If there's one Collector's Edition to buy this year, this is it.
The Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Collector's Edition has been revealed : it features an exclusive Steelbook case, full-size replicas of Drake's belt buckle and necklace, and an exclusive statue of Nathan Drake, courtesy of Sideshow Collectibles. Naughty Dog has also listened to their fans – don't they always? – concerning the pre-order incentives. For Uncharted 3 , they've "restructured" how they provide pre-order stuff.
Pre-ordering at GameStop grants you the Creepy Crawler Kickback, which lets you transform into a swarm of deadly creatures after obtaining a certain number of medals. Placing your deposit at Best Buy will let you unlock the Regeneration Booster early, and pre-ordering at Amazon.com gets you three pre-order bonuses: the Carpet Bomb Kickback and Clip Size Mods for the Para-9 and G-MAL. Pre-ordering at Wal-Mart nets you the Callout Weapon Mod.
How can you not have the Collector's Edition for this game? Come on. Think about it.
Related Game(s): Uncharted 3
Is it bad that I have never played any of the Uncharted games?
Take it from a fellow Poncho fan.
I haven't played them either 🙁 I've owned both for a while, I just have a huge list of games to play while I take a break from WoW. The CE looks lame. tridon is right about it being a dust collector. I'll buy the regular version after I've played through 1 and 2.
When the first one came out I thought, meh. Then a friend told me how awesome it was. I went out and got it used for $30 off craigslist when it was still new. I really liked it, but it had some things I didn't care for.
Then seeing previews for 2 I picked it up day 1 and played it nonstop, beat it on hard in about 12.5 hours. It was that good. Played a bit of the online, but I like playing with friends not strangers all the time so I didn't get much into that.
So yes, for shame that you haven't picked them up yet. Its a GREAT series.
Is the sky blue? Is the grass green? Do hotdogs go in buns? Was FFXIII a giant hallway?
It's very bad!
Yeah that's pretty bad. But you have plenty of time to get 1 and 2 before 3 comes out
Oh and slightly off topic but 79transam and maxpontiac you guys are my kind of people!
Bandit1 and 79transam.
Please by all means, send me a friend request.
Maxpontiac I will add you, my PSN is Black79TransAm FYI
My PSN is TSanco but I'm running on dial-up. Can't play online 🙁
Not really a fan of "dust collectors" such as statues and replicas, so this set is somewhat of a turn-off for me. I do love Steelbooks, though. Still, even with that, the Steelbook kinda looks more like a cover to a Lord of the Rings game than Uncharted. I'll have to debate this one. If it had a soundtrack or comic book or avatars/themes for the XMB, it would've been a definite purchase. At least they're actually making it an option this time for fans to own a CE. You'd have to dish out thousands for the U2's Collector's Edition.
Uncharted 3 will be amazing.
Sorry for the OT comment but I just quit watching MS's worst E3 presentation ever. Sorry, but I don't care for watching women audibly controlling their TV with voice commands. Isn't this E3? isn't it about games? Instead it a bunch of boring crap about MS broadening their efforts in every other entertainment category BUT games.
Sorry, end of rant
OT – Shooting a gun in Ghost Recon is something I would never do.
As Kevin Butler would say, "Pew Pew Pew"
Lightsaber ON!
'nuff said.
Lightsaber ON!
'nuff said.
I just don't see Darth Vader doing that.
Star Wars meets Power Rangers. And not the original and cool power rangers. The newer and lamer versions of power rangers.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/6/2011 2:09:23 PM
I kinda knew one of the original Power Rangers actors (NA version); friend of a friend.
…as soon as I find a retailer offering the pre-order for the collector's edition that is…
Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/6/2011 12:35:34 PM
Anybody watching the MS conference?
Utter crap!
Just checked it out on a site. OMG what a bunch of crap.
Officially not renewing my LIVE subscription come June 22nd. MS has forsaken the gaming enthusiast crowd by trying to merge voice gimmickry into hardcore games with the hopes to merge the casuals with the dedicated in peripherial sales. It's folly and offensive that they try to pull off such a stunt with a device that does not make the games any better. It's lame. Do people know that the very computer in which you sit has voice command ques already embedded into the OS? By and large people don't use it unless they're impaired to have to use it. There's a reason why some interfaces work better than others and this kinect crap is not for the better.
I watched it on SpikeTV and saw where some retard from Kotaku couldn't resist taking a cheap shot at Sony by saying they've been on shaky ground the last couple of years. I don't know what he's smoking but MS hasn't come close to matching Sony's game lineup.
Considering what I have seen of the MS conference so far, the shaky ground is what should be threatening to swallow up any idea that MS cares about gamers.
You left out the word "ever".
I'm more interested in the Mass Effect 3 Collector's set that's been revealed.
Right, I get read nerdy off when I hear about ME…only Transformers does that to me. Not so much with Drake and company, but I love the series.
I like Collector's Editions, but I can rarely justify purchasing them. I hope to get this one though.
This looks cool, but like pineapple said, I don't think I've ever purchased a CE of any game because I can't justify paying an extra $40 (or more) on a game for a statue or action figure and some DLC
I'm getting the inFAMOUS Hero edition tomorrow…. can't freaking wait. So this looks like another CE I'll want to pick up for the box, ring, and statue to go with the Cole statue I'll be getting tomorrow. The buckle is cool I guess, but not my style.
