Man, are we really going to have to live through four more months of this? I'm not sure I can take it.
I play just about every shooter that comes my way, and it isn't always because work demands it. I really like my shooters and there's no doubt I'll play through and enjoy both Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 . Will I be blown away? That remains to be seen but I have high hopes. My biggest complaint right now centers on this constant war going on between the two blockbusters…and I'm sorry, but I'm already bored.
" Our game uses Frostbite 2!" " Our game runs at 60 frames per second!" " We already made a game better than Call of Duty ; it was called Battlefield: Bad Company 2 !" " We'll produce the most popular video game in history…again!" " Battlefield 3 will give you the ultimate single-player campaign!" " Modern Warfare 3 will once again redefine multiplayer!" "Look at this gameplay!" No, look at this gameplay!" …'yaaaaawn' How often can we talk about this? And for how long? Really?
The worst part is that both Activision and EA are well aware of the buzz, and continue to fan the flames for the sake of higher potential sales. These headlines just aren't going to stop and unfortunately, if we wish to remain current, we'll have to keep up with them. However, that being said, I'm not about to post every last piece of "news" concerning either game; the majority of it isn't actually news , anyway.
Related Game(s): Battlefield 3 , Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
I have no doubt that Battlefield will again put out another great game. But what sucks for them is that no matter how hard they push the game, it will not come close in terms of #'s compared to MW3. Both games are alot of fun, it's just that the Call of Duty series has a much larger audience.
COD has a larger audience, and that's a fact. Something tells me that while BF3 will be a superior title as compared to MW3, it won't really matter.
DICE & Activision should just handshake and say, " no hard feelings " to each other. Maybe even make a game together. But man o man am I liking Battlefield 3! It uses FIFA's technorogry in its soldiers! Making their sprint look realistic! Also FROSTBITE 2, realistic gun sounds! Damn….. Can't wait.
As for Mw3, I think I know what to expect….
I've played CoD4, CoDWaW, CoDMw2 & CoDBO…. Can Mw3 be much different? Even uses the exact same engine…
Battlefield 3 FTW!
Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 7/3/2011 9:47:46 PM
I could not agree more with this article, and I do thank you Ben for not over saturating the site with MW3/BF3 stuff. As far as I'm concerned the only info we need about either game is if they release more gameplay footage/list of more features/actual news worthy stuff, not just this childish "no I'm better" banter.
Pauses from looking at Vivitek Qumi 720p projector.
Ben is right.
Goes back to evaluating the Vivitek Qumi 720p projector.
I have a bud who has a home theater setup with one of those HD projectors. They really are quite amazing. And in same crazy way they don't make your games look all jagged out with edges. It's like how you see them on a normal HDTV.. just the screen is way, way more HUGE.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/4/2011 12:55:08 AM
Agreed as well,
But people are going to compare until the games come out and the reviews come in, and about this "BF3 will never outsell MW3" GS confirmed BF3 is outselling MW3 as of lately. So, yeah.
MW3 will be great for the fans but as an experienced gamer my problem is the engine, which really needs to be scrapped because what they currently "produce" on is a buggy mess, its pretty bad. BO demonstrated how poorly the engine can really become, and not to mention how the weapons sound like cap guns. If they just build from the ground up, and host a beta it would turn out much better, they have the money! As in a previous article, I'll take 30fps with true and epic sound design, massive maps, vehicles, and real tactical destruction.
From what I watched on the MW3 footage it really is more of the same, go here shoot and kill, move on do it again and again. And lets toss in an on-rails chopper, how original.
In the end, I cannot support essentially the same game every year, but if you choose to you go right ahead. I am looking for evolution in a shooter, not ground breaking necessarily but an enhancement. Frostbite 2. Happy gaming is what its all about and I believe Activision is screwing people, hard.
Last edited by BeezleDrop on 7/3/2011 10:01:05 PM
There's an awful lot of people that liked to get screwed hard
I sorta just tune out all of this. I guess I'm not really too interested in either game all that much, but I'm interested in CoD even less. I've already made up my mind that IF I get one, it's going to be Battlefield 3, based on that gameplay footage they released a while back, and the fact that I'm bored to death of the Call of Duty craze. I'll probably rent it first. Until it releases, I'm just not going to pay attention to either.
Last edited by 556pineapple on 7/3/2011 10:10:41 PM
Just buy both games end of discussion. You will never get bored, plus if I do get bored with one just go play the other 🙂
I'm not buying either game in any case so let them slug it out. I'll always root for CoD's downfall though.
Unless you like a specific party, you always got to root for the underdog.
Since when is this not a Mexican stand off, cause my money is on resistance 3 being the best FPS this holiday
Four more months till they come out, then another six afterword till the follow-ups are announced. We live in a military fps-controlled world. =>.>=
I only need one fps this holiday season, and that is BF3.
So, now instead of the Sony vs Microsoft console war, we have the EA vs Activision military shooter war? Oh, goody.
No matter who wins,
we lose…
-AVP poster LOL
Ha. Y'know, it kinda does make me pine for the old PS3 vs 360 days. The two groups of fanboys seem almost reconciled now…
Lawless, you should of seen all the 360 fans going crazy on YouTube when people started posting about the PSN Outage. It was crazy, but very annoying.
