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CliffyB: PS3 Fans Have “Zero Chance” Of Seeing Gears

Will Gears of War ever come to the PlayStation brand? …probably not.

Despite what Epic Games president Mike Capps said about the possibility of bringing the excellent franchise to the PS3, Epic design directory Cliff "CliffyB" Bleszinski has scoffed at the idea. In fact, according to IndustryGamers , he says he'd like to "bury" the question once and for all.

"I would say in the foreseeable future there’s zero chances of Gears of War being on the PlayStation 3. Can we bury that now? Seriously. It’s like, we have a great deal with Microsoft, they’re a great partner…"

As for what Capps said, Bleszinski dismissed that as saying it "makes for a good news story," but that's it. Microsoft handles all the marketing for each Gears installment, which is a big bonus, and as Sony just got finished saying , third-party exclusives can still exist.

Well, PlayStation fans will somehow have to make do with Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception . …however will we cope, CliffyB?

Disclaimer: I love Gears.

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13 years ago

Got the first one on PC. Though fun, it's nothing special to write home about. Staying Xbox exclusive makes no difference to me.

13 years ago

I agree. I got the first for PC, and while i enjoyed it, i wasnt eager to go get Gears 2. I found it good but not great.

13 years ago

I for one will not lose any sleep over this.

13 years ago

If Gears suddenly went multiplat, the only notable series the Xbox would have would be Halo. They need it to make up for the lack of games, so by all means let it stay.

13 years ago

While the games maybe fun, I think I can survive without them.

13 years ago

I did't really care either way, i played it at my cousins house, both of them, i was bored out of my mind…just bored, after the tutorial in the first game i said take this s**t off lol.. my opinion of the game ok.

13 years ago

U had to do Gears when it first launched to know of the impact it had. It was the first game I played during this console cycle that really made me say "dang, that's impressive awesome"
But these days, now that UE3 is the village bicycle near everybody rides, what it did back then doesn't seem as significant as many games have gone and surpassed it some time ago.

13 years ago

Gears was the first HD game most people played so it will always be stuck in your mind as an incredible presentation simply because its the first after the jump.
Even with great games after it that have taken even bigger steps, people will remember the first HD game they played more than any other.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 6/15/2011 10:19:08 PM

13 years ago

I wish Gears was my first 'cause my first was Perfect Dark…. *shudders*
ugh some franchises are better left alone or in serious need of a reboot.

13 years ago

my first one was resistance…I can understand what you said, I did however and im not lying, i tried the game at least 5 times to give it a shot, and thats around the first time it came out. I wasn't impressed at all. i was just bored of the game and story. the story just didnt pull me in

13 years ago

I love the Gears art design, but the actual gameplay? Not so much.

This is surprising news to me actually.
I suppose MS laid down handsomely to keep it 360.

13 years ago

Whack-a-mole ftw! Naughty Dog overcame that monotony by integrating seamless mallet, platforming and puzzles, not to mention the hollywood calibre production values, color, and variety in background. Gears is solid a shooter, but compared to the polish of Uncharted, it clearly shows it's 3rd party.

The first Gears outing had the visual punch and story to draw me in. I was able to see through the hype when the sequel arrived, as it felt like I was just going through the motions, and the story-arch didn't go anywhere. So, I'll pass on the 3rd unless credible sources tell me otherwise.

13 years ago

360 has no games so they should keep this. I can do without the giant gorilla men but I would like to see a good action TPS on PS3. No matter how you slice it Uncharted and Gears do not compare in any way but the TPS category, and Uncharted has a lot more to it than that. I hate the fact that FPS has so much pull this gen.

And for God's sake Cliffy B just shut the f*ck up! I have to have this guy on my twitter but I'm sick of his constant bothersome tweets, he's such a damn douchebag at all times.

13 years ago

Look to Vanquish for all of your good action TPS needs.

13 years ago

It's still too expensive for what it is, I'll pay no more than $20.

13 years ago

I picked up Vanquish for $18 today at Gamestop used 😉

Hey, watching the credits roll for Infamous 2 as I speak.

And Bellevue ain't too far from where I live, maybe I can work for Sucker Punch some day =)

13 years ago


Gamestop's having a buy-2-get 1 free on all used game this Friday to Sunday.

And if you're a GS PowerUp cardholder, you can even start your bonus B1-G1F one buying spree day earlier, starting today.

13 years ago

Biker, so with the power up card you just go in and they'll extend u a b1 get 1f deal today?

I noticed they have Fallout 3 Ps3 for $10 hmmmm

13 years ago

Just get Unreal and do the third person mod, it looks almost identical to Gears but with different weapons. It's also faster paced and lasts more than 5 hours.

I think the head on the Unreal guy is Dom's head too. Twins.

13 years ago

Yeah the Gears look is actually Epic's look. The Unreal games have the same hardened thick vibe going for them too.

13 years ago

Oh well….

13 years ago

We must stay strong during this hour of indifference….

13 years ago

I'm not going to shed any tears over this. I played Gears 1&2 and I wasn't able to finish either, not because they were too difficult but because I got really bored after awhile and just didn't care about finishing them. The dull art style with the tan and Grey color palette, the weak story and uninteresting characters and the repetitive on the rails shooting didn't really hook me.

13 years ago

The Gears series is one of the few reasons I'm glad I own a 360. It wasn't my first HD game, but along with the amazing graphics I thought it was one of the few (if only) shooters that's actually better on a console.