The only bad thing is Skyrim comes out the same day…. All my money is going to be gone and I already have a huge backlog of games. Oh well Can't complain about a pile of good games to play. 🙂
For those that dont go the forum, MS show:
They show:
MW3 ( is okay)
Tomb rader
Mass effect 3 with kinect (basically reading, the other feature was okay )
Tom classy games will have kinect (basically choosing weapons )
EA sport games with kinect
Xbox tv, xbox bing, and xbox MMA
Gears new character ( rapper Ice T)
Crytek 's new spartan game ( it looks like it had potential )
Fable journey (Its on rail)
Kinect disney
Kinect fun labs (useless)
Kinect sesame (Honestly dont know it works )
Halo 1 remake
Minecraft with kinect (probaly time exclusive )
Forza kinect
Halo 4
C – for me If I miss anything I dont care it was horrible
Kinect's success this past holiday season was unfortunate- and its why nearly all the games they showed were Kinect based. Ryse and Kinect Star Wars look pretty cool but not enough for me to buy Kinect…..*sigh* Motion control gaming is starting to get annoying.
Yeah to bad crytek didn't demo it. I LOL at the 2 guys playing kinect football. Fable journey look pretty cool.
Last edited by Pandacastro on 6/6/2011 1:31:55 PM
Nothing unfortunate about it, unless you happen to be a gamer who plays on the 360 and have just realized that MS has changed focus – away from you.
Let's see…
MW3, Tomb Raider, Mass effect 3, Tom Clancy game(s), EA sport games
All multi-platform.
Xbox tv – I have cable
Xbox bing – I have google
Xbox MMA – I have taste
Crytek 's new spartan game – Multi-platform (unless I miss my guess)
Minecraft with kinect (probaly time exclusive) in other words, it's multi-platform.
Now the 'exclusives'…
Fable journey (Its on rail)
Kinect disney
Kinect fun labs (useless)
Kinect sesame (Honestly dont know it works )
Star Wars Kinect(?) – more handwaving…lightsaber ON!
More of the same shovel-ware craptacular.
Gears new character ( rapper Ice T) – Awesome?
Halo 1 remake – Wow, so um…unlike Sony?
Forza kinect – Kinect, why?
Halo 4 – the only hope for dragging the hardcore gamers back to the 360
So, we have four mainstream, hardcore games – well, three since Halo1 and Halo 4 overlap and besides which Halo1 is a remake.
That's a very poor showing. Very poor.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/6/2011 1:42:45 PM
While I didn't just realize it, I saw it coming. I wanted KINECT to fail from the beginning. I just didn't think MS would so quickly sell the farm for the KINECT, but I suppose the joke was on me. They hit the XBOX kill switch within 4 years of it's inception and 5 years later they're now turning into the Walmart of entertainment, specializing in nothing outside of mainstream public interests.
@ Panda
Yea those guys were ridiculous. They had more energy then the deuche playing Kinect Star Wars though.
@ Highlander
Yes, thats exactly what I was implying with my statement. I don't care about the motion control gaming fad. The difference is I'm sure Sony will have plenty of non-Move titles to showcase later tonight.
But then again, most of their press conference will be showcasing the PS Vita which doesn't really get me *too* excited just yet. Maybe that'll change after tonight though.
Indeed Jimmy. I think Sony will show a lot for the Ps3, with the problems PSN had, they need to give PS3 a boost.
I don't believe that Kinect is a huge success, I think it has more to do with owners of aging 360s buying squats as Kinect bundles than it does families buying into Kinect. As much as MS will talk it up, ultimately software sales for Kinect will be terrible.
I'm not sure, but I think that last year's lineup looked better.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/6/2011 1:47:05 PM
Go to the playstation for twisted metal footage. It make you forget the whole conference.
I watch the post game on Game Trailers and the guy(not the host) claimed Sony is in trouble. Other then douchebags hacking PSN where is the trouble for the PS3? If Xbox dying on their owners multiple times didn't sink that brand so I doubt not going to the PSN store or not playing games online for a couple of weeks is going to harm the PS3 long term.
It's about the games and if Sony drops a boat load of high quality games and other goodies today or tonight no one is going to remember the PSN being down.
They work on the assumption that if you say it enough times it becomes true.
But the facts showed recently that Sony's Playstation and TV biz was hugely profitable over the last year. Whatever this GT guy is implying is misguided.
Microsoft has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Microsoft has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Microsoft has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Microsoft has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Microsoft has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Microsoft has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Microsoft has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Microsoft has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Microsoft has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Microsoft has vanished from the face of the Earth.
Did it work?
@JD the money M$ makes from live can be used for all sorts of things,like advertising.People are very open to subliminal advertising,it does make a difference sadly.
Edit:Got a 3d plasma while the store was down,first thing I DL was UC3 3D trailer,eyegasm!!!
Last edited by lateralus27 on 6/7/2011 7:57:26 AM
I was under the impression that this article was about the UC2 pre-order bonuses.
It is, and once I can pre-order it, I will…
As will I (and I see I put UC2 instead of UC3… doh!)
Not anymore it's been hijacked by rebellious bandits! Muwqhaha
Nah, JK, I'll stop with the MS slap-fest
Definetly getting this no matter how much it costs. Wish I had the Uncharted 2 special edition. I want that necklace. I'd wear it every day.
I think the 2.5 million letters of complain about not getting the Uncharted 2 Special edition might have convinced ND that collector's editions don't have to be uber, uber, uber limited.
I've only bought one collector's edition for a game, and that was GT5 last year. That was the only game I ever wanted one for. Looks like i just found game 2 😀
Another collector edition I must have on top of the other ones
I want…Resistance 3 and the infamous 2 one which is all payed
for and i'll pick up tomarrow. Why does there have to be so many
cool collectors editions…just take my money Sony !! LOL