Last edited by Clamedeus on 7/4/2011 8:58:53 AM
it is boring but iv noticed….
why is it always ea talking about activision
the people at activision have never mentioned battlefield first, ea arent making this game for the consumers like me or you they are making it to go to bobby kotick and say look we made a war game too, for this reason i am getting modern warfare 3 and not battlefield because its not just the people who make it its the people who play it too waaah cod campers waaaaah, its just recylced cod dropouts, give it a rest no cod player wants to know about your geeky realistic gun sounds, its not a very good competition… plus the graphics are only good on the pc its just medal of honor on the consoles
i hope call of duty dominates this game
thumbs down if your gay 😛
well said but i like battlefield as well but i hope Call of Duty wins like usual
thumbs down if your gay 😛 lol
I'd give you a thumbs down for using the grammatically incorrect 'your' in lieu of 'you're', but I'm above that. I'd be more likely to do so simply for the inclusion of that last line, but I'm not that spiteful, and I'm not going to give you a thumbs down for your opinion, because we're all entitled to that.
I will, however, put up the argument that the Battlefield series has been around for longer than Call of Duty, so it's clearly not about EA simply wanting to capture CoD's market. Furthermore, DICE have said that they're making the game that they want and not trying to compete with MW3, that is all EA bluster. And really, if you think that CoD is for the players, you're completely delusional. It's for the profit man. Activision pushed Tony Hawk until he fell, they expanded the music genre until it exploded and if they're not careful, the ever increasing popularity of shooters will turn around to bite them on the arse as people look for similar, yet different, experiences and find themselves sated by Deus Ex, Bioshock: Infinite, Resistance 3 and yes, Battlefield 3.
Smiles and Peace.
I'm rooting for Battlefield, CoD is getting boring and stale very fast. I'm waiting to see what Activision does for MW3 to see if I'll get it. And if I do, it's going to be by bargain bin.
Great. Now you guys won't only get thumbs down for stupid, unintelligent posts, but now gay people will also thumb you down too!
Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/4/2011 10:12:04 AM
We can do better when we try.
Wholeheartedly agree, Ben, and I'll be very thankful to you for keeping this site as clear of those inflammatory articles as is reasonable. I like a good argument every now and again, but if it comes to an FPS explosion fortnightly… I'm going to have issues here.
Big time thumbs up…
its called PR, and its working quite well because sites like this are taking the bait.
as the saying goes any publicity is good publicity!
im looking forward to BF3 more but only because DICE are one of the few developers out there that actually make games for PC, not games for consoles then port them over to PC.
you go boy!
@ Lawless SXE
clearly you have never heard of shorthand
lol i love it when people take so much offence to a comment about a game haha
stupid recycled cod players
if you don't understand shorthand and/or have never recieved a text message?
thumbs down if you're gay!!!
Learn to use the reply button.
P.s. I'm not sure you know what shorthand is….
Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/4/2011 10:15:53 AM
I know shorthand, I just have a hatred of it. And I never took offence, I just usually don't know when to shut up…
Oh, great, the intolerance special drew into town. Tell you what kiddo, why don't you get on that train and get out of town.
ps: haha you're gay 😛
'Twould be far worse to be so insecure that I would use "gay" as some sort of insult.
Tell me… was your father abusive? Perhaps your mother emotionally unavailable or manipulative? Perhaps both?
Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/4/2011 10:17:28 AM
nihro and atq: Not sure if you've noticed yet, but this is the wrong community to act like a 12-year-old.
I see adolescent name-calling again and you're both gone.
P.S. atq1993, what you're using isn't "shorthand." Maybe you should look that word up.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/4/2011 10:24:31 AM
It's not shorthand Ben, it's offensive.
Go back to trolling on your regular kiddie site!
There are two things that I wish would just go away or at the very least be nothing but an afterthought: Reality T.V. and First Person Shooters. The thing is, would both mediums of T.V. and video gaming be hurt without these cash cows? Is there another genre that can take the place of FPS games?
Oh, I would gladly see the back of both of those. Although, I suspect we are more likely to see a fusion of the two;
Hell's Kitchen of Duty
Big Brother Battlefield
Gears of The Bachelor
Halo : MasterChef
tired and boring, i'm still looking forward to BF3 though
I'm going to buy MW3 just to wrap up the trilogy, but I won't be buying it for full price. CoD4 blew my mind when it came out but the same engine every year is becoming tiresome. I'm a single-player-only type of gamer so after this installment, I'm done with CoD. I couldn't get into W@W and Black Ops was, to me, horribly boring. I'll definitely be buying BF3 day one, though. Everything I've seen of that game has left my jaw wide open from its awe-inspiring awesomeness. One thing is for certain, though; no matter how amazing BF3 looks and no matter whether it plays better or not, it will not top CoD's numbers.
it sounds like it's beating COD in pre orders as of now. But come release day that won't be the case :/
Well i'm kinda excited for both games… I guess I expect more outta BF3 bc I like it more than CallOfDuty but as long as MW3 is close to MW2 and not Black Ops i'll enjoy it too( I hope they don't bring back quick scoping either and Last Stand is also being eliminated )… But at the end of the day i'm buying both and i'm pretty sure i'll enjoy them both… Anyways i'll prolly be spending most of my time in Uncharted 3 anyways 🙂
Last edited by Deathb4Dishonor on 7/4/2011 11:11:15 AM
Just like the fan wars going on about Uncharted vs Gears. Why can't we just have a super universal console. Then atleast the fabled console war will be over. Stupid fanboys.
There's a fan war between fans of games from utterly different genre on different console? What odd dimension do those fans inhabit?
Resistance 3. 'Nuff said.
BF3 will be the better game, Have you seen what that engine can do? MW3 won't be all that great, still same OLD engine running it. You would think they would of done something about that.
BF BC2 was better then COD BO and BF3 will be better the COD MW3. It just how it is.
Unless COD shows me other wise. I have no faith in them. COD is old. graphics even look dated on there games(BO).
I know when thing, I have already decided a while back that I was getting BF3. I always keep open for COD games but they always disappoint big time and become a HUGE JOKE. So my expectations for MW3 are real low, probably never purchase because of it.