inFamous 2 is a great game with a great soundtrack.
And we wanted you to have the chance to nab the Blue Soundtrack for the game; it was our latest PSXE giveaway with the help of Sumthing Digital. All you had to do was show up at the debut of Episode #2 in the PlayStation Home Community Theater, and tell us you wanted one of the three soundtracks we have available. I gave people the option of e-mailing me after the show as well.
And now that I have the three soundtracks in my possession – the long holiday weekend means I didn't get 'em until today – I can announce the winners. You'll probably recognize the names if you joined us for the PSXE party last week:
These three need to e-mail with their addresses (hope you all remembered that you have to reside in the U.S.) and I'll get their soundtracks in the mail soon. For the record, more giveaways will likely be coming your way, and several may be tied to our new PSXE Show. And again, for those who aren't in the U.S. and can't see the show in the Community Theater, just make a US PSN account.
If that doesn't work, wait until we upload old shows on our YouTube Channel . We just have to wait until they're out of Home before we do so; and no, that isn't our rule. Stay tuned.
Related Game(s): inFamous 2
I was atthe show and i only recognize one of those names >.> lol
I saw all three there…and I had to leave early.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/5/2011 8:13:48 PM
Congrats guys!
Wow this makes my month! Thanks very much Ben. And thanks to everyone here for making me feel right at home here.
Congratulations guys!
Is this the soundtrack that came with the Hero Edition? If so, I already have it.
Thanks! No the one that came with the HE was the Red Soundtrack.
Oh…now I want one too.
Congratulations you 3. I'm glad some new faces won as it may help spread the word of psxe to other gamers.
Here's to hoping this awesome site will grow even more, as only good things can come.
Again, congratulations 🙂
Congrats everyone!
Congrats to all!
Hey Ben,
since I was there at 8 EST & watched the show(WNDRTWN1 can vouch, LOL), but found out afterwards that I was in the wrong darned instance of the theater, can a brother get a virtual instance version of that soundtrack? LOL
Oh well, I guess I'll get this whole Home thing figured out right by 2012……….I hope.
A virtual instance of the soundtrack…seems unlikely. 😉
LOL, I'll just have to be contend by humming a few more bars of "Old McDonald's Farm" then.
Thanks a lot, Ben!! I got the email while I was at work so this has made my day. Now I have both soundtracks, thanks to you and the Hero Edition of Infamous 2.
Oh and by the way I can vouch for BikerSaint and his statement, LOL.
Sucks that I missed the second show after being at the first, lol. But oh well, had things to do 🙁 will try to be there for the third show, unless it comes out when I'm on vacation, which i think it will.. D:
Congrats to the winrars!
Darn, I couldn't watch the show either this time. I had a job interview out of town, so I had to spend a couple days out. But congratulations to the lucky winners, and psxextreme team keep to great job!!
Just a quick question…
What's the reason for requiring contestants to be U.S. citizens or have a U.S. address?
So, are members of this site from other countries not 'true' members?
Is it the extra cost of shipping to the other countries?
Just curious.
As Ben have said in the past, there are a lot of different forms and rules around the world, so it would be very difficult (time consuming) to give attention to, every different time, seeing there are very few members in psextreme. More or less, that's the idea.
I keep meaning to set up a US account, what state shall I say im from ? lol only kidding I remember the great state debate in the forums (you guys know who you are) lol made great reading anyway, think a thread got hijacked and a new one was created so the thread could get back on track. I'll do one soon so I can watch the shows.
@big6 it's the cost of the postage to post overseas it wouldn't be feasable for them to do it.
Congrats to the winners too enjoy your winnings. 🙂
Awesome, I can't believe I won. Thanks PSX. Congrats to sunspider13 & WNDRTWN1 on their wins too.