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Sony: Full Restart Of PSN Date Is “Unchanged”

It's taking longer than initially predicted for Sony to bring the PlayStation Network back online, but they say the planned "full restoration" date is unchanged.

We just never knew of an actual day: apparently, according to what Sony boss Shigenori Yoshida told Bloomberg , they're "uncertain" of when the services will resume. That being said, the plan to "restart the services fully by May 31 is unchanged," a statement that has apparently been giving a lot of reporters problems. Most are posting the May 31 date as if it's some sort of new, heinous revelation, while one would've assumed that the word "unchanged" meant… Well, don't you know what it means? They always said the Store and other services wouldn't return until later this month.

At the same time, it is indeed true that we were supposed to have received partial service last week, and that didn't happen. In a new update at the PlayStation Blog , we learn that when Sony first made that prediction, they weren't aware of the extent of the damage.

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13 years ago

May 31 is gonna replace X-mas on my calendar.

13 years ago

Keyword here is "Fully."

They can restart online multiplayer early, bring friends list a little later, messaging a little more later, then finally all the store contents next week, then all the treats and rewards by 31.

Technically, They restored PSN 100% (fully) by May 31, just launched it stage by stage over time.

Last edited by Doppel on 5/9/2011 4:15:00 PM

13 years ago

They better not delay it again

13 years ago

another 3 wks – jes.

13 years ago

Did you read the article?
Or the title of the article?

Last edited by Fane1024 on 5/9/2011 7:45:54 PM

13 years ago

I hate how everyone blames SONY for getting HACKED!! MS have been hacked but they gain money from people paying for their service.

Maybe now, thinking back they should have made a paid service longer ago.

13 years ago

Microsoft if it's Windows related its been hacked, cracked, or mass pirated but no one seems to care about that.

13 years ago

huh? Making it a pay service wouldn't have helped any.

13 years ago

Noone blame Sony for being hacked, city96. Some of us do however at least consider the question that Sony may be to blame that the hack became this serious, and with such prolonged downtime.

And World is right in that psn being a pay service or not has absolutely nothing to do with this. It has not.

And main_event: I care. So, I use Linux 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/9/2011 11:20:25 AM

13 years ago

I am not blaming sony for being hacked but I am blaming them for not having proper backup plan in case a thing like this occured.

They are digitalising content more and more so you would think they would have backup plans to restore services from some backup servers. Like those servers could be more basic but still let you enjoy your games. I think if they want to keep forcing us to buy digital content they will have to make sure they can offer their costumers alternate options in case of emergency. But I am pretty sure they will learn from this… Kinda had to happen for them to realize it no?

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 5/9/2011 6:46:36 PM

13 years ago

ahhhhhhhhhhhh i swear i am going crazy. i am about to loose it. I need my network up and running. this has taken way to long. i love Sony and their products but i finished every game i own. now i am buying games just to keep me sane. i need something to keep me busy so i dont kill my tenage daughter.

13 years ago

maybe you should take that girl to get some ice cream or something, settle down man 🙂

I understand the frustration though.

13 years ago


<<<<i am buying games just to keep me sane.>>>>

Well isn't that the whole idea of playing games? LOL

Anyway, you'll still be buying more games once the PSN is up anyway.

13 years ago

I am starting to wonder how much damage these
hackers have done to the network. that was the
most unpleasant event that happened to the ps brand ever. I am still waiting for PSN to comeback.

13 years ago

I've been keeping myself occupied with Final Fantasy VII but I am almost done with it, and that is beating the Weapons, maxing every character to level 99 and every stat to 255, mastering every single materia…even the Enemy Skill materias, and getting 99 of all the items that you possibly can. Next I will move on to Final Fantasy IX and see what type of damage I can do on that.

I know it's the unpopular opinion, but I am kind of getting tired of seeing "Playstation Network is down for maintenance" all the time.

13 years ago

Wouldn't it be nice if you got trophies for doing all that?

