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2K: Duke Brings Over-The-Top Fun Back To FPSs

As you might expect, publisher 2K Games has been heavily promoting Gearbox's Duke Nukem Forever .

And among the new assets they've delivered to the press is a very clear message : DNF marks the return of the good old-fashioned shooter; i.e., it's "an antidote for today's clichéd FPS archetypes." Above all else, it's the main character that should grab your attention, as DNF features a video game hero like none other. As 2K routinely says, this is no sci-fi space marine or "Bourne" clone; it's a "much missed cocktail of alien invasion, busty babes, brawny comedy and big f**kin' guns." Well, regardless of how the game turns out, we have to agree that gaming takes itself too seriously too often, and DNF reminds us of that shameless fun we seem to have lost.

The demo – currently available for First Access members – is receiving mixed reactions, though, so we'll have to wait and see…

Related Game(s): Duke Nukem Forever

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Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

Mixed reviews? That can't be too good.

13 years ago

Well you could think that in a way the reviews are mixed because some of them thought it would be a new CoD. And it is NOT. So these people could give bad reviews because they are going to say crap like its not realistic and stuff. Not like CoD is anywhere close to reality lol XD

13 years ago

I dunno about that. I don't know how good the game is, but after more than a decade being called 'Did Not Finish' and ridiculous amounts of gamer anticipation, there are bound to be a few reviewers who have very high expectations that will never be met, no matter how good (or bad) the game is. So there may be reviews out there that are simply panning it because it too too long, or they expected more after 13 years in development.

13 years ago

I just played the demo and came out of it fairly unimpressed. It looks like this sucker has been sitting in the closet collecting dust for 10+ years and some dude decided to take it out and put a spit shine and polish on it. "Oh look, it's Betty Blue…my favorite double barreled shotgun…I forgot I even had this thing." is what I imagine the Dukester would say.

I hate to be harsh, but with all the wicked exclusives and multiplats coming out, this will maybe be a borrow or rental playthrough at some point for me. Undoubtedly there will be a few nostalgic comedy moments, but in my opinion it is not worthy of a $60 day one.

13 years ago

Reviews don't matter now for these types of games which are a blast from the past.

13 years ago

The mixed reactions are deservedly so. But you just can't tell what's in store with this demo and i think it was purposefully done that way.

However, everything 2K has said is true. Everything hyped up about it via Randy is also true.

So, if that's the case when playing only the demo, then optimism is still present for the final game as most of what we know you can do in DNF isn't in the demo!
But as said above, it is old school, it is a MASSIVE breath of fresh air, it has puzzles, it has secret areas, and feels like a new Duke.

…New Duke? That's one of the common complaints so far. The modern coating over the old school formula is perhaps…too modern. 2 weapon mechanic, regen health (both mechanics were not in earlier DNF builds, we had weapon wheels and medkits instead) is something long time fans didn't build themselves up for.
On the other hand, the pluses for the long time fans are minus points for the new gen. No iron sights, no emo story, 80s action hero as main character, puzzles breaking up gun play, non-linear, satire – takes piss out of your current favourite games, popular culture in general and America….etc.

So Duke will struggle to find any middle ground today because of how much times have changed. As Randy put it, back in the 90s, Duke was a unique cliché, today…Duke is in a league all on his own with a cult following.

What i believe is that the full game WILL deliver the entire punch and we'll see what all the history making is about and word will spread…reason for that is because of what was said above 1st, everything we have heard about DNF hardly was in the demo and that stuff we have heard and seen has confirmed that it's the real DEAL.
However, i do believe critics will also reflect what i have said and be split right down the middle, one side will love it and call it a much needed breath of fresh air, while others will not get over the 12 year delay and call it dated (ala IGN) without it's iron sights etc…and because this will be one of the most watched games of all time, "critics" will want to bring the shock value and just give it a ridiculous unfounded low score. The middle ground will barely be touched.
The funny thing here though is that Duke is actually so tough, he is review proof. The success of this game is cemented. Pre orders are through the roof.

My worry? How much was altered in favour of modern appeal.

One things for sure though…Duke is back and he has everyone's attention.

I look forward to user reviewing this.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 6/4/2011 11:32:05 AM

13 years ago

I agree with what you say.

