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Sony Hit With First PSN-Related Lawsuit

Well, it was bound to happen.

The first lawsuit resulting from the PlayStation Network ordeal has been filed : Kristopher Johns, 36, of Birmingham, Alabama has filed a suit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California; the plaintiff accuses Sony of "not taking reasonable care to protect, encrypt, and secure the private and sensitive data of its users." He also says Sony took too long to notify consumers that their personal information had been compromised, which resulted in customers being unable to "make an informed decision as to whether to change credit card numbers, close the exposed accounts, check their credit reports, or take other mitigating actions." Unsurprisingly, the lawsuit is asking for "monetary compensation and free credit card monitoring."

This comes hot on the heels of the letter CT Senator Richard Blumenthal wrote to SCEA president Jack Tretton, saying he was concerned that Sony didn't tell their customers fast enough. If you want more information concerning the PSN breach, make sure to check Sony's Q&A .

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13 years ago

Well it was bound to happen at some point. Poor SONY, getting blamed when they are just another victim like the rest of us. I will still keep on playing my PlayStation. at least it hasn't been 13 days 😉

13 years ago

i hate the gaming community more and more everyday…i mean don't get me wrong i'm a gamer but …its ppl that file these lawsuits…and people that nitpick and cry about everything …no matter what it is…i miss the days of peaceful gaming….~hooks up nintendo 64~ lmaooooo

13 years ago

not surprised the dude overreacting is from Alabama lmao

13 years ago

I knew it was coming.

People just ruining things for other people.

Damn hackers.

It's understandable but I would wait until it is back up check everything and see if anything was wrong afterwards.

This has a massive blow on sony's reputation. Now people are going to make fun of ps3 even more then xbox 360.

This ultimately sucks.

To be honest here sony shouldn't of taken as long as they did to notify people. Now people aren't going to buy sony products since they are scared of their personal information on there will get compromised.

F*** hackers they ruined the reputation.

Also what I'm most concerned about is since the hackers got into PSN would they be able to see our email address we use to sign in and our passwords?


Last edited by thj_1980 on 4/27/2011 9:35:51 PM

13 years ago

If you used the same pass on PSN for your email password then yes they would have the ability to log into your account. Best to change it post-haste.

13 years ago

Yeah, Sony messed up a little with this. They should have been more forthcoming with information. But they don't deserve to be sued for this. A determined and skilled hacker can get into just about anything, regardless of encryption or coding, and that's not Sony's fault.

In my mind, this is just another example of Americans screwing anyone they can to get ahead. "I got mine" should be our national motto.

13 years ago

I doubt the slew of lawsuits forthcoming will all be from Americans.

13 years ago

Yea you can't assume all or most American's find this behavior okay. I know almost no one who thinks the way to get ahead is to sue everything that moves.

13 years ago

Regarding passwords and such.

Your password is not stored in plain text. Until I see a direct statement from Sony that they did do that, I will simply refuse to believe any claims otherwise because it's ridiculous.

The password is stored as a hash, and you can't recover the password from the hash, you have to perform a matching attack matching newly generated hashes to determine the original password.

The security question you use if you forget your PSN password does not allow you to recover your password. Instead, the procedure resets your PSN password to a temporary one that is sent to the registered email address on your PSN account. Then you use that password to log in to PSN, and finally you change the password to what you want. The reason you can't recover the password with the correct answer to the security question is that it's not held by PSN, so it can't be 'recovered'.

That's standard network security and why there is a security question in the first place.

13 years ago

@Jawknee: My comment was based on the inordinate number of frivolous lawsuits being filed every day, and should not be interpreted as an indictment of every American out there. I'm sure there are a lot of people like me and (presumably) you who think this sort of lawsuit is ridiculous. But, when I read more and more stories every day about some jackhole suing some person or company for ridiculous reasons, I can't help but be a little bitter, especially when said lawsuit concerns my favorite pastime.

However, I stand by my concluding comment. That "I Got Mine" mentality is so prevalent in our society that it borders on a lifestyle, and it bothers me. I hope Sony wipes the floor with these people.

13 years ago

@Aginghitster, You're right. I can't really argue with that now that I think beyond just the frivolous lawsuits like this. When I think about all the Union protests that went on in Madison because they were mad about having to start paying a percentage of their income(which is still far, far less than what private sector workers have to pay into theirs)into their own healthcare and pensions. It was utterly disgusting to see those entitlement freaks shut down the schools until, well like you say "they got theirs."

I agree, the many lawsuits that I read about every day do show a certain decay in our society along with the other garbage I read about about some entitlement freaks wanting more and more and want the state to soak "the rich" to get it. I wouldn't want our national motto to be "I got mine" but in thinking about it further, it very well could be.

13 years ago

I mean let's get real here, everyone else on this site will get banned for political rederic except for you, which is questionable at best. Let's keep this less about conservatism and more about the direct issues at hand. "How is this not about the issues at hand?" To a degree you would be right, but you know you throw in your little flair of political sentiment, give it a rest would ya? Take after highlanders lead and leave politics to a site about it or personal conversations. It is a bloody video game site after all… lol.

13 years ago

Oooor, instead of whining about my post, which was a response to Aginghipsters reply to me, that mentions nothing about "conservatism", only this entitlement mentality that afflicts today's society, which I feel, as does he, that this lawsuit is an example of as well as the whiny protesters, you mind your own business and ignore my post if you don't like them.

How about that? That for work you? Good. Now have a nice day. 🙂

13 years ago

Oops… didn't mean to get something started there. I just get a little fired up about this lawsuit business, and now that it's back in gaming news, I'm even more bitter.

Apologies all around.

13 years ago

You don't need to apologize Hipster. If he didn't like my comment he should have just ignored it instead of signing up just to hassle me for stating my opinion and adding to our conversation.

13 years ago

I'm having a fine day thank you. Lol, quite funny to see you getting red around the gills about this. In all honesty what I said is purely truth, you have a right to your opinion but you do have a propensity to flair in conservatism pure and simple. As for Aginghipster, nothing to appologize over, you didn't start this, I merely brought up a valid point about Jawknee's commenting history. Every time something relating to law or politics comes up there is a distinct tone and leaning towards, but not crossing the line of (USUALLY), finger pointing to one side of the aisle, if you know what I mean. More often than not though, Jawk makes good points, he just has his little moments. (-;

13 years ago

Yeah, you knew the sue bugs would come out. People will sue for anything. I can't understand this give me 'something for nothing' attitude of people these days.

I wouldn't be surprised if at the end of all this we come to find out the hackers are Microsoft employees.

On an unrelated note, thanks to the PSX guys for adding the Toggle Scrolling disable button. That new scroll bar was absolutely horrid. Thanks again. Back to normal. 🙂

Last edited by rogers71 on 4/27/2011 9:36:43 PM

13 years ago

i actually like the scroll bar 🙂 It was a nice change from rolling that scroll wheel for ages on longer comment discussions. At least there is an option for those who don't like it. And I love the button for reloading comments. You don't think this was the BIG thing Ben was working on do you?

13 years ago

Corporate sabotage? M$ wouldn't stoop so low. Would they?

Last edited by FatherSun on 4/27/2011 9:45:31 PM

13 years ago

IDK… they were already pretty damn low to begin with.

13 years ago

Toggle scrolling doesn't do anything for me. Grrr.

And whats the point of it to begin with? It's superfluous, either way you have to scroll. This way is just more annoying

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/27/2011 10:01:15 PM

13 years ago

If there was a way for MS to get away with it, I am almost certain they would. They nearly destroyed Linux with their dirty FUD tactics until they were sued and forced to stop acting like thugs.

13 years ago

yeah toggle scrolling option does nothing for me either, except send me back to the top of the page.

13 years ago

Once again I have to agree with worldsends!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

But was money stolen?

13 years ago

Exactly. To me what case do have? Your account was compromised, but so was millions of other people's account unless you had a substantial amount of money stolen from your credit card you don't have much of anything of a case and plus he has to prove the fraud was done through Sony. Sony's going to look in detail and say "sir your particular account was never compromised."Case dismissed! I hope your get rich quick scam fells! I mean it from the bottom of my heart;^). I mean Come on! Talk about loyalty, This is very sad.

Last edited by tornado03 on 4/27/2011 10:26:41 PM

13 years ago

Sony is stating categorically that there is no evidence that CC data was accessed. They are simply not ruling the possibility out – they'd be insane to rule out the possibility. The CC data was encrypted also, which compounds the difficulties for any attacker. But out of their abundance of caution and because you can never rule out the very slight possibility of something, Sony are advising people to watch their transactions just in case.

That's a far cry from CC information leaking out, you know? People keep talking about this as if there is some kind of definite confirmation of CC data being obtained, when that's not the case at all.

13 years ago

But the personal damages of worrying about money being stolen were worth at least 10 million! *insert eye roll*

13 years ago

New statements issues by credit card companies said that no credit information was stolen, so we should be good.

13 years ago

I hope this gets fixed, many people want their online fun back.
As for me it didn't affect me at all, as I only play single player (except for AC:B sometimes).

13 years ago

think of the collateral M$ would face if they did deliberately attack sony. If the FBI found M$ as the perp, $h!& would hit the fan faster than that of sony's current predicament. Microsoft would go under in every category both in stock, profit, you name it. They probably would't be able to fund their console any longer if sony filed a lawsuit on them. I think MS probably knows the consequence of that, but could you imagine?

a world with no Xbox. after that fanboyism would nearly cease to exist… what i can dream can't I?

13 years ago

I doubt it was anyone at MS, but if it was they would just make someone take the fall so it wouldn't look like their fault and then pay his legal bills.

13 years ago

Riiiiiiiight, on what merit? No one even knows the exact or full extent of the damages. I smell trial lawyers looking to cash in. We seriously need tort reform in this nation. It's too damn easy for people to sue for any damn reason and for tort lawyers to take advantage of the justice system for their own personal gain.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/27/2011 9:54:32 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Why can't people understand Sony did not know exactly what the damage was until they actually did? Is it hard to understand?
No matter what, people will complain.

13 years ago

Thank you. I've been saying that for years.

13 years ago

I don't know Killa. It's still not even clear that the info was actually stolen. Sony has said a number of times there is no evidence it was stolen but they don't want to and can't rule out the possibility and are warning people as a precaution. These people are just looking for a way to cash in on a corporations crisis. Plus California is rife with law suit and tort abuse. It's a state that is just fine with greasy tort lawyers and ambulance chasers taking advantage of the system to line their pockets and it won't change because the politicians there are beholden and wholly owned by these lawyers. They are their biggest campaign contributors after all, right after the Public employee unions.

13 years ago

@ Jawknee
Busted. Quit with the rederic will you?

13 years ago

@N_C: dude give the guy a break, come here to ban "Political talks" with a picture of Mao as avatar.

@Jawknee: Couldn't agree more with you here, people suing their way up the food chain is just disgusting, I mean this kind of people would sell organs if it didn't involve so much blood

13 years ago

These hackers had better get at least a couple years in jail for all this BS they've brought upon Sony. If they get off scott free, our legal system will have failed BIG time.

Also, I really hope this guy doesn't win his case. Otherwise, millions of other "give me something for nothing" idiots will crawl out of the woodworks with class action lawsuits, and Sony's gonna be done for.

13 years ago

Should Sony have informed us sooner about POSSIBLE identity theft? Yes, they should have and that's their mistake and my criticism of Sony in this situation. Suing for money compensation in this situation is just typical American greed, it's not necessary. The only people who I could understand and agree with suing Sony for free credit monitoring or anything else are people who actually got affected by this and had things charged on their credit card.

Last edited by CoolBLKguy on 4/27/2011 9:58:12 PM

13 years ago

I do agree with the statement saying that Sony should have taken better percussion to protect personal information. However, we have to keep in mind that nothing is full-proof. Also, was this guy's information taken and used wrongfully? Has he suffered due to the attack on Sony? I have a feeling that he has not; but he is suing Sony because his information was at risk and could have potentially have been taken and used. I do not see this as means to sue Sony. Now if the information was stolen, then I would agree with the lawsuit against Sony.

13 years ago

If the reason behind the suit is that the information was at risk, he might as well widen the net for defendants to include just about every Internet site, retail or otherwise.

13 years ago

You know what Jawk i think i'll sue you for saying that…. lol.

13 years ago


13 years ago

@Ben Dutka: Is this the same lawsuit filed by the Rothken Law Firm? The verbage looks the same, but just thought I'd check.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Not sure.

13 years ago

Guy in Birmingham, AL files a lawsuit blaming Sony, and today a possible F4-F5 tornado plowed through there a few hours ago.

13 years ago

Instant Karma

13 years ago

Leave it to Sony fanboys to insinuate this has anything to do with the terrible loss of life and devastaion in Alabama. Seriously, Sony is just a corporation. Why people are so emotionally attached is beyond my level of comprehension. Get help.

Last edited by PorkChopGamer on 4/28/2011 8:33:10 AM

13 years ago

You mean in the same way you get emotionally attached to arguments concerning Dynasty Warriors or in arguments against Microsoft?

Besides! You don't know his religious beliefs! Maybe he truly believes this is Karma! Maybe that's his way of thinking based on how he was raised and where he's from! Are you criticising him because of where he's from? Do you hate his people? YOU'RE A RACIST!

lol, but yeah…I'm kidding obviously…

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