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PSXE Poll Update: Gamers Lukewarm On Duke’s Return

Gamers are nearing the end of a 13-year wait for Duke Nukem Forever but not everyone is psyched.

According to our recent poll, the majority of readers are either unsure of the game's quality or simply aren't interested in the slightest. Some did express their enthusiasm for the upcoming shooter but it seems a decade of mockery may have had a negative impact on the name of Duke. Either that, or most younger gamers – many of whom have never even heard of Duke Nukem – were never caught up in the hype to begin with, and just don't care. The bottom line is that if the game is great, people will probably play it. But based on the feedback we're seeing for the demo (now available for First Access members), things aren't looking good… Still, we won't pass judgment until we get our hands on the final product.

This week, it's all about E3 and quite possibly the biggest news will revolve around Nintendo's new console. And because neither Sony or Microsoft will reveal new hardware, we kinda want to know how the Sony fans feel about Nintendo's latest platform venture. Are you excited? Do you have to learn more? Skeptical? …thinking they should just go the Sega route and put Mario on all major platforms?

Related Game(s): Duke Nukem Forever

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13 years ago

I'm looking forward to the Wii 2. Like it or not, some great exclusives were on the Wii, such as Super Paper Mario, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, No More Heroes, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Country Returns, Punch-Out and Super Mario Galaxy.

I'm hoping that this console will not be a gimmick-laden, underpowered machine and be something that serious gamers will want to play and 3rd parties will want to develop for. Nobody wants to see more shovelware than quality software.

Let's hope Nintendo is smart enough to stop supporting the casuals and make a return to supporting the long-time gamers who might be tiring of these infantile console wars.

Last edited by n/a on 6/5/2011 9:43:57 PM

13 years ago

Honestly I feel like I learned my lesson here.

My wii collects more dust than I know what to do with. Unless the Wii2 comes out with a stellar Metroid game, I think I'm done with it.

@Brighat – on your list, I only have the 2 SMG games, and they were the same game.

Now that Sony has Move, I dont see the need for a Wii except for exclusive characters like you mentioned. But most I can live without.

13 years ago

brighat, I agree with you 100%

As much as some don't like the Wii it had some impressive exclusives and even gave us the chance to relive those NES, SNES, N64 games through the Virtua console. Big big plus.

Can't wait to see Nintendo's new console, hopefully it's not just slightly more powerful than ps3, hopefully it's A LOT more powerful than ps3.

13 years ago

No More Exclusive.


13 years ago

Rumours are floating around that the new Nintendo console would have a 6-inch screen on its controller. I can't imagine the controller being ergonomic, if that is true. I'm going to have a wait-and-see stance on this one, but at this point I just see it as just a Wii HD.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Rumours also state that the screen can be taken off the controller and used on its own through implementation of a touch screen for game exclusive minigames… that'd be cool, but a six-inch screen is definitely going to be bulky as all hell.

13 years ago

It's called a Sony NGP, and it communicates through wireless ethernet…

Oh, wait, sorry, that's the PS4. A screen that big in the controller will kill the ergonomics. Also, since it can't be used away from the console, it's a pointlessly tethered device with a nice big – breakable – screen. I've already worn through two controllers with my PS3, do I want to have to fork over $100 for a new one because Nintendo decide to stick a TV in the middle of it? No thanks.

13 years ago

My point exactly, Highlander. It'll be interesting what Nintendo's new console would be in reality. But right now, nothing about it is exciting to me.

13 years ago

That Duke demo is a year old so it isn't much to go by, but I agree that the younger CoD-heads just aren't going to be interested. And in truth even if they played it they wouldn't like it. I'm getting it for the fun and nostalgia, Little World deserves it after all this time. I've got a friend who I played Duke with back in the day and this is something that might actually get us on multiplayer.

Nintendo? I'd be thrilled if they just stopped making hardware and I could play Zelda again without buying a worthless console. I do wonder what they have in store for Zelda's 25th anniversary but that's about it. I don't think Nintendo is going to do all that great. Cafe will sell well out of the gate but now that the Wii gimmick is old can it really bring in those numbers?

13 years ago

Probably my main beef with Nintendo is their over-reliance on their star franchises. I know that Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc are all good games but other than that, their offerings are pretty much thin. And I'd admit to be a more recent gamer (late Dreamcast and PS2 days), so there's an obvious disconnect between me and Ninty. Again, I have so much respect for what they've accomplished so far in the industry, but I think they need new franchises to excite people. Cue the thumbs down, not that I care. LOL

13 years ago

Am totally psyched for Duke Nukem Forever!! I liked Bulletstorm and its carefree symphony of violence, made games and especially FPS' seem fresh and fun again.

Playing CoD feels like a chore, and CoD Elite looks terrible, especially after seeing the 7 minute long trailer for it that showed off how "deep" it went to help you improve your game. Great, now I have to "learn" how to play CoD, no more jumping in, shooting stuff up and having fun, CoD Elite makes it bigger than a chore now. I feel so sorry for those who get sucked into it and don't experience other pleasures in life or gaming.

Anyways, I'm getting Duke for the fun factor and the hilarious one-liners.

As for the Project Cafe console, I'm looking forward to seeing it revealed. The specs look pretty nice, and a touch screen controller could be interesting, but essentially it's just playing catch-up with the PS3, just a little more powerful which is a no brainer since it'll be 5 years newer than the PS3.

Am looking forward to seeing Mario, Metroid, Zelda and Starfox in hi-def though. I just hope to see more and awesome exclusives than their core franchises, like Eternal Darkness on Cube, or Goldeneye on N64, or No More Heroes on Wii. New awesome exclusives for the hardcore, that will get me on the Nintendo band-wagon once again.

13 years ago

I'm genuinely excited for Duke, but to be honest, it's not very high on my priority list right now, and I'm extremely strapped for cash.

As for Nintendo's console, I'm actually pretty curious. I don't have a Wii, but there are still a few games for it that make me want to pick one up sometime, so we'll see about this new console. Chances are unlikely that I'll pick it up right away due to budget concerns, but who knows what the future holds, right?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

The main reason that I'm not sold on Duke is that the quality of the game is, at this point, somewhat debatable. I know that the released demo is not exactly indicative of the final product, and it's getting all sorts of different reviews around the web, but it just doesn't feel right. Beyond that, DNF comes from a different era, not that that is a bad thing. Unfortunately, I feel that they're catering almost too much to the modern crowd with a recharging health meter, two gun load-out and DLC. DLC!!! This game has been in development for FOURTEEN years! How does it need DLC?! Sorry, that last point just… p*sses me right off.

As for the new console (possibly simply called Nintendo… okay) I'll be interested in Nintendo (the company) can actually show off a decent list of exclusives. Most third parties will use it as little more than a continuation of their port efforts, so I'm not putting a lot of stock into them for the best experiences. On the other hand, a four year technological leap from their nearest current competitor, and likely another two year gap between them and their nearest next-gen competitor could really give them a lead. I'm really not sure about it right now.

13 years ago

You're not suggesting that the new Nintendo should not be the 25th Nintendo console (including handhelds) to launch on the back of Mario, Zelda and Metroid are you?


13 years ago

Nintendo would have been better off hanging onto their handheld business and switching to software development. I have a feeling that the new console will do about as well as the GameCube did.

13 years ago

And Nintendo was hacked into today. No personal info or anything was taken though.

13 years ago

Well recently I should say. Not necessarily today.

13 years ago

Good for them! They apparently has done their homework then. 🙂

13 years ago


I bought into the hype of N64 and have never been more disappointed with a system. And the little I've seen and played of Gamecube and Wii have just further cemented the fact that Nintendo hasn't wanted to do what it takes to put out a quality console since their 16-bit glory days.

If the speculation is true, it does seem like they're actually trying this time, but I soon as I heard about their plans to put a scream on the controller, it was just more proof that this'll be just one more gimmick. Just the same as every other console they've put out in the last 15 years.

13 years ago


I bought into the hype of N64 and have never been more disappointed with a system. And the little I've seen and played of Gamecube and Wii have just further cemented the fact that Nintendo hasn't wanted to do what it takes to put out a quality console since their 16-bit glory days.

If the speculation is true, it does seem like they're actually trying this time, but I soon as I heard about their plans to put a scream on the controller, it was just more proof that this'll be just one more gimmick. Just the same as every other console they've put out in the last 15 years.

13 years ago

I have confidence on Nintendo doing something good. I'll definitely get it.

Don't care about Duke Nukem at all. Only DN game I actually liked was the third person one for ps1 so really have no interest.

13 years ago

I'm not excited about the Duke in the slightest. This is coming from a guy who played the first ones when they first came out, and I played multiplayer with friends on it for countless hours.

I think the times have changed and, right or wrong, the crowd is more COD-oriented now. Whereas, back in the day, seeing a stripper pole and some bootay in a video game was novel, exciting and edgy.

I want Duke to move on and let the team work hard on Borderlands 2!

13 years ago

I find myself agreeing with you on this, completely. I'm not sure that gaming is what it was, and I'm not sure that the Duke really works anymore.

13 years ago

this is EXACTLY whats wrong with todays generation.
they spill themselves over repeated repetitive crap like COD, but when a fresh new game comes out its meh.
come on, how can you not love the duke!?
i dare ya to play through the demo and not have a smile on your face, i mean come on hes got such a good sense of humor!

13 years ago

I wasn't saying that I'm all about the generic COD FPSes of the current generation. I'm just stating the obvious trend right now…

13 years ago


I like Gearbox, but the Duke is about as fresh as Quake.

13 years ago

name 1 other game out there that has the tongue in cheek humor of duke nukem!
i mean come on what other game lets you beat the shit out of aliens, then slam there eyeball through the goal posts?
as randy said, duke is the anti-hero of shooters today, there so serious and have no sense of humor what so ever!
dukes totally the opposite, and thats why its a breath of fresh air!
bulletstorm was a start, but no one can touch the cheesiness, tong in cheek attitude of the duke!

13 years ago

By that logic, Pong is a super-fresh take on tennis.

13 years ago

I give it credit for developing a certain style, But I think the humour is a bit to much for me, plus FPS's arent really my favourite genre games like Resitane and Bioshock I love and I'm still waiting on a new Timesplitters (…) But as for DN, it was never a thing I was bothered about years ago nor am I now, same with Twisted Metal.

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
13 years ago

Does this game use Chinese Democracy as it's sound track? Because you know…

13 years ago

I already gave my thoughts in the other DNF post.

But, just want to add that the Demo was "Hacked" shall we say, on the PC and players were able to explore some of Dukes Penthouse. After playing these sections, ALL of the players said it was brilliant and made the demo worth it. They think they purposely held back on a lot of stuff with the demo and trailers.

Also, the game is in bootlegger hands now and they have said things like "I was majorly disappointed with the demo, but guys…the game is f*****g NUTS! Best FPS i have played in a LONG time". They also go on to say a lot of improvements are seen in the final game over the demo which must be an old build.

But as i warned in the other post, DNF will be the most watched game of all time, reviews will be made for site hits, some won't get over the 12 year wait, some won't get over the old school nature etc. The only way to tell, is by playing it yourself with a fresh slate.

My verdict prediction: Best FPS since Timesplitters 2.
Might be too high a bar, but we'll see.

As for Ninty, very optimistic about their console, ANYTHING to play their exclusives with a controller again!

13 years ago

Yo Lotus,

You are from Europe or the UK right? If so it baffles me how anyone that isn't American could be so pumped about DNF.

Now I just tried demo yesterday and I wasn't blown away but I wasn't unimpressed either. Solid, nostalgic fun I would deem the demo. Nothing technically impressive because it runs on Unreal but after all this time it has shaped up well. Pure cheese and its awesome. Man I still play DN3D!

13 years ago

Randy was asked why he thought Duke would appeal to players outside of America (as international pre orders are through the roof), he said, aside from the fact Duke is a global icon, DNF is sitire, and it takes the piss out of America, most of the world hate America lol and can probably laugh at some of the American satire.

Lastly, a good game is a good game. Duke3D sold truck loads internationally too.

I'm from the UK yes.

13 years ago

Was never impressed with Duke Nukem, and most likely never will be.

13 years ago

Me neither, but if anything I'd still just wish they released the original game as a retro experience (only with upgraded resolution for todays large TVs). It could be a bit fun, at least as a reduced psn price.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/6/2011 9:12:43 AM

13 years ago

It was fun, but was kind of a campy Doom wannabe…

13 years ago


Duke….Doom wannabe?

You must be playing Serious Sam.

13 years ago

Duke was so different from Doom it isn't even funny that you said that.

13 years ago

I'd never really heard of Duke, or at least never knew what he was about, until it was announced that there was a serious team working on it. And honestly? The level of vulgarity and crude humor in this game is not a draw. Compounding this even further is the fact that I'm trying to legitimize games as a pastime in my father's eyes. I don't want to think about what he would say if he saw me playing a game like this.

But on the topic of the next Nintendo console… Ever since my first real console(a PS2) I've loved Nintendo's stuff. I'm not overtly about violence in games, I've usually liked the light-hearted-ness of Nintendo's more kid-friendly offerings. And as I've grown older I've found that there are things that Nintendo offers and that it doesn't. Nintendo offers a great experience in terms of outright fun that can keep you coming back again and again. For example, I've clocked over 200 hours into Smash Bros. Brawl, maybe this isn't a ton for most gamers but it's a lot for me. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I've clocked 60 hours, again for me a lot of time to get out of a more action-oriented title. If Nintendo can bring experiences like these, and maybe have someone else bring something a bit more serious, I'l be there. That's what Nintendo's about and, I believe, what gaming, at its core, is about. Fun.

13 years ago

ive already preordered my copy months ago.. ill see you guys on the battlefield to kick ass and chew buublegum ! 😉

13 years ago

Duke ftw! D 1 P … nuff sed! Aaiit! ;-D

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