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Uncharted 3 Beta Gameplay: See What You’re Missing

The Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception beta test is here and if you need a code, you can always contact us .

If you hadn't really planned on being part of the action, though, it's time to show you what you're missing. This game will undoubtedly thrive on the strength of its incredible single-player campaign, but don't underestimate the multiplayer. This action is top-notch; the beta is definitely loads of fun!

Here's more gameplay on the Airstrip map; the diversity and variety of environments keeps us interested, and we really like the multiple distinct multiplayer modes. It's difficult to get an idea of the project's immensely impressive visuals based on these videos, but…well, they still look amazing.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is going to shake the world come November and if you recall, Naughty Dog has stated several times in the past that they want this new sequel to be the "go-to multiplayer game" on the PlayStation 3. You don't doubt their talent or dedication, do you?

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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13 years ago

Its a great beta, if I didn't get constant freezes, lag and disconnects. xD

13 years ago


13 years ago

It is a beta test not an early preview of the finished game, you have to live with that. This is a *test* version designed for playtesting of the game engine and online. It's inevitable that there will be problems. I'd rather they happen with this beta, than with the final game.

13 years ago


It's "hear, hear".

I tried playing the beta. Laggiest game ever…even the menus.

Then, I got trapped in the architecture and couldn't move or do anything even after someone killed me. I had to force my PS3 to shut down in order to quit.

Not the best first impression. 😀

Note: I'm not complaining; it was disappointing but funny. I get that it's a beta.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/29/2011 2:05:36 AM

13 years ago

Haven't played the beta, but I don't think I'll need to. Uncharted 1 and 2 are enough to get me back for the third. My prediction: Awesomeness

13 years ago

I'm sure tons of people are trying to connect. I had to stop it was freezing so much. Can't wait for this though

13 years ago

Contacting for code now!!!

If past experiences are anything to go by, Naughty Dog can do no wrong. Uncharted 1 is still amazing and it came out in PS3's first year!!!

Main reason I want this game is for the single player campaign. It's nice to know that single player lovers are still being catered to. Multiplayer is fun, but a great story is what makes a game a classic.

Would anyone go back and play Black Ops 2 years from now once more CoDs have dropped? What about WoW in 8 years once servers have shut down? I think a game's longevity is carried by the strength and replayability of it's single player. Just look at Dead Space or any RPG.

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 6/28/2011 10:03:16 PM

13 years ago

This beta is terrible. It's unplayable for me at this point. Like the first comment, I can't get into a game that doesn't lag, freeze or kick me.

EDIT: Something about the graphics don't look right either. Looks unpolished but I assume they will fix that before the final game releases in November.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/28/2011 10:26:24 PM

13 years ago

I played it last night and didn't really encounter any lag when I was able to join a co-op party. Connecting to the lobby though is the problem. It took me several attempts. Christophe Balestra tweeted about it earlier, saying they're aware of such problems and are of course working on it.

The errors are very annoying, but it's still worth it once you're able to get past that. 🙂

13 years ago

Nice. Good to hear they are working on it. Another thing I noticed is it restarts me PS3 every time I quit the game through the XMB. Anyone else encounter that issue?

13 years ago

I did encounter that, too. Twice actually. Christophe mentioned that on the same tweet I mentioned earlier. 🙂

Last edited by ZettaiSeigi on 6/28/2011 10:46:21 PM

13 years ago

I played this afternoon ad didn't encounter much of what you experienced, it's been good to me. It's a beta for a reason though, too iron these things out.

13 years ago

i like the gameplay, when it works. i have only finished 2 games so far out of like 10. The main menu is a little bit clunky and i miss the high quality menus of Uncharted 2's multiplayer. Overall- a crappy beta because its pretty much unplayable, but for the part i did play it was fun as hell. Also i hate the new menu's and i need more clothes and stuff to customize my character.

13 years ago

The main screen doesn't really look that polished. But I'm not bothered as this is just a beta. I'm sure that it will be much better in the final game.

I think the main point of the beta is to allow everybody to find the bugs in the actual gameplay and provide (constructive) feedback that would allow Naughty Dog to come up with a game deserving of the Uncharted name. 🙂

13 years ago

Yea the menus are ugly. I'm sure they will change those though. One thing I noticed they changed was that took away the option to swap the L2 and R2 functions. I like having my grenade button on R2 and reload L2. I hope they retain that option in the final game.

