Spawn…dead. Spawn…dead. Spawn…goddamnit!
Spawn camping or as it's known in the online multiplayer world, "base rape," is one of the most unfortunate and irritating elements of online play in a shooter. For those who aren't familiar, it's when an opposing player discovers one of your team's spawn points (a fixed spot where you resurrect and re-enter the game after getting killed), and just mows you down when you appear. Annoying as hell. But DICE knows it's a problem and will try to make "base rape" difficult to do in Battlefield 3 , without sacrificing usability. As Senior Gameplay Designer Alan Kurtz recently stated :
"We're doing a lot with base rape prevention. Have to balance usability and spawn protection, tough choices."
If we didn't have to worry about spawn campers in Battlefield 3 , that'd be a huge bonus. But we understand that it can be difficult to combat, and there will always be a few gamers who try to ruin the fun for everyone. That's just unavoidable, unfortunately.
Related Game(s): Battlefield 3
That's great news! More Devs should follow suit and admit that base rapers are a problem. That's one of the main reasons my clan left Warhawk. And unfortunately it's becoming a problem in MAG.
Automated turrets protecting the spawn area, or spawning to an elevated area are some "simple" suggestions of mine.
The more I learn, the better Battlefield 3 looks!
Well usually in BF series you can conquer points and re-spawn at that location… so having turret defenses would be a little too much. Unless they removed that from BF2 lol honestly I didn't play XD
A good solution might be: When you respawn you have those angel wings on you meaning you can't hurt or be hurt for 5 or 10 seconds. Gives you some time to grasp the situation and would be easy to spot for an enemy so that he doesn't waste ammo either lol
no the problem in mag is the opposition wont come past the red line…mag has done a decent job protecting from base raping, except for a few areas
I think a spawn cycle idea works well, where there are several random spawn points for you to pick from, and you can see whats going on at each before you spawn, kinda like what KZ2 (and KZ3 idk) did
Raping, of any kind, is wrong. Don't do it.
I'm guilty! Me and my buddies would be playing Black Ops once in awhile and spawn trapping people. Was fun, I know it sucks to be on the receiving end though it has happened to me.
I hate people who do that!
It ruins the game for everyone.
It's laughable to think a COD game would try something like this. It's sad, really.
BF3 sounds better and better! It's looking great!
Awesome, this is phenomenal news yet I am stunned that this hasn't been thought of before. I ran into this tactic on BFBC2 many times. Getting rid of this tactic will make the whole experience more enjoyable. Kudos to Dice for at least trying. I just remembered that KZ2 and KZ3 had turrets to protect spawn points! That worked out very well.
Last edited by CrusaderForever on 6/25/2011 12:43:38 PM
What turrets are you talking about? The one's inside the base, that's different.
Last edited by FM23 on 6/25/2011 7:03:32 PM
how is that still a problem? I haven't played any FPSs online since Vegas 2 but even back then they had spawn shields. No one ever thought t build upon that?
Yeah I agree, this is a very, very old problem. Never imagined this would *still* be an issue.
Even the good old Unreal Tournaments had spawn shields.
Last edited by Beamboom on 6/25/2011 3:34:49 PM
Aye – while it's good to see DICE addressing it, it's about bloody time. BC2 was one of the worst-practice examples of spawn protection I'd seen in ages.
I suppose certain FPS utilize different mechanics main_event. The only time I really had trouble with Spawn Camping was in most CoD games. At times I would spawn right in front of 3 opposing team members, fun times right?
DICE is really catering to the gamers with BF3 and I couldn't be more excited about it. It was also a nice perk to show some PS3 footage as the console premier.
yea, i guess you're right, thats the whole reason i stopped playing socom, but like i said, it should be a non-issue. one the Devs shouldn't make it possible, and two gamers should be honorable enough not to do it.
lol, they got alot of that in COD 3, I wish today's COD games had the same game mechanics but I'm not going to complain about MW1.
But I kinda like the satisfaction of spawn killing a spawn killer yknow lol. Now that joyful feeling would be removed from me XD
Perhaps a base rape whistle is in order
one of the reasons i quit playing kz2 online. the turrets were useless, the spawn nades was the biggest problem.
maby a 5 -10 secound grace period and a radom spawn point that you can chose where to spawn in your base?
How about an invincibility and invisibility period like in Warhawk? After you spawn, you are invulnerable and invisible for three seconds and the invisibility wears off gradually.
Well tell Guerilla Games this…KZ3 literally features base rape in Warzone mode. Other team captures all the spawn points and just murders you when ever you try to leave your base(Turbine Concourse, Pyhrrus Crater, Highway, and a few other)…now that is annoying and has me wanting to jump ship and try BF or CoD for fulltime online gaming random needs cause KZ3's literal version of base rape destroyed the MP for me even though I faithfully play it since it so damn good outside of the base camping crap. Anyone else agree with this? pretty sure others will disagree but whatever.
Killzone 3 made base rape impossible due to the safe zone that is your teams original spawn zone, the enemies can't enter. Though once you leave it is free game, and if you want to stop getting destroyed once you leave your base tell your team to employ more tacticians
Bro, Tacticians can't help you if everyone from the opposite team is running around your base along with people camping around it. It's impossible to get out. I haven't played a match where a team was able to stop this once the other team became committed to camping around your base. It's impossible and because I don't have a mic, its hard to get useless snipers and infiltrators to help me, a tactician get spawn points back since they seem to not care anymore. I just quit and find a new match and hope the same problem isn't active in that match. It usually works.
I thought KZ3 does a good job at preventing this. Don't most or all spawn points have more than one way out?
Take away stat tracking and I beleive that this would be a non issue.No stats no leveling up = a much better online experince.
You may disagree, and that is OK, but I think the use of the word rape in gaming is really immature and disgusting. Dumb people don't know any better, but It is too bad that DICE uses it.
Dude…did you get raped?
Killzone 2 suffered from this problem the most. However DICE shouldn't make the respawns too random otherwise it'll end up like Crysis 2, where people often spawn behind you or you yourself spawn at a really disadvantageous position. I believe the Halo games have the perfect balance for area spawning, however with the layout of their maps it's probably easier to achieve this.
Meanwhile I will have most fun avoiding this issue by playing Round Based games in Battlefield 3.
Killzone 2 and 3 are great for this, with auto turrets at base as a deterrent, there is also the tactical spawn point.
It would be cool if you could designate your own spawn point in an area, so there would be no pre determined area someone could camp around