Fable was the system-seller for me though. Halo not so much.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

I honestly don't care for the series, and these news don't affect me in the slightest. Sure, the game looks fun, but nothing special to me. I woulod say the series are overrated as well. Not because it's not good quality, but because it's not as good as people are making it seem.

13 years ago

so gears wont come to ps3 woopie. i like the gears series though 2 was a let down imo. cliffy is a xbox fanboy most likely always will be. his never really once said anything good about the ps3 or Sony in general. i think cliffy just afraid that his game will be to hard to dev for on ps3. look at Gabe newell took him ages to come around and actually have valve make a game decent on ps3 which of course ended up being portal 2. i just want to see cliffy make a game exclusive to a sony product like vita or ps3 cause than that will be a huge wow surprise, regardless if the game ended up sucking or not.

13 years ago

Cliffy B can bury that I don't care.

13 years ago

Ah shucks, I was really looking forward to playing as chainsaw rifle wielding, roided out space marines with a layer of Vaseline caked on them. Too bad were going to miss out on all that texture loading and screen tearing.


13 years ago


Jawk, my friend says that Gears looks like Rescue Heroes on steroids. I couldn't stop laughing when he said that.

13 years ago

Haha. I don't get it. People like how these Gears characters look.

13 years ago

Same, I'm not digging how they look either, but meh. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

13 years ago

I'm not interested in Gears, it's not my type of game so this doesn't hurt me one bit.

13 years ago

Seriously, I just recently found out who this Cliffy B. guy is and he is sure damn cocky if you ask me. He's that successful guy that thinks every word he says is the end to all. And Gears…I haven't really sat down and completed any Gears game as any Xbox I use doesn't belong to me, but based on the steroid look of the characters…I have a feeling I would not be able to take the story serious…at all. Cliffy B…."I could care less", but I wouldn't mind having on the PS3 just to try. MS paid him big money to stay of course. And next year, Gears of War 4 is going to hit or we might have a remake…another series most likely for MS to milk.

13 years ago

I agree. From the interviews I've read, he rubs me the wrong way. Maybe he and MS were made for one another.

13 years ago

Whoops, this ^ was suppose to be a reply to you FM23.

13 years ago

But will they sign a new contract with MS for more Gears? I think with Bulletstorm they telegraphed their new direction as multiplat with new projects.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

But Bulletstorm was developed by People May Fly, not Epic directly. Besides, that comment was followed up by something along the lines of preferring to go with a new universe if they moved over to PS3 development. And Gears of War: Exile is still on the table, whatever that is.

I think that, unless MS throws a huge pile of money at Epic, they'll go multiplat with their next offering, though thankfully we won't see what's happening to Halo happen to Gears, as Epic owns the IP rights. Unless they decide to sell them in place of exclusivity rights to their new franchise… What am I saying?

13 years ago

given the fact that Microsoft is subsidizing the production of the games(even though Epic own the rights to the franchise), why would anybody expect the Gears on any other platform(s) aside from the PC?

Anyhow I wouldn't care if the Gears games came to the PS3 or not, because to be honest I don't care about them..never have or never will. In fact even if I even care about the game I wouldn't have gotten them on a console in the first place, but rather the PC. As a said though, I just done't care about the games.

13 years ago

Gears 3, purely visually, looks like a multiplat. There I said it.

13 years ago

Seriously don't even care, I won't lose any sleep over it in the "forseeable future". Oh hell let's be honest I won't EVER lose sleep over it.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/16/2011 1:32:26 AM

karneli lll
karneli lll
13 years ago

Cliffy B thinks he's some sort of genius it seems. I dont know who told him we want his games, probably its all just publicity tactics.

13 years ago

I love the Gears games. They look brilliant & the action is smoking good. I personally think it's a shame that this awesome franchise won't be reaching a wider audience. This series imo deserves to reach a bigger audience so more people can experience it.

Looking forward to Gears 3 anyhow.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Aww. My hopes have been dashed at long last. Seriously, I've heard all of the complaints about the series, but for some reason, I still want to play them and were they to come to the PS3, I think I'd enjoy them, only if they came as a compilation though. I don't want to pay full price for five year old sloppy seconds, running on the earliest iteration of UE3. Hell, even if they were to give the first two a spit and polish to bring them up to the calibre of the third I wouldn't be happy paying full price. Ah well, no love lost, and I only hope that their next IP is multiplatform.

I suppose now I have to get Vanquish, in preparation of getting amped for Binary Domain. Rocket butt scooting squad based third person set in future Tokyo being developed by the Yakuza team? YES PLEASE!

13 years ago

whats binary domain?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Did you not read my TPS previews? But seriously, pretty much what was written at the bottom there. The Yakuza development team, squad based third person shooter with the rocket sliding mechanic from Vanquish set in Tokyo in 2082. And published by Sega. I'm not sure why, but I'm really liking the sound of it.

13 years ago

Musta slipped my mind, I've got a lot going on now.

13 years ago

lol! "we have a great (looks at Microsoft's latest check) great partnership with Microsoft."

Seriously, this is like the only relevant franchise the 360 has going for it.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Why does everyone on this site seem to devalue Forza? It's a better *game* than GT (implying the truth that it is not a better simulator). It still is one of MS's bigger IPs, and they do put a lot of effort behind promoting it.

13 years ago

"looks at Forza* "Oh I apologize, I forgot that you were there."

13 years ago

Probably because most of us do not believe Forza to be a "better game".

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