. It's a shame..some people hate to use this thing called brain to beat a game…

13 years ago


that is so true. i've had a lot my friends tell me they think the climbing sections in uc are so boring. they can't get into the game becuase of this. they never mentioned the puzzles, though.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 7/12/2011 9:40:54 AM

13 years ago


That's not the first time I heard that complaint(in regards to climbing being boring). It's just strange how some people dismiss a game for the smallest things within it.

Last edited by slugga_status on 7/12/2011 9:47:58 AM

13 years ago

I've had friends play the first part of Uncharted to never pick it up again, "because there wasn't enough action." I'm referring to Drakes fortune where after defeating the pirates at the very beginning and leaving Elena on the dock, you do a lot of searching and puzzles. So I popped the game in and started a previous save, and showed them the game(s) do have action, and they never said a bad thing bout Uncharted again.

I just dont see how people can be so impatient.

13 years ago

Why does Gaga sell more records than Joy Division ever did? Quality and people's tastes are strangers in the main.

Same in games and same in books-more people read Harry Potter today than have even heard of Dostoyevski, Chekov and Pushkin combined. Whenever I think of the quality and sales debate I remember that five hundred times more people watched Phantom Menace first weekend than have ever watched my favourite film at the cinema(and the gap will only grow with video outlets and platforms).

Disgusts me that most of these people are allowed to vote and breed!

13 years ago

except in uncharted 2.
thats what i did not like about the beta, it feels too different from uncharted 2.
i really liked the maps in that, though the maps in this just dont feel as well designed and thought out.

13 years ago

I have to be honest, what put me off playing U2 online was the DLC, I played it a couple of times, but it felt quite constrained due to the restricted access of DLC features, so I did not pursue the max rank at all. If U3 has tons and tons of DLC added to the online, I doubt I will play that much either.

13 years ago

I bought the DLC (not immediately, but when it went on sale) and haven't played U2 MP since I did.

Too many SP games to play.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/12/2011 5:12:10 AM

13 years ago

yes uncharted 3 is awesome

13 years ago

The Beta is loads of fun. I didn't like the appearance of the menu's at first but I got used to it. I hope the customization will be deeper once the actual game comes out. Either way I won't be playing the MP aspect until I've completed the SP. This Beta was very promising and can't wait for the game

13 years ago

Honestly, I never got into the UC2's multiplayer… the SP is where its at with the UC franchise… enough said…



13 years ago

I hope that more maps have these "set pieces" like the cargo plane at the beginning of the airstrip map. Integrating what makes the Uncharted SP so cool is a great way to differentiate yourselves from the market. I only hope that there is a train map or some other kind of moving automobile.

13 years ago

I agree 100%. that's why U2 mp is so good, it feels right at home in te mix of the SP. It reminds me so much of when I was playing the campaign, that there is that Much more to enjoy. They've taken it a step further in U3 and it's bound to make for a great experience, considering so far it's been amazing.

13 years ago

The more, the merrier.

13 years ago

I'm sure you guys are all pros, but I'm having the darndest time with this over-the-shoulder as a multiplayer. My fine motor skills are already poor Wah wah wah.

13 years ago

14th?? Its the July 15th here in NZ and I'm still playing the online demo…. Awesome by the way ^_^

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