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Sony Ships 40k PS3s To Scandinavia

The European PS3 launch is only a couple weeks away, but there are already examples of the consoles arriving all over the region. The most recent is a report that 40,000 PS3s shipped on 36 trucks were recently delivered to Nordisk Film, a Scandinavian PlayStation distributor. Approximately 8,000 – 10,000 were unloaded in Denmark while the rest were sent to the other nordic countries.

Now, considering Japan only saw about 80,000 PS3s for launch day (a massive shortage of ridiculous proportions, especially for Japan ), 40,000 PS3s to Scandinavia seems like a pretty decent number. On top of which, they've got two more weeks to deliver even more, so it seems as if Europe won't be experiencing the brutal shortages both Japan and the U.S. suffered through last year. Sony had said as much earlier this year, but it's good to see concrete evidence of the claim.

Nordisk Film wouldn't release the number of pre-orders, but it's estimated that if you have pre-ordered a PS3 with the retailer, you've got about an 80% chance of getting your system on March 23. And again, that's better than the 50% chance we had here in the U.S. Looks like European gamers are already better off.