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Obsidian CEO: “I Would Make Alpha Protocol 2”

If at first you don't succeed…

Despite the mediocre review scores Alpha Protocol received, it seems the team definitely wants to make a sequel. In speaking to Play , Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart first admitted "there were things in the game we could have done better," and then elaborated:

"Perhaps it was not necessarily the job we did but there was something beyond the game – how it was represented or how it was sold or what people felt we promised them. Something went off-kilter there. So there’s another lesson to learn about communication."

He went on to clarify that they are not making a sequel, but he'd still like to do it. As for the previous statement, we have a message for Urquhart: we really don't care about what was promised, and it wasn't a communication issue. …the game's foundation was archaic and really disappointing, from control to visual presentation to the limited stealth mechanic.

So if you do end up making one, just fix a lot of stuff and don't worry about "promises" or "communication." Good games take care of themselves.

Related Game(s): Alpha Protocol

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13 years ago

did it sell well enough to get a sequel tho… me it didnt look that great and with so many other games out at the time why bother with it

13 years ago

I picked up AP not long ago and fully intend on playing through it. Personally though, I'd much prefer they put out another Fallout game.

13 years ago

I really like the basic idea of this kind of game, but the graphics looked like a ps2 game, the story seemed hokey at best, from what I read the gameplay was broken, and it just seemed to ooze low budget, poor quality.

If they made a second one, I'd be interested, but only if they actually put some effort into it.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

I actually liked Alpha Protocol despite its many flaws. Not a good game though.

13 years ago

As tempting as it may have been to dis Urquhart, the quoted material does not actually reflect the content of his statement, which acknowledges shortcomings in the cover system and other features of AP before also noting that Obsidian failed to meet the expectations that had been set. Maybe before you start sending messages to Urquhart and company, you should try listening to his message first.

See fuller version of the quote here:

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Yeah, I read it. Doesn't change the message.

13 years ago

when i think of obsidian i think of a b team developer. they just can't seem to bring things together to deliver a triple a title for whatever reasons.

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

No sequel please. the first was bad enough…

13 years ago

mediocre? from what it sounded like, thats putting it lightly. For a game that was supposed to be a AAA title, a game that was a GI cover story, the game, to me, sounded like a complete and total blunder. If they want to ressurect AP, they'll have to do more than just a sequel. More like a remake, and a realization of the mistakes made public and how they want to go about fixing it. Prior to release, the game sounded kind of cool. I would have rented it at least, but i feel bad for the people expecting to get their 60$ worth.

13 years ago

When was the last time they created a game that wasn't full of bugs a year past its release date? I personally have little faith in their product due to this.

13 years ago

have you guys played the game?? i personally thought they had a great story and i like how every choice you make has a consequence. the gameplay was the problem. if the gameplay was good i think the game would have gotten a higher score. Sega should give obsidian another chance.

13 years ago

awwwwwwwwwww come on!
do it!
you know you want to!
id love to see a sequel simply because, well, name 1 other game like it!
its like LA Noire, a never before done idea.
shame it did not turn out so well.
but if this does not deserve a sequel, then neither does infamous, uncharted, gow, ect, ect.
in fact this deserves a sequel more then those put together!
simply because unlike all those it was such a different game, never seen before, got so much potential!
maybe obsidian are not the right guys to do this, there too lazy!
bring bioware in and watch alpha protocol 2 not only get GOTY, but GOTC!

13 years ago

I just wish Obsidian wasn't behind this concept. It could've been great. Their games seem to always be broken on arrival. Nothings changed even from early pc days.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
13 years ago

I got AP when it hit the bargain bin and haven't been disappointed in the purchase. It's not a great game but certainly worth the money I spent.

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