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Pachter: Vita Was “Solid” At E3, Wii U “2 Years Too Late”

E3 is over and done with; it's time for the analysts to weigh in.

Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter touched on various highlights for Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo; as for Sony, while he believes the PlayStation Vita has the "second-dumbest name for a device after the Wii U," he says the company still had a "solid presentation." He also expressed surprise at the agreeable price ($249 for the non-3G model and $299 for the 3G-enabled model). Pachter added:

"We expect the 3DS to sell well at holiday, due to a phenomenal lineup of content, but think that the PS Vita will capture some share early next year. Solid sales of each device should bode well for GameStop, which will likely receive preferential allocations. Sony also continued to try to integrate its other consumer electronics products into its E3 presentation by announcing a 3DTV PlayStation-branded bundle priced at $499, which we expect to sell exceedingly well."

Regarding the Wii U, Pachter said it was "the most impactful' announcement at the show, but it's coming "two years too late."

"The most impactful 'reveal' at the show was the Wii U, which, in our opinion, is arriving two years too late. Depending on pricing, the system will be either a phenomenal success or a phenomenal failure, as competitive bundles for Xbox 360 with Kinect and PS3 with Move are likely to be priced below $300 by the time the Wii U launches."

For Microsoft, Pachter said the company seems to be "making several sound business decisions that will position its console with Kinect as the media center of the living room." He finished by saying the game lineup wasn't "particularly surprising," but the "integration of Bing search into Kinect was perhaps the most impactful announcement of the show."

…we have to assume he's talking specifically about Microsoft's conference.

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13 years ago

For a change i agree with him here

13 years ago

Yes I agree too, the Wii HD came 2-years too late. This is because I stopped playing the Wii 3-years ago. It's hard to reignite the passion for Nintendo games.

13 years ago

Yeah, except for the Bing search being "the most impactful announcement of the show" part, which is like "say WHAT?!" why is that a big anything??

Of course, if he was talking strictly about the MS show that doesn't really say much since their presentation had no highlights whatsoever…

13 years ago

Yes, I sure hope he was referring to the earth-shattering announcement of use of the Bing search engine with XBL and Kinect as most impactful of MICROSOFT'S show….

He really didn't say much out of the obvious here, though, and I agree with just about everything he said.

Last edited by jimmyhandsome on 6/13/2011 2:32:29 PM

13 years ago

LOL! How did MS presser go? I wasn't able to watch it.

13 years ago

It….was…..awful. Unless you of course own a Kinect. Which I don't think many people around here do.

13 years ago

The Microsoft conference was totally awesome. For starters you can wave your hands like a maniac with Sesame Street. Then you can play intense rail shooter/action games also by waving your arms like an idiot with no analog sticks. Then they finished with halo 4 and other halo remakes.

13 years ago

"integration of Bing search into Kinect was perhaps the most impactful announcement of the show."

except that Bing is a joke…

13 years ago

I'm sorry, but ubiquitous product placement tells me otherwise.

Bing is the greatest search engine in the history of the universe.

13 years ago

isn't this the same guy that said the vita was dead on arrival awhile back. patcher says so many things. he called the intergration of bing into the 360 the biggest story of e3, and a real win for ms. ??? don't really know what bing can do for core gamers. hell, the 360 doesn't even have a search engine. patcher is so quick to slap praise on anything ms does. i really can't stand the guy.

as for nintendo. it would be really foolish to underestimate them at this point. the wiiu will be popular. if nintendo makes a serious effort at the core gamers, and has a decent online componet it's day1p for me.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 6/13/2011 2:39:01 PM

13 years ago

This is just me and this has always been my Stance… No matter what Nintendo made a bold move with the wii in my opinion, and it worked out well. But I think they are pushing it with the wii U. The technology is great, it's pretty amazing what they showed. But this doesn't cater any more to core players at all. Considering how much steam the wii lost, and the amount of people I know personally who have wii's collecting dust, this is yet another bold move by nintendo, but personally don't think it will go as well as they'd like.

If it does then thats great I'm not rooting against them, but personally I'm not looking at this as some sort of nintendo dominance. I can't praise something I'm not looking forward too, but I admire what they've done. After the wii, Nintendo lost me. They've made some great moves, they've done some good things, but Nintendo isn't what I remember growing up. Ive moved on, because Nintendo, despite what they say are not catering to me. They havnt impressed me this generation one bit. I guess we'll always have Mario though!

