If you missed out on that gorgeous Far Cry 3 presentation at E3, don't worry too much.
First of all, they showed PC footage and not console footage and secondly, developer Ubisoft Montreal says you should see the very same quality in the console version. Hence, don't worry about missing that great E3 PC video; you should be able to see it when you play the PS3 or 360 versions. In speaking to CVG , producer Dan Hay said his team could "definitely" replicate the PC version of Far Cry 3 for consoles (even though PC players will be able to "dial it to 11").
"Far Cry is a franchise born on PC, so we want to make sure with the PC experience you can dial it to 11. But at the same time we've got a ton of experience working on Xbox 360 and PS3, and for us making sure that they're on parity with that stuff is incredibly important.
So we want to make sure that if you're playing it on PS3 it looks incredible, and if you're playing on the 360 it's unbelievable, sounds amazing and looks fantastic."
This has often been a topic of conversation amongst gamers: if the game is designed for one platform and brought – or ported – to other platforms, what is the result? Is the Xbox 360 better suited to receive a PC-oriented title due to its architecture? Do PS3 owners feel miffed that more could've been done? Well, whatever you might think, here's hoping Ubisoft is telling the honest-to-goodness truth about Far Cry 3 .
…but we've heard this sort of thing before.
Uh, that demo at E3 looked great and promising but was filled with technical problems. Tons of experience? They still can't get Assassin's Creed to stop the rampant screen tearing. I'm sure it's a good game and fun but I don't buy this line. Ubi has serious problems with this stuff.
Why is PS3 "fantastic" but 360 is "unbelievable"? Get it together Ubi.
I imagine the dev ran out of equally weighted adjectives so maybe he meant unbelievable and fantastic as the same thing. U can never know with these guys
Probably still get those nasty shadow masking anomalies and other such visual artifacts we have been accustomed to this generation.
Let's face it, against the PC brunt, our hardware is taking strain…
Whatever happened to the old party line (lie) "The experience will be identical on consoles"?
PS3 is incredible not fantastic.
And unbelievable could mean a number of things.
"it's unbelievable how much better the PS3 version looks"
I think the old party line (lie) "The experience will be identical on consoles" should die anyways. Why should it matter to me how it looks on other platforms? I play my games on my ps3, it's how it looks on *that* platform that matter to me…!
That goes for Crysis2 as well: Why those insanely detailed comparisons between the xbox and the ps3 version? It looked and played good on the ps3, and no matter how good, or bad, it looked on the xbox it would in no way change my experience on the ps3!
Last edited by Beamboom on 6/17/2011 2:17:53 AM
I absolutely loved the original PC Far Cry. I havent given far cry 2 much time yet, I recently picked it up, but from what I've played, I like.
I like the return to the tropical setting in FC3. As for console conversion quality, seeing that Crysis 2 ported well, I can have hope in this one as well.. I think.
Love the map editor in that game. Campaign was okay, but got boring after a little while. Might repick the game back up later this summer.
the E3 trailer wowed me, so this is definitely on my radar now.
Loved the second one. Made up some crazy good times in that open world. 3 just looks crazy. Definitely a must buy. I just hope the story doesn't dominate too much. Getting things done my way and at my pace is what I liked the best about 2.
I think we play games the same way. =)
I my mind I was the most badass merc chick ever to set foot in Africa. Fire was my friend. So was the Dart Rifle. Pow! Head Shot!!
Claire… Is that a Pure Pwnage reference, or am I grabbing at straws?
Last edited by Lawless SXE on 6/17/2011 3:30:31 AM
On my "must have" list
Loved me some FarCry2, that was my very first game that I actually started doing my marathon gaming sessions on, & had logged over 83 hours in it, even getting the trophy for going over every square inch of both sides of the map….. and I still wasn't done.
But unfortunately for me, and due to an a$$hat at the USPS, all my FarCry2 saves(along with inFamous, MGS 4 & another 50+ games) are now gone for good, thanks to them also breaking my new 640 GB hard drive when they smashed my PS3 to bits, the f*cking bas*tards
I feel sorry for you, I really do, but the way you keep embellishing your story, I can't help but laugh. I know that none of it is made up, but the way you tell it… Classic.
Also, any headway on getting a new job man?
Meh, Crysis 2 is over rated. It was way too much motion blurfor my taste.
off topic: just played the Resistance 3 demo, wow that was bad.
I want to like Resistance…but I just can't for some reason. I have Resistance 2. Played it for a few hours and haven't gone back since. I really hate the FPS animations and the fact that they place the cross hairs above the iron sites instead of having you look down them like is most other shooters when holding L1. I will never understand why they chose to do that.
I actually liked that about the crosshairs in 2.
They did it in the first one too. I don't know. It's just off putting. No one fires a gun while looking above the iron sites. Just strange to me.
Yah. For some reason I liked it being different than other shooters. IDK why. Felt unique and didn't bother me. *shrug
I really liked R2, I hope they were serious about this build being really old code though. It's pretty close to Duke Nukem territory, lol.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/17/2011 1:57:22 AM
Please don't say that World. The thought of that happening to my Resistance leaves me with a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Although, are you going to put up a hands-on preview? I'd very much appreciate it.
You're not alone. I own both Resistance games (got them the same Xmas) and have played little of either and not felt the urge to do so. Which is weird, because I enjoyed the RFOM demo.
Yeah I think I will, I should probably play through it again though first and do some comparisons. Unless I idealized R2 in my mind this demo has a rougher appearance than that.
A hands on preview would be extremely interesting indeed. Judging only from the youtube-compressed video I too think it looked worse than R2, but that's almost impossible to believe. How can that be?