13 years ago

I had issues with it last night,restarting my ps3 when i backed out and freezing up.From what I did play it was mad fun the airstrip stage was dope.Starting off in the plane with trucks in pursuit was some cool ass shit. KingYellow64

13 years ago

At first it froze my ps3 like every single time but now everything is ok, ive been able to play a couple games. I find it really fun but maybe its cause i keep winning every game 8D

13 years ago

Also, 3 team deathmatch is my new favourite game mode in any multiplayer. Anyone who wants to play some 3tdm with me when the game releases just let me know because im always looking for gamer buddies 🙂

13 years ago

Downloading as I type…

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I played 2 games no problem but my 3rd was……….. lagging so i quit.

13 years ago

lag and freezing:(

otherwise a pretty fun game

13 years ago

Anyone else having trouble staying connected to PSN in general? I have gotten booted 3 times in the last half hour.

13 years ago

I can connect to PSN, but I've manage to start the game and try entering a match twice. So far, it runs at about 5 frames per second and then I get kicked – apparently for killing team mates, although since I've yet to fire a gun I'm not sure how.

I can't help wondering whether this was ready for Beta.

13 years ago

Me too. I kept getting stuck in walls earlier too. LOL! I understand betas will have issues but I have never played one this bad.

13 years ago

I'm worried that this isn't some kind of double bluff by ND and that U3 is actually this bad – at this time. I know that they have 3+ months, but if this is the current code base for the game, they have a lot of work yet to do.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/29/2011 12:38:18 AM

13 years ago

I've gotten kicked off PSN only like 2 times, but the weird part is it kept me online on PSN. O.o? Weird. But I played 4 games no problem then my 5th just major lag and freeze ups, I had a LOT of fun playing was awesome.

13 years ago

hey guys!!! ive been closely following this site for a few months now…im an avid fan of uncharted.. pls feel free to add always looking for gamer buddies
@kevinater:add me bro…my psn id onyot12..tnx 🙂

13 years ago


13 years ago

Hmmm it is pretty rough. Real laggy and I've had it lock up my Ps3 twice within like 10 min of play time.
Also, I hope graphics see some more polish time.

I suppose this is what you get with beta's

13 years ago

Three times I tried, three times it died, adn three times I got kicked from the game before firing a single round, yes I get kicked for killing team mates. Never mind the fact that the game locks if you try to leave multi-player, or the incredible lag. It's unplayable. I've seen Alphas work better than this.

As excited as I am for Uncharted 3, this leaves me with an overwhelming case of the "wake me when it works" blues.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/29/2011 12:22:33 AM

13 years ago

The graphics look like they are missing a layer of texture or something. Especially some of the areas in the environments. Uncharted 2 MP looks better at this point time.

13 years ago

I can't judge the graphics because the lag is killing the game and the graphics never settle down.

13 years ago

I found the patch really helped things out. I haven't been kicked or had any lag or even freezes since i downloaded it. Although when i downloaded the patch it shut down my ps3 twice before it actually downloaded.

13 years ago

So I loved UC2 and I loved the co-op, but the actual MP wasn't real addictive for me at all and this looks about the same. I'm downloading this right now, but seems everyones having problems already. That sucks.

And I hope the graphics don't suck in the actual games because I hear the complaints and thats isn't good news at all.

13 years ago

Is anyone going to start a 'Uncharted 3 beta impressions' on the forums, too lazy. And to those people avoiding uncharted 3 videos, the beta has spoilers because theres a small tv showing trailers.

13 years ago

Done and done. Forum topic posted.

13 years ago

yes but they are just small and yo can choose to mute them.

13 years ago

I'm not experiencing any of this issues it seems a lot of others are. But I did notice ONE time where I was being shot at and I ran behind a wall only to finally start taking damage after being hidden, of course from lag. But that's all. So I have to say those worried about it shouldn't be. I can't be the only person with such luck.

But I will say it feels too heavy for a TPS. It is very much realistic to have that weight, but when climbing around I almost feel to weighted. But that's just a preference thing. Otherwise the gameplay is solid, the guns look and sound great, everything is done very well. The menu is fantastic in my opinion and the customization both for character, weapons and loadouts looks like it will be extremely deep! Can't wait For everything to be ironed out and the final version to release.

