We knew White Knight Chronicles 2 would be landing in North America some time this summer and now, it seems we have exact dates.
According to several sources, including VideoGamesBlogger , the highly anticipated RPG sequel will release in Europe on May 20 and in North America on August 2. This follow-up effort from Level-5 continues the original story and apparently boasts over 30 hours worth of gameplay. It will include a new "redesigned dynamic combat system" where you can design and customize your own attacks and combos. Oh, and if you never got a chance to play the first title (raise your hand!), you'll be happy to know that WKC2 will include both WKC games. And if that's the case, how many hours might you find in this package…? Quite a few, especially if you plan to pursue those elusive and difficult-to-obtain Platinum Trophies. Then, when you're ready, head online where up to 6 players can team up in a cooperative quest. You can also try the free-roam mode.
Why U.S. gamers have to wait so much longer is beyond us, but perhaps there's a good reason. August 2 is my birthday, though, so I'm good with the date. 😉
Related Game(s): White Knight Chronicles 2
I don't care that we get it later, as this will now give me time to save the money for a d1p for this game. Super stoked.
HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY BEN! Here's to many more. Cheers.
Grrr! Do I import or do I wait?
Grrr! Stupid SCEA!!
Support SCEE, they had the BALLS to actually support this amazing rpg.
That's what I am going to do Scarecrow. My only concern is being able to play with US based friends who buy the US version, and of course being able to buy the in-game items through PSN. But, since games are supposed to be region free, I am hoping that there will be no inbuilt restrictions.
Isn't it SNEA? Or am I misinformed?
Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 4/25/2011 10:38:26 PM
SNEA runs PSN and sells content/subcriptions.
SCEA publishes software and sells PS3s.
I'm so gonna import it!, I advise you to do the same unless you don't mind waiting two more months…
Highlander of course you wanna wait for the US version so you can play with me :p After all considering its getting two different publishers Im 100% sure itll be region locked this time.
Also just because a game console is region free doesnt mean its games cant be region locked for example:
metal gear solid 4
modnation racers (which was changed with an update later on)
Demon's Souls (which also had different publishers in the US too)
Last edited by duomaxwell007 on 4/26/2011 9:52:40 AM
Wait. Not all ps3 games are region free?
The game is region free, it will play on any Ps3. The difference is that a game released in Europe (for example) may have it's online play regionally 'limited'. For many games this is a logical move because network latency across the globe can kill online games and cause gamer frustration. However that limitation can also be perceived as regional locking by some gamers. It's not so much regional locking to prevent the game being played, as it is a regional limitation on online play top prevent a poor gaming experience.
However, for a game that does not depend on real time control input, that kind of regional limitation is annoying since it's also a disincentive to import. However it won't prevent you playing the game, it will just limit your online options.
Just wanted to add, the other reason I'm stoked about this is that now we have an actual