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Starhawk Announced: Gameplay, Developer Commentary

Starhawk has been unveiled and it's the talk of the town. Why? 'Cuz it looks like it'll rule .

If you liked Warhawk , you're gonna love Lightbox Interactive's spiritual successor, which takes place in the distant future on the outer reaches of the galaxy (aka The Frontier). Featuring a single-player campaign, a "build in battle" mechanic that lets you erect new structures on the fly, and all sorts of new gadgets and vehicles, this one should be oodles of fun.

Emmett Graves will be the main character; he's at the center of a conflict between various planets, and he has also been infected with "rift energy." Thankfully, though, there's a regulator in his spine that keeps him from going crazy…sounds sensible enough.

All in all, Starhawk has definitely landed on our radar. We're just a trifle disappointed that it won't launch this year, but that's okay. We'll be patient.

Related Game(s): Starhawk

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13 years ago

Yep looks pretty dang good. I never bought warhawk I wish I had (maybe the community is still large?) but I played the demo for many hours. I won't pass on this one. The build and battle system looks pretty amazing, and the graphics looked nice as well. So when does this release?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Yea I didn't play Warhawk that much either, maybe 1 hour the whole time I had it… I got the game way to late and by the time I did people were pro and I was getting "PWND" so it wasn't a pleasant ride.

13 years ago

It's never too late man.

13 years ago

I think I might pick it up if the community is still large. I loved the demo, but as time went on I thought the community may have shrunk to small. But I hope I'm wrong I'd love to buy it just even to add to my collection.

13 years ago

its still big! I keep playing warhawk now and then… but its true everybody is pro! hehe try de rookies and the unranked servers fist

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I saw this on GTTV last night on Spike TV.

13 years ago

Reminds me of Star Craft in some weird way. I hope they make this spam proof and balanced.

13 years ago

I thought that too a little bit. Like a mixture of that and Red Faction.

13 years ago

someone doing something creative for once, this looks interesting, at least more than all those generic modern warfare

13 years ago

Get em Sony.

13 years ago

I like how this looks. Played a little bit of Warhawk and liked it and this looks bigger and better.

13 years ago

LOL!!! Did you see the idiot who wrote up IGN's preview! OMG, will the gaming community be able to cope with a Black protagonist!!!! What a stupid site IGN is. Thanks for a NORMAL great mini preview on what looks like another stellar PS3 exclusive.

13 years ago

It's like asking if we would ever be able to cope with aliens.
Gotta love the media.

IGN has sunk to another low.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 5/13/2011 11:53:06 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Can I have a link?

13 years ago
13 years ago

Yeah I just saw that article too. To be fair there are some crazy people out there who don't seem to like the use of black characters as the main protagonists for no real reason, and this doesn't just happen in games it also happen in comics and movies.

The most recent event that comes to mind is the Thor movie. There is/was a facebook page boycotting Idris Alba being in the movie at all because he's black and who plays a Norse god Heimdall (but if you saw the movie you probably already know this). Some people got extra sensitive.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 5/13/2011 2:18:12 PM

13 years ago

quote form ign article "he's black!"

Thanks for pointing that out, I was confused.


13 years ago

looks liek we wont be gettng actual in space battles as we originally speculated but I guess ill live heh

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Holy rusted metal batman!
My boxer shorts elastic just flew across the livingroom.
Getting this on day1

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Uh…what's up with YouTube?

13 years ago

It's up now. Youtube's been quirky lately, somewhat slow too.

Nevermind, the whole site is still down… What the hell?

Last edited by Scarecrow on 5/13/2011 11:58:03 AM

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Maybe it got hacked 🙂

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Im on youtube right not, it works fine.

Google Chrome

EDIT: never mind it's a complete failure.

EDIT #2: It works and then it doesn't, works then doesn't…

What Ben said under me.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 5/13/2011 12:05:10 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

On again, off again…bizarre.

13 years ago

World and I have been dead in the water ever since Blogger went down yesterday. What the crap is going on?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

dead in the water

Is a Ps1 game I used to love.

13 years ago

Now THAT'S what you call a badass protagonist!

Will be getting this day 1. Looks amazingly complete already. The graphics already look polished and of ps3 quality.

Another badass exclusive for ps3!

13 years ago

reminds me "a little" of Red Faction: Armageddon. I know they are very different games. xD

13 years ago

i didn't get my ps3 online until recently so i only briefly sampled warhawk. by time i played it looked kind of dated. that just shows how far ps3 games have come over the years.

starhawk does look pretty amazing. definitely interested in the the build and battle aspect. watching those buildings rise up from the ground was pretty wicked, i can just imagine some epic battles playing out with all kinds of different strategies/tactics.

it's also good that it has a single player campign so you can build up your skills before taking it online. i tend to dive straight into the multiplayer first, but it's good to know the there is a single player mode there.

people seem to be pretty hyped about this game. i just have a grerat feeling about it, too. it looks solid.

13 years ago

it may look dated but its still fun as hell to play, after you get your bearings straight though. i hated the game before they had the intro levels. after that i loved it. dodging missile after missile, running over people flying on jetpacks while in a warhawk, dropping a mine right behind you to kill the guy trying to run you down in a dog fight, using a guided missile on a soldier sniping while trying to get away after he sees the missile in his scope heading for him, its just plain fun.

Last edited by johnld on 5/13/2011 4:32:19 PM

13 years ago

You got a nice av man. welcome to the site as well. Only idiots traded in PS3 for a 360..Wish more people had both systems so when something happens with can switch to the other.

13 years ago

I can dig that man. I've ran out of offline games to play on my PS3 as well..Think I read that you had Alan Wake which is the perfect game to start your 360 off with.

13 years ago

i have considerd getting a 360 during this outage. i just can't overcome my dislike of ms and their business tactics. it's not fair that ms gets all the early access to dlc and new maps.

ps3 is always on the back of the bus so to say. it's like the whole system is catered to live.
when i argue with my friends anout psn vs live. they always say we have cross game chat and get early access to online content. ms cares about us and locks down that content for us to enjoy 1st. it's ineresting that the early access to online content creates a sense of loyalty to ms.

my argument back is sony is out there actually making great exclusive titles for ps3 owners to enjoy. psn is just fine when it's up and working. i played a ton of silky smooth matbhes on kz3.
kz3 is a great exclusive title for the ps3 that makes cod look ancient.

anyways, i am a kz3 addict. the last time i used was april 20th.

13 years ago

i just saw an article on google news, didnt read it because it was just retarded, with the headline 360 sales went up 23% while ps3 trade in also went up 23% or something to that effect. if you want to find it just search playstation 3 network on google news and sort it by date.

13 years ago

Huge fan of the original, big fan of the PS3 title, and looks like I'm going to be a huge fan of the sequel. Good job Lightbox, can't wait to get my hands on it.

13 years ago

Is it gonna support Move?

13 years ago

I can't see Starhawk working very well with Move, to be honest. It's already extremely well-suited for the Sixaxis movement sensors. Tbh, I think it's probably the most apt use of that functionality I've seen from Sony's devs.

Not to say other games aren't fun with it, just that it seems this control scheme was made specifically for Warhawk/Starhawk.

13 years ago

Yeah, I heard they did a bang-up job with sixaxis controls, that's why I was wondering about Move. The flying might be a bit iffy but I'd give it a shot.

Mainly it's the aiming I'm interested in. Since playing KZ3 with Move, I can no longer aim with my thumbs. …and it seems old-fashioned.

13 years ago

From the GT TV interview they've dropped the sixaxis support altogether, so it seems highly unlikely this will be move compatible….but I dont know.

13 years ago

@ SvenMD: Ack, say it isn't so…that was truly an impressive adaptation of the sixaxis function.

@ RadioHeader: Indeed sir, honestly, I urge everyone to check it out just because of that control scheme. It really did everything you'd want out of the setup. It's what I'd imagined going into it.

Hopefuly Sven's wrong, or…they rethink this one and reimplement Sixaxis control. I'll honestly miss it otherwise.

As for aiming, controller aiming is pretty archaic, I know I'll probably get some heat for this, but c'mon…how long have controller's beena round…and they're simply inadequate when compared to the mouse. Move and the Wiimote are truly the direction people should want to be going…for shooters (there are obviously other applications, but I'm talking shooters here), not simply 'making do' with a controller.

I'm glad they put it in there, and I'm certain the industry will be for the better because of it, and yes, eventually Kinect will come into it's own and be just as relevant. They just need time and encouragement (through units sold, they're not going to go to much effort if only a small portion of owners have it).

13 years ago

I've only had a small taste of PC gaming, Quake 3 about 10 years ago. In that game, there's just no way a controller-guy would have been able to compete. To this day, I've not been able to really get into an online shooter using the sticks.

If I had shooters my way, there'd be no more sticks and no more auto-aim.

13 years ago

i rather not use six axis controls on warhawk. i used the control sticks. i prefer solid inputs rather than wondering why i got shot down even when i flailed around trying to dodge missiles.

13 years ago


svenmd is right about them ditching the six axis controls. they said they are always willing to try new things like the six axis but it was not a good fit for this game. so no six axis. they said thhis game is best suited for a reglular controller.

that's fine by me. warhawk and heavy rain made greeat use of the six axis controls, though.

13 years ago

That definitely looks very epic, though I have to say that it also looks like their won't be any vehicle diversity

13 years ago

Trailer looks awesome, well on my list.
Looks like u can drop buildings on people?

13 years ago

lol that would be hilarious!

I like the concept of being creative and strategic about shaping the landscape.

Too many times people would exploit a certain map layout or spot.

Now it's up to us to shape the landscape how we want to.

13 years ago

Excellent point scarecrow! The whole thing in MAG that bugged me was the placement of turrets. On some of the maps you couldnt even get past them at times, alot of that depends on who and how you play as well. But this way we get a chance to as you said "shape the landscape". Imagine a game where nobody built anything and we just battled on an open plane!

13 years ago

I remember when i first got my ps3 and i downloaded the warhawk demo,there was actually a lot of people on it & i had a blast!

At first i sucked at flying but eventually i got a lot better,even though loads people online were insanely better(they should consider the air force).This game looks amazing & i will definitely be getting it first day.

13 years ago

i was exactly the same until they put in the introductory levels, which they shouldve had in the first place since its a online only game.

13 years ago

*cries tears of joy*

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