I don't think I need to remind everyone this is only a beta! 😉

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/29/2011 1:22:10 AM

13 years ago

IF you can get it working!
spent a hour this morning trying to get it working, then got fed up and turned it off and deleted it.
got better things to waste my time on!
shocked too, ND normally polish there things to kingdom come!
i was expecting it to be like the KZ3 or MAG beta, in fact this is the first beta ive been in thats had so many issues!
not exactly looking good considering its due out in less then 4 months!

13 years ago

Theres a surprise, Mr bloody negative, moaning as usual, ITS A BETA!!! What the hell do you expect?

i downloaded the beta, couldnt get in for an hour.

After that hour, was fine, got in straight away and the beta is out of this world good.

Why dont you just naff off.

13 years ago

i thought sony accidentally leaked the final game online!

13 years ago

Gotta agree with this. I spent an hour on the download and then tried to make it work for an hour, and gave up. I can only hope that the lag is killing the thing, because if the way it's working is a sample of things to come we have problems. I gave it another hour before trying again, same result lag to the max, framerate through the floor, locked up, stuck, can't get back to the XMB. No offense, but I don't care if it's a beta or not, you don't release even a test version that can't reliably exit.

That's all I have been able to see of the game so far – lag. If you're going to blast someone for stating their opinion of that, there are plenty of my posts above for you to fire away at. Whether you agree with his posts all the time or not, Mr Anon is quite correct about the experience with this beta. This is not a great way to start the beta for the online element of what was anticipated to be the GOTY.

13 years ago

This is why I hate betas. Everyone expects them to be so far along that they should just be able to enjoy them! Well a beta is a beta for a reason. Feedback! This isn't a demo, which you know! You should tell those things to ND rather than comPlain about them in a comments section! Go tell ND your concerned with their game and the current state it's in. Which I should remind you I'm not having the same issues you are. Ive logged in and been able to enjoy it.

Complaining does nothing for it, and this is ND we are talking about not treyarch or IW. These guys listen to their consumers and Strive to bring the best possible experience. They have 4 months too iron things out, I guarantee the game will be sitting pretty when it's release comes. Don't take the beta for granted, it's there for more than us to get a sampling but for ND to polish it after seeing feedback and gameplays.

13 years ago


I'm not taking the beta for granted, but I also know that a beta is supposed to be essentially functional. For me and a lot of others, that hasn't been the experience. I'm perfectly happy to agree with the contention that the issue is lag related and that it will be sorted out. Fine, but as of right now, I have no feedback for ND other than I can give no feedback because it hasn't worked. It's only natural that people will state their opinions in the comments of this article.

The thing is I strongly agree with what you say about people expecting too much from a beta. But I also know that for a lot of people this hasn't yet functions as a beta should. Beta software is in general fundamentally functional, but rough at the edges. You're generally not testing the core functionality at the beta stage because that has already been tested in alpha testing. A public beta should be even further along than that because you're testing things like how the game runs in a much wider range of circumstances and testing the server loads and network performance of the online engine. But, you can't expect perfection or a retail experience or trouble free play. However at the same time you also don't expect an inability to exit the game, total locking, or a complete lack of function due to network lag. There are two sides to this, and both are correct.

13 years ago

OMG! I just realized I have completely agreed with everything our anonymous poster has posted on at least two occasions in one week.

A sign of the apocalypse?


13 years ago

@HighLander: LOL!

13 years ago

try the co-op for some reason its allot cleaner!
i cant play any competitive MP, its so laggy!
tried the co-op tonight and it was working fairly well, then switched to the competitive and had to turn it off.
when you see someone, put 30 bullets into them, they turn around, shoot you once, then they die, then you run into a building, and then die and get the kill cam pointing to a dead body, you know your in trouble!
took all that time to realize i had been killed!
other times enemies have been climbing up ladders, they get to the top, run across, jump down, then drop dead and i finally get the points.
wish sony would stop being so god dam tight a$$ed and give us our god dam dedicated servers!
come on, if the worlds smallest publishers THQ could foot the bill for homefront, then surely the worlds largest company can!

Last edited by ___________ on 6/30/2011 8:57:26 AM

13 years ago

Lol I see punching is still the best form of attack, thats all i'd do on Uncharte 2, run around like a mad-man! and just use my fists!

13 years ago

This is the first time I've seen Uncharted & bad vibes go together. I'll wait 'til November, but in the meantime, you guys be good beta testers and let's get her done.

13 years ago

Played U2 MP for a while and had fun. Looking forward to this. I don't want to play anything U3. Want it to be fresh and new come November! Keep it up ND!

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