13 years ago

It really would be. I would love to hear the trophies pop for all that hard work, but oh well.

13 years ago

I didn't know that before, that u have to be online via PSN to enable the trophy support for the one time and the rest is history.

13 years ago

Wait what? I popped in Portal 2 after the shutdown and have been getting trophies albeit I can't sync them.

13 years ago

huh? I just meant for FFVII

13 years ago

I was responding to Alexander. I haven't had any issues obtaining trophies for games when I did have an internet connection. Though I guess it's possible for some games to be like that

13 years ago

So it seems that u have to be online to be able to sync trophy support. Guess I found that out when I popped in Uncharted years ago.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 5/9/2011 8:31:22 PM

13 years ago

you have to be on the network to sync trophies with the network, but you still get the trophies if offline, it will just sync next time you sign in.

13 years ago

I hope that at least the online gaming is back up a bit sooner, my spare time gets more boring every day.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Everyone should note the "full restoration" part. That's for ALL PSN services. Chances are, you'll be playing online well before May 31.

Why are people deliberately missing the words "full" and "unchanged" in this news today?

13 years ago

It's my new X-mas because it'll be back and fully operational by then 😀

13 years ago

I noticed the same thing in a few articles also Ben. Had to stop reading the news because of it. well, gaming news anyway. It seems the popular thing to do is sensationalise everything and make this seem like a bigger deal than it is.

Granted, we were supposed to have some functionality back already, but I distinctly remember Sony coming out and saying that the restoration would be a process and not everything would come back all at once.

13 years ago

Thank you for pointing that out. I don't want people to think we have to wait another month to log on. I'm glad you have clarified the "full restoration" part of it!

13 years ago

I dunno, Ben, probably because 1) most journalists (I'm looking at you, IGN) will spin a story to create as much controversy as possible for site traffic and 2) the people that fall for it post ridiculous comments about how this is the end of the world and panic ensues exponentially. Any level-headed comments about what was ACTUALLY SAID gets buried by the idiotic comments.

I'm way behind sick of this whole ordeal. The hackers. PSN being down. Identity theft. BS "timelines" for service restoration. I would just like it to be over so I can play f***ing Socom 4 online (I KNEW I should've waited for a price drop with that one!) and so the internet can talk about something else.

Whatever, in the meantime I capitalized on the $34.99 Portal 2 price drop on Amazon. I should have it later in the week.

13 years ago

I'm trying to stay positive, but so long as that is the date for the return of all services, it basically means that should it be necessary, online gaming won't return until then as well.

That's fine with me if that's how long it takes to fix it of course, but people get antsy when that could even possibly be the date when online play returns.

13 years ago

I agree with World, they have been *very* vague on this and not stated what part of msn will be up before may 31st.
And quite frankly, now I would not be surprised if it turns out that *most* psn functionality will be unavailable until next month.

That's me being pessimistic, true, but it's also me drawing conclusions based on our experience so far.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/9/2011 11:31:10 AM

13 years ago

Ok Sony has said this whole time that online gaming is the first part of tue restoration of the PSN. Online gaming along with trophy synching and friends list will be te first part of the PSN to go up an live. The rest including the PSstore will come at a later date presumably by May 31.

Here is the quote again from Cardinal Rose, US Playstation community moderator, via twitter- "For those of you asking: the 31st is the aim for all the PSN services to be restored….(cont)…& restoration of Online game-play across the PS3 & PSP is the first phase of that restoration plan. Online gaming will return before May 31st."

Pretty clear what he means by that.

13 years ago

IGN and 1up are merging into one large poisoned gelatinous slime.

13 years ago

@bigrailer: … Yeah that means that online gaming could be back 30th of may. Really, it could. That's how vague it is.

13 years ago

Really it could mean it would be up tomorrow… I mean come on now.

I'm just trying to help everyone stay informed. These are straight from the source and not by a 3rd party. Nothing is tampered with and these are te facts straight up. I'm just trying to give logical reasons by providing sufficient information, instead of speculation.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

jimmy: Yeah, I've made it plain how tired I am of this whole thing.