13 years ago

Iwata(sp?) already said in another article yesterday, that the Wii-U won't be cheap as Nintendo's customers are accustomed to, so it's got to be at least $300…..or more.

13 years ago

It's true. Next year, the PS3 and 360 will drop prices to $199. The Wii U will probably launch at $299-$350. The Wii U has new technology, new disc format, new expensive controller.

13 years ago

BTW, I think Patcher's been stealing our comments lately for his articles, and without giving any of us due credit too, LOL

13 years ago

Biker is that your library of games? If so, Holy crap.

13 years ago

Huh, it doesn't even look like games. It is american and mexican money taken from a drug bust of some mexican cartel quite a few years back.

13 years ago

Biker….*I* am the Pachter….

Well, not really…..

13 years ago




xD Or are you? O_o dundundunn

Last edited by Clamedeus on 6/13/2011 4:36:50 PM

13 years ago

That's actually Nathan Drake's latest find

Nathan has finally found SE's hidden slush fund vault, with the money given by M$ to make FFXIII a multiplat.

13 years ago

I've learned that to figure out market trends you should take what Patcher says and bet on the exact opposite.

13 years ago

Haha, underestimate the power of Nintendo, that was hilarious.

For Sony and Microsoft it really wouldn't be that much of an issue to have one controller, but for Nintendo with their games they would be insane to limit the controller to one per console. There would seem to be balancing issues between the tablet vs wiimote controllers especially if they use the controls for Street Fighter for the 3DS. Using the touchscreen to fire fireballs would be way too easy compared to using the wiimote.

Last edited by vicious54 on 6/13/2011 3:00:21 PM

13 years ago


i never used the word power. i just meant it would be foolish to underestimate nintendo. look at how popular the wii was. no one expected nintendo to pick up the marketshare they have this gen. they really came out of nowhere. i think they have momentum on their side, and know what they are doing. now, it's possible they might not have the same success with wii u. i'm just saying don't count them out.

13 years ago

Gotcha, I understand what you are saying and they were very much popular. I believe things have changed though, I don't believe they will have the same success with a console that will be more expensive and that only offers one tablet controller.

13 years ago

I wish Pachter would just zip it.

13 years ago

Oh and the integration of Bing was right around the time I tuned out of MS's yawn-a-thon.

Pachter's line right there secured him his next year's subscription to Xbox Live curtesy of MS =p

13 years ago

I love the play on words; he makes you think he saying microsoft had the best presentation, by saying something was 'the best of the show', while saying sony was just 'solid'. Anyone else notice this? It's like he always has a back-up because he never uses bold statements, but I guess we come to expect that from Patcher..

13 years ago

yes, i noticed. i would not be surprised if the guy is on ms payroll becuase of the way he laps up every single thing they do.

13 years ago

<<<He finished by saying the game lineup wasn't "particularly surprising," but the "integration of Bing search into Kinect was perhaps the most impactful announcement of the show."

…we have to assume he's talking specifically about Microsoft's conference.>>>

If Bing integration with Kinect was either the most impactful announcement at E3 in general or at the MS presser alone, there is a major problem. Seriously, my phone already let's me do voice based search and gesture controls on the multi-touch screen. Integrating a search engine with Kinect is impactful? How? Seriously. How?

Regarding the media center point, the PS3 can do all of that and more since it plays CD, DVD and BluRay, as well as Hulu, Netflix et al. Since the Xbox 360 cannot play BluRay at all, it hardly qualifies as a media center, since you at least will need a standalone BluRay player to supplement it. Not seeing the soundness of the Kinect business decisions either. to be honest him claiming the Bing thing as the most impactful from MS rather tells us all we need to know.

13 years ago

i'm hoping ms focus on kinect will cost them some hardcore gamers. so far kinect has been a success, but just maybe it might hurt them in the long run. ms fans are pretty loyal, though. it'll be hard to peel off any of their marketshare, but possible.

you mentioned blu ray. you would not believe the misconceptions a lot of people have. a lot of 360 owners swear the video quality of their upscaled dvd's is superior. i was having a debate with a guy while playing kz3. he hardly uses his 360 to play online anymore, but swore the video output quality of his 360 was superior to the ps3. netflix looked better on his 360, and so did movies. he said the ps3 upscaler was crap, and he didn't need blu ray. he was using his 360 as a media hub mainly. i don't know if there was any truth to what this guy was saying, but i have had similar encounters with people who say they don't need or want blu ray.

anyways, here's to hoping ms screws up, and looses some those hardcore gamers with kinect.

13 years ago

lol Bing is the most impactful thing! OMG! Seriously the 360 has nothing going for it.

13 years ago


360 fanboys have been pedaling that line about the scaler since the misconception was around that the PS3 has no hardware scaler. It does, in fact, have a hardware scaler to scale DVD output to HD resolution. It does a pretty good job of it and offeres several options for noise reduction. As for Netflix being better….rubbish. It's the same. And if anyone honestly thinks that the video quality of an upscaled DVD on the 360 is superior to even the upscaled DVD output of a PS3, never mind BluRay output, they need their head examined – for scars and bumps.

13 years ago

Isn't that an Analysts job anyway? To state the obvious and to make predictions on the obvious. I wish I had his job. LOL

13 years ago

lol I know right! Oh next year Sony will steal the year with Last Guardian, exclusive sequels, and a few brand new exclusives!

I said it first!

Last edited by Scarecrow on 6/13/2011 4:28:35 PM

13 years ago

there is an article on cvg stating the wii u is 50% more powerful than ps3/360, and developers are surprised at the power they are dealing with. like i said earler don't count nintendo out.

13 years ago

…but also don't believe everything you hear from CVG

13 years ago

apparently the article had quotes from multiple developers so it could be true. i'm skeptical as well until we see the final specs. i do suspect the wii u will be more powerful than the ps3/360. there really wouldn't be a point to it otherwise.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 6/13/2011 4:55:09 PM

13 years ago

So, a design that uses components between 5 and 6 years more recent than the PS3 is only about 50% more powerful? Crap, Sony really did make the PS3 future proof if it can stand up after 5 years and still be in the same league as systems yet to be launched.

13 years ago

I'm sorry but the 360 as the media center device for the living room? hahah no way pal, the PS3 plays back so many more formats, better device integration, Full HD playback of Blu-Ray, 3-D Support, Bravia Link technology, Full HD Netflix, Vudu, MLB.TV. NHL Hockey Center, CinemaNow, optical audio support, and even Super Audio CDs for the few who have it. But honestly the only thing the 360 has over the PS3 is the Kinect, a $200 wireless remote to browse Netflix with.

13 years ago

Eeaaasssyyyy does it, Sony-Defense-Squad. I think Patcher was just making a point that MS is now integrating Kinect with other features that Xbox 360 provides (ie, the super awesome Bing feature).

13 years ago

I trust you were being super awesomely ironic with the description of Bing with Kinect (TM) as super awesome.

13 years ago

lol "Sony-Defense-Squad" that's awesome!!

13 years ago

Actually I believe that it's the Sony Defense Force…SDF.

13 years ago

Ha, yes I was being super awesomely ironic and sarcastic!

Last edited by jimmyhandsome on 6/14/2011 11:29:42 AM

13 years ago

Wii U is too late and too restrictive, MS is too late on trying to be a media center, and Sony is right on track. Bing inclusion was big? I'm sorry but nobody cares about that.

13 years ago

I was offered Bing on my computer a while back, so I gave it a tryout.

It lasted there 1 day(and only that long cause I was too lazy to uninstall it the last 12 hours)

13 years ago

I totally agree with the fact theat the Wii U is two year too late. I mean, What new stuff is is bringing other then the very stupid controller. I can't see it being a hit.
Nintendo's path this gen is a joke. They need to get more on the "hard core" gaming side a bit more and come out with games that can compete with quality and not by names.

13 years ago

On the other hand the Wii U is the worst name EVER! I don't like the name PSVita either, But That I can see growing on people. Wii U is just horrible.

13 years ago

Who'd have ever guessed Nintendo could devise a name more idiotic than "Wii"?

I can remember when I thought "Xbox 360" was as bad as it could get. Kudos to Ninty. Truly abysmal.

13 years ago

this is the same guy who said 2 month ago : New Sony PSP will start on $349 and 3G version $399…..well Michael Pachter you were WRONG AGAIN !!!

13 years ago

Hence the reason why he's surprised. LOL

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