It isn't E3 without a little star power.
Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant has stepped on stage during Sony's E3 press conference to help introduce NBA 2K12 . Why is Sony specifically highlighting this multiplatform title? Because Kobe is out there playing the game with PlayStation Move and as he tells the crowd, "it's so realistic it's frightening." If you're into basketball games, you know 2K Games typically gives the fans a fantastic product each and every year and come fall, you'll want to try the Move-enabled NBA 2K12 . Our only question is if Kobe will actually play this game with the Move, or with the regular controller…he certainly seemed enthusiastic but then again, he was paid $10k for only about three minutes of stage time.
And Sony has moved on to displaying Sorcery , which could very well be the defining title for Move.
Related Game(s): NBA 2K12
He wasn't very good either, haha.
He talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk. C'mon you better than that Koby!!
Indeed. I had to laugh at him getting beat by the Heat in the virtual world as well.
The game looked great, not so sure about the control interface, but it was an interesting way to use Move instead of making the player physically shoot baskets, the game allows the controller to be used in a different manner.
So all it took for a Heat fan to show some Kobe ownage to 77 million Sony fans, was a mere $10 grand, Ha!
Rapist wins.
LMAO…but, dude go kill yourself with that comment. Never proven, just an alleged crime. But very funny
Yeah, and OJ didn't kill Nicole either.
*rolls eyes*
I do it all for the lulz gentlemen 🙂
why do these companies waste there time and money with celebrity apearances?
as EAs CEO said, we dont waste our time and money on big fancy stages, or celevrity apearances, were all about the games!
and bring them they did!
ME3 looks f*cking mind blowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOTY 2012 guaranteed!!!!!!
Go back and watch Kobe play and really look at the tv screen while he is playing the demo. He aimed at almost the exact same spot for the entire time that he was holding the Move controller. All he did was spam the trigger or Move button, whichever was selecting the players, and hoped for the best. I am almost willing to believe that that was the first time he had even used a Move controller in his life.