So yeah, a hands on preview would be really interesting to read.
I think Insomniac should just stick to the Ratchet universe.
Absolutely thought Crack in Time was both a masterpiece and their best game.
Indeed. A Crack in Time was brilliant.
don't believe them. never been a fan of ubisoft and their coding abilities on the ps3.
Not just the PS3 either. 360 versions of their games suffer from poor performance as well. They just aren't that good.
What was wrong with Far Cry 2 and the Assassins Creed games? I think they are all amongst the best on the ps3 so far both when it comes to visuals and "under the hood"!
Last edited by Beamboom on 6/17/2011 2:23:33 AM
Seriously? Assassin's Creed is bland and has a crap ton of screen tearing one both platforms. Some of the worst tearing I have ever seen.
Bland…don't agree.
Screen tearing…yes, though not as bad as what I've played of RF: Guerrilla. Even the trailers had constant tearing; it was so bonked that they couldn't get any clean "takes" for their promotional material.
Jawk, when it comes to screen tearing in particular I guess I'm just so used to it after playing games on a sub-par PC for many years that I simply do not notice it.
Personally I think AC looks awesome, those games are probably the ones I got where I most often has stopped just to enjoy the view. The buildings, their details and how the architecture of that age is replicated, the animations, the overall artistic expression is just drop dead beautiful in my eyes. Frame rate is very stable and fluid too.
If you consider level of detail combined with size of maps and how stable the execution of the code is I really do believe these games are of the better ones on the ps3 so far.
They have blown me away anyways.
that screen tearing in ac2 was much more prominent on the ps3. 22% screen tear on the ps3 vs. 7% on the 360. 3 times worse on ps3. plus the ps3 version suffered frame rate issues dipping to 17 fps at times vs 26 fps minimum on the 360. this is not the ps3's fault, but ubisofts.
the digital foundry and the lens of truth have tons of multiplat face offs that are done under the most clinical of conditions. it makes for an interesting read plus you learn a lot about how the consoles work. it also gives you an indication of what developers are good at coding on the ps3.
I think a titles performance on another platform is irrelevant *for me* as long as I find it run well on my PS3. And I stand by my claim that I have, from an unscientific regular users point of view, found both Far Cry and Ass.Creed to be excellent games on the ps3.
Benchmark tests typically tend to show a theoretical difference much more explicit than what the user experience is like. Maybe the difference between spikes of 17 and 23 frames a second do not matter in practical terms to the user experience at all. I am inclined to think so.
BeamBoom, I've played AC2 on both platforms, the PS3 has considerably more screen tearing noticeable to the user.
While it's good you're able to be happy with what u got instead of nitpicking the lesser technical points of the experience, keep in mind many of us here have both consoles, so to have that said performance advantage, albeit slight one, is worth knowing to some of us.
Besides what would my 360 do if it didn't have some muliplats to run?
Yes of course! If I too had the other platforms I'd of course want to play the game on the platform it plays best. That's why I emphasis that it does not matter to *me*, as a single platform owner.
Well that's just wrong. By all means, water it down and show the hardcore PC gamers with uber-rigs exactly what that CryEngine is capable of. I'm sure it'll be a masterpiece on consoles also, but like Battlefield, there should be an immediately noticeable difference between the game running on a good rig against the consoles. Undecided on this one as yet. Will have to hear more about it.
I totally agree.
As long as it runs smooth and looks good on the ps3 compared to other ps3 titles, why should I care how much better it looks on other, new hardware? Let the PC guys have their fun, I say.
I haven't played a Far Cry, what was the story in the second one?
You are a kind of mercenary/explorer that travel to a modern-day Central African nation in a state of anarchy and civil war. You immediately get involved in that conflict and a lengthy journey begins to locate and assassinate a notorious arms dealer.
It's received a bit of complains about the map size and that it is too *large* (unbelievable but true), it takes time to travel from one point to another. Personally I believe this to be a strength of the game, not weakness. Amazing freedom to explore different African landscapes such as deserts, jungles, and savannas.
It really is one of the best open world/sandbox games I've played so far. A "must buy" in my book.
Last edited by Beamboom on 6/17/2011 7:12:50 AM
thanks beam, sounds good. I like games that are too big
so in other words the PC will be the one to get the watered down version!
sorry ubi but your support of PC gaming has been as good as M$s!
far cry 2 was the worst console port i have ever f*cking played!
as the saying goes, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on woo!
Oh come ON. If Far Cry 2 is the *worst* port you've played then you can hardly have played any other ports!
What was wrong with that port? It never crashed, looked good, responsive controls, what multiplat do you think ran better on the ps3 in 2008?
PC version had a massive bug in it that would not let you play the game in wide screen.
they did not have many customization options either, really felt like a rush job.
almost every PC ubi game has suffered from severe consoleitis!
Ahhh you mean it was a poor port from consoles to to the pc? I thought it was the other way around… Anyways, I kno wnothing about PC problems. 🙂
its what PC gamers would call a severe case of cosoleitis.
all ubisoft games are!
except ACB, surprisingly that was actually a good PC game had heaps of PC specific features.
was actually a nvidia 3D vision ready game, but nvidia too up until a few weeks ago to release the bloody drivers for it!
tis why i rarely play games on my PC anymore, i got a SLI setup and nvidia take MONTHS just to release a profile!
Okay so I'm a big Uncharted fan and sandbox fan overall. I've not played ANY of these games as the local Game Stop mgr talked me out of it's purchase one day because he thought the between mission travel was ridiculously excessive… Now I'm a patient guy. Am I missing out by not playing this series?