I'll really be looking forward to your written review, Lotus. =]

13 years ago

Thanks Nlayer.

I won't be writing it up until i have thoroughly rinsed it out looking for secrets, different methods, finished it multiple times and progressed a considerable amount in multiplayer.
After 12 years, i think it deserves detailed reviews lol.

Plus, the predecessor is timeless in it's gameplay, so want to make sure DNF has a similar memorable single player, all the while keeping nostalgia biases at bay!

13 years ago

From what y'all are writing a demo has been released for it… is this currently available via the US store!?!



13 years ago

I think you only get it with a voucher code if you pre-ordered it.

13 years ago

only for those with a preorder

13 years ago

Or if you bought Borderlands GOTY Edition. Or if you already had the regular edition of Borderlands in your Steam account.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 6/4/2011 7:04:27 PM

13 years ago

I'm certainly not concerned about mixed reviews for a demo. Time and time again we've seen demo's undermine the final product. I'll wait for the full game reviews.

13 years ago

I just played it, I agree it isn't all that impressive from a reviewers standpoint.

But I never expected it to be. I enjoyed it, I giggled, felt nostalgic, and aside from that unfortunate attempt to bring it up to date this game is clearly for Duke fans. And The Duke is back baby, that's all I want.

13 years ago

Agreed. The demo was short and it was basically the same demo that was revealed months ago but I still enjoyed it and I know I'll have a smile on my face while I'm playing the full game. I think all the people giving this demo negative reviews are just those expecting too much. It's not meant to be taken seriously and they, unfortunately, don't look at it that way. Old school Duke fans knew what to expect and it has delivered just what was expected for those players.

13 years ago

no, its old school duke fans who are complaining!
they dont like the modern touch to the game, but what did they expect?
if gearbox released this without those modern touches they would of been eaten alive!
i enjoyed the demo, not short at all took me around 20 minutes to play a dam site longer then the infamous 2 and RFA demos!
in fact one of the longest demos ive played in a long time!
i just wish the graphics were better, especially for a PC game!
and for the love of god, no more limits on how many weapons we can carry!

13 years ago

You guys can read my hands-on here:

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/4/2011 3:09:09 PM

13 years ago

I've played the demo. The gameplay itself is awesome, the only thing holding the game back is the controls. Where games like COD feel just right when it comes to control of the right thumbstick, DNF just feels sluggish.
I had the same problem with Portal 2, but there aiming was less important and you could take your time to line up a shot. Also, I have to note that I eventually got used to the Portal 2 controls and could play with it smoothly. I'm guessing the same will happen when I play DNF.

13 years ago

I upped the sensitivity a little.

13 years ago

It should also be said this is an old demo that was used at the last E3. One would hope the final product to have a bit more polish yet.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Saints Row is the new Duke. 😉

13 years ago

LOL ok, ok… But Duke could have been *in* Saints Row?
As a guest star! 😀

13 years ago

f*cking loved the demo, had me in stitches and in nostalgic heaven!
not very often games make me feel 13 again!
only thing i hated about it was its graphics and limited to 2 weapons.
first the graphics, i played it on a PC and i could of swore i was playing it on a 10 year old PC!
i mean i was not expecting metro 2033 levels of detail, but the texture resolutions, the visual effects, it was just crap!
not exactly a myriad of effects to switch through either, me thinks we have another PC game suffering from the severe condition called consoleitis.
why cant we have more the witcher 2 games, and less crappy console ports?
this is exactly why i cant wait for new consoles!
not so i can buy them, but so i dont have to put up with this sh*t anymore!
well, at least not as badly.
not very well optimized either, i mean with so few visual effects, and crappy textures you would expect to get good frames but with dual 570s OCd quite a bit with 3D off i was only getting 30FPS!
thats what i bloody get in mafia 2, metro 2033, ect ect with the 3D ON!

then the weapon wheel, i mean come on the weapons are what made duke!
asking me to choose only 2 weapons to carry is like asking me to choose between a lambo and a ferrari.
gets especially annoying when you have big ships to destroy, then your limited to the weapon you need, and which one you want.
for crying out loud, can we get rid of this sh*t!?
note to all developers, can we PLEASE have weapon wheels back!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????
come on, look ill buy you a cookie if you get rid of this limited to x number of weapons!
we should be able to carry every weapon we want!

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