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The Darkness Featured In PLAY!

Music is always a major part of games, but usually, the sound follows the game, not the other way 'round.

2K Games recently announced that their intriguing next-gen title, The Darkness , will be featured in PLAY! A Video Game Symphony. If you've never heard of the group, it's a diverse assembly of world-famous orchestras and choirs, and they travel the world performing music from – believe it or not – video games. During their shows, the graphics for the game are displayed on large screens suspended over the orchestra, and the musicians play the accompanying soundtracks. PLAY! is coming to Hartford, CT on March 29 and will make their European premiere in Stockholm in June.

The Darkness , created by Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay developer Starbreeze Studios, is rapidly becoming one of the most talked-about upcoming games. It will combine supernatural powers with a first-person shooter, all set in an intimidating yet supposedly engrossing atmosphere. Being prepared for both the PS3 and Xbox 360, it's currently scheduled for a May 1 release.

For those of you who would love to see just how powerful certain game tracks can be, you owe it to yourselves to check out PLAY! A Video Game Symphony.

Related Game(s): The Darkness