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Madden NFL 12: New Collision System, Custom Playbooks

Regardless of what happens with the NFL lockout, Madden NFL 12 will be ready to go on August 30.

After reiterating the announcement that Cleveland Browns running back Peyton Hillis would grace the cover of the new entry, EA unloaded with a ton of new details . At the top of the list is an "all-new collision system," which is described as follows:

"Now maintain full control of players up to the point of impact — from tackling to blocking — providing the most authentic collisions in franchise history. This new system uses a player's momentum and over 100 new tackle animations, including 40 gang tackles, to provide more impactful hits, stolen tackles, and consecutive hit tackling."

They also cite "over 100 defensive AI enhancements," a "refined broadcast," and "unprecedented on-field authenticity." Oh, and one last thing for all the hardcore pigskin fans out there- custom playbooks. That's right; EA Sports says it was the #1 requested feature from fans in recent years, and this new element "allows you to build the ultimate game plan by modifying an existing playbook or creating your own by selecting up to 400 offensive or defensive plays from 75 different playbooks." < /p?

They also have new info on the various modes, another all-new feature called "dynamic player performance," and the Madden NFL Ultimate Team. …this should be one hell of a year for Madden followers.

Related Game(s): Madden NFL 12

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13 years ago

Yea I used to buy the madden games yearly, but recently it's been bi-yearly, and this is the year I buy another copy! Plus my Pack won the super bowl so it'll be nice to play with the superbowl winning team! 😉

That on top of all these features, should make for a good Madden game I'll enjoy!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/29/2011 11:23:06 AM

13 years ago

Go Pack!

13 years ago

I'm very much hoping that Franchise mode has been improved, but will wait for the reviews before diving in. Madden has been a disappointment every year since the 2008 PS2 version. Sad.

13 years ago

I'll wait and see. If they really have improved Superstar and Franchise modes, it'll be a "maybe."


13 years ago

Adding a few more animations and letting us create custom playbooks isn't going to get it done this year. They seriously need to improve the lackluster Franchise mode.

Matter of fact they should do away with this garbage of paying for off-season boost. This is crap that used to be in the game..How bout put the mini-games back into Franchise mode…

13 years ago

I wish they would somehow combined or "borrow" some of Backbreaker's elements into the game. (Mainly the physics….actually only the physics)

Arent we past the whole "animation" count? Im pretty sure GTA was the first game to utilize Euphoria (Only becuase the Indiana Jones game was cancelled) and that was what 3 years ago. Come on EA gives us some real time tackles!

Euphoria for PRESIDENT!

Last edited by Snorge on 4/29/2011 3:17:07 PM

13 years ago

I'll be buying this game regardless of reviews, Peyton Hillis baby! Go Browns!

13 years ago

I really hope that my team (Falcons) don't do what they did last season and make it all the way up to the last round of the playoffs to play they're worse game all season then get beat down by Green bay (after they beat Packers earlier that season).

I mean…DAMN… They beat our asses like we stole something.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 4/29/2011 6:07:46 PM

13 years ago

This sounds good but I really want the animation count to go away. If only Madden had Backbreakers physics.

100 new animations? So that makes, what 105 now.

This new features that I have been hearing sound awesome, but Madden 11 makes me soo frustrated.

After tacking and blocking needing to be fixes( F'n Horrible!) the Franchise made needs to be improved a lot!

I am nit buying this game until I see some good reviews.

The horrible Madden games for the passed 4 or so years is because Madden has been like the only football game, nobody wants to make a game with out the NFL licensing. I hope when the contract ends we can get 3 NFL football games and actually improve more then rosters year to year.

13 years ago

EA imo does'nt really care, they have the rights for all major sports so theres no real competion.

13 years ago

Yawns ! Same old EA which means same old Madden mediocre rehashed crap !

13 years ago

They really need to implement Euphoria in these games. The animation count is getting old, and extremely last gen compared to that technology.