And you'll love Portal 2. 🙂

13 years ago

The reason people miss those words is that they scan the story and catch what they want from it. People are currently pre-disposed to being impatient and critical of Sony because of the extended downtime. I understand the feelings, but when people mis-interpret news articles and announcements because they are too impatient to read and comprehend, it does no one any good.

13 years ago

@bigrailer: Indeed it could. But how reliable has the source been in this matter? So what are the chances now that the services will be up sooner than later? I mean really, I am too relating to the facts here. And above all the fact here is that we know *very* little straight facts about both what's happened, what's being done and what problems they have encountered. *That's* the hard facts here.

@High: We do not mis-interpret anything – we relate to the same fact as you guys in this matter – we only draw different conclusions.

@ben: Dude, we all are, regardless of our stance in this matter. It will be such a wonderful day when this is behind us.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/9/2011 12:17:27 PM

13 years ago

Your absolutely right the chances are very slim it'll be up tomorrow, I'm just saying their is a very broad time frame in which things can happen. Me saying it'll be up tomorrow is just as skeptic as you saying it'll be up the 30, I'm just trying to be more optimistic.

Again all I'm trying to do is offer information, straight from the source. After that you can perceive it as you see fit. But don't let it get re-configured, like a lot of web sites are doing. A lot of people are taking that may 31, date and running with it, and that's what you're seeing.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 5/9/2011 12:28:20 PM

13 years ago


No names or finger pointing from me here. We're all prone to scanning stories and missing details or context occasionally. On this particular topic though, reading here and especially elsewhere on the PSN topic the majority of readers and writers do exactly what I said, and it does everyone a disservice.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 5/9/2011 12:38:54 PM

13 years ago

I think it's because they want to miss those words.

At least almost all of you have a working PS3 to game on!

Hey, I'll tell you all what….

Any complainer can send me your PS3 & you'll no longer have to worry how long the PSN will take to get up.

Soooo…no more worry's for you, & at the same time, I can actually get started some on my massive PS3 S/P backlog.

See? Problem solved!

Just don't send it by the Planet of the Apes(AKA f*cked-up United States Postal Di-Service).

Last edited by BikerSaint on 5/9/2011 3:06:13 PM

13 years ago

May 31st, eh? I guess I better clear some room on my hard-drive because that's going to be one MASSIVE PS Store update!!! :O

13 years ago

Damn, if this is true then it will be 41 days without psn!

13 years ago

Without "full" PSN. I suspect that means we will be seeing online gaming sooner, since Sony did say that would be one of the first features coming back. I can deal without the PSN store for a while if I can get online and play.

13 years ago

It does mean we will be able to log on sooner. Online gaming, trophy synching and thefriends list are the first part of the restoration. That part of it will be up before may 31. This is just a date for full functionality of the PSN!

13 years ago

I don't think the PS store would have an impact on people if they can play online, I believe right now millions of people just want to game, so I don't think the PS Store would be a most want right now.

13 years ago

Updated: Whilst May 31 is the date that Sony aim to return full functionality to the PSN service including the PSN Store, you guys are reading this wrong…Online CAN be back BEFORE May 31st….remember how they said once online is back they will still need time to fix the PS store…..SO this a date on when the PSN will be FULLY not just the online

13 years ago

I think that was the entire point of the article bud.

13 years ago

…and yet a bunch of people who are commenting on that article have completely missed the point of it.

13 years ago

Someting isn't jiving with what Sony is telling us. They say that they are building an entirely new system, but say the launch delay is a result of how much damage was done to the old one. If you are replacing a wrecked car, the time to buy a new one doesn't depend on how much the old one is wrecked. It seems to me that they are trying to patch the old one up instead of building a new one, and we were told the new one was faulted from the beginning from several reports. I think I liked the idea of a new seytem built from the ground up.

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