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Resistance 3 Multiplayer Footage And New Details

We just get this feeling that we're gonna love Resistance 3 .

Another five minutes of multiplayer action has shown up at the European PlayStation Blog ; it features the Bogota map from the game. Insomniac Senior Community Manager James Stevenson also stressed the design team's goal with multiplayer: to give the player "a ton of choice." Check it out:

You should note the different HUD for Chimeran players and the new rocket launcher, called the Firestorm. You can also customize your loadout "with various Support and Tactical abilities;" evidence of that can be seen in this video, where players drop Healing Beacons and Bubble Shields for their allies. There's also Thermal Vision and Dash to gain the advantage, and certain attributes will let you "carry larger clips, track enemies by their footprints, and even have leapers burst from your corpse."

All of it will be available in the upcoming beta tests, and you can bet Resistance 3 will turn plenty of heads at E3 next week!

Related Game(s): Resistance 3

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13 years ago

The graphics looked smooth but pretty standard (of what I could tell from the small video size), however the action looked really good. It's already on my list because of campaign coop. This is a nice bonus!

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/2/2011 11:12:10 AM

13 years ago

Wow, looks awesome! Love the speed and smoothness.

13 years ago

Looking forward to the beta of this game. Right now its on my "wait and see" list just because of the sheer number of games that are coming out in the fall.

13 years ago

So true… I'm on Crysis 2 right now, but I still have to finish Mass Effect 2, LA Noire, and Fallout:New Vegas before inFamous 2 comes out. haha

13 years ago

That's one serious list of quality games right there, big6. It's good to be a console owner these days. 🙂

I'll get LA Noire as soon as the price drops one notch.

13 years ago

Haha.. thanks.
I actually grabbed LA Noire, and some others, from a Blockbusters Video that was closing down.
They were selling everything for 30% off – new or old.

13 years ago

Finger crossed they've done a good job with Move support. It would be nice if, once personal settings are configured, we can jump between this and KZ3 without much hassle.

13 years ago

I think the "smoothness" of this game is the first thing that grabs everyone….it just looked really freakin' good.

The rocket launcher seems a little cheap with the lock-on capabilities….almost like a way too easy kill.

Still really looking forward to this game later in the year.

13 years ago

That rocket launcher looks pretty cool, but I do agree with the lock on capability.

13 years ago

The game looks solid and had me hooked just watching the trailer. Graphics are finally what they should be for this series. I like how the carbine handles..This pistol looks more realistic and I like the reload animation for it. It's a bit faster then the previous games but handles it very smoothly. I'm looking forward to this.

13 years ago

Well, that had the opposite effect I thought it would have on me. I wonder if this is how the game will look when it comes out or if they will put a little more spit shine on it. Hope its just me, poor video quality or the fact that the video takes place in a rusy trainyard but this level looks a little bland. What I've seen of single player looks great… this, eh I'm sticking to KZ3 for multiplayer. Now this is not the deal breaker, the rocket launcher with 12 shells when its fully loaded are, not counting how many secondary fire ammo he also gets. He was also picking up ammo for that left and right, yeah count me out for that crap unless the online matches are as big as R2

13 years ago

Yeah, the graphics do look meh right here. Hope they fix that.

13 years ago

Agreed, the graphics looked very 2008, reminded me of World at War actually. I guess they tweaked it towards smoothness and high framerate instead of impressive visuals.
Nevertheless, the actual gameplay looks solid enough – and for me the multiplayer in this game is just a bonus anyways.

13 years ago

@Beamboom…agreed, never actually played RE MP ever so it is really just a bonus for me as well

13 years ago

Got the sudden urge to play R2 online! This looks great can't wait for R3!!

13 years ago

If you can find anyone online! I had the urge to play R2 a few weeks ago (before the PSN blackout), and the match making could round up enough people to start a match.

However, COOP was as busy as ever! Which is questionable and disappointing they left COOP off of R3.

13 years ago

They did not!? It's campaign coop in R3 – the best coop there is imo (if implemented well)!

13 years ago

I meant the 8-player coop missions offered in R2…not the Campaign coop.

I'd prefer to have the same missioned-based 8-player coop over the campaign coop, personally.

13 years ago

Ah, gotcha. Well the R2 coop style worked really well playing with strangers (like a trad multiplayer game) cause everyone knew their task and the final boss fights were fun.
But with friends I think it became tedious playing the same loop of maps over and over again, I prefer a bit more progression along the way.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/2/2011 2:29:51 PM

13 years ago

I still play the R2 Co-op. That is the blueprint on how Co-op should be made online. I will say the maps don't really repeat themselves. You have to unlock different sectors and once you've done so it'll stream every objective in the map together all in one..I've been through Co-op games that took at least a hour..

13 years ago

What I mean by repetition is that each loop has four "main areas" (maps) with each their boss. But to take down the bosses you have to play through the other three first. So that means four playthroughs on each map – proving that you were able to take down the boss on first try. And we hardly did that. So in reality we played the same loop of those four maps maaany times before next loop was unlocked. Then it was to start all over on this loop, and we eventually got bored of the entire concept.
So for us that became the show stopper.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/3/2011 2:47:03 AM

13 years ago

Not sure if I will love this as I never felt that way about part 2. Plus the whole alien vs man story is getting kind of old now, but if they can add a very good story to go along with the fun gameplay…this could be a classic. As for the multiplayer…looks incredilbly enterntaining.

Is it me or do the graphics look unimpressive?

Last edited by FM23 on 6/2/2011 1:43:48 PM

13 years ago

I know what you mean… but from a technology standpoint, I don't the graphics are unimpressive. (neither was R2)

What Insomniac really are better artists. A better art style can make the game's graphics appear to be better.

13 years ago

You seriously have to look at this series from FOM to now and you can't deny the graphical improvement. R2 graphics weren't horrible and it had a great color scheme.

Now the graphics aren't on the same level as Killzone or anything like that but this is worlds better then what they've given us previously.

13 years ago

I think that image has some bad quality, I'm always impressed with R2 when I go back to it. It's really just one notch below KZ2.

13 years ago

It felt like Insomniac rushed the polish on R2 to meet deadline.R1 was the first game I ever played online and will always have faith in them.I struggle to enjoy non KZ online these days.If ND had to make Crash Bandicoot at the same time as Uncharted,Uncharted mightn't be as polished.PS I love R&C so respect to Insomniac for their hard work.

13 years ago

I'm thinkin xmas list. I did love the online co-op in R2.

13 years ago

Okay so this is now cemented to my list. Looks fun, is super smooth and pretty good looking(not mind blowing though). Now to some how make more money.

13 years ago

Was not interested in this game.
Then i saw this.
I'll be blunt; f*ck MW3, this and battlefield are gonna be zomgalicious!

13 years ago

I think i'll even play R1 and R2 just to catch up on the story. yes im late to the party, sue me.

13 years ago

I'm not so sure if I would underestimate mw3 that much compared to this… Prepare to get all three! 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/3/2011 3:27:24 AM

13 years ago

looks like insomniac learned nothing from resistance 2!
cant believe the 8 player co-op is gone!
why do they always do this?
they took everything fans loved about RFoM and threw it in the bin, fans hit the roof, so there doing it again!
i always said insomniac does not know how to make a bad game!
R2 came bloody close to proving me wrong, but it looks like they have finally done it with this!
looks like my fears of them signing up with EAP hurting there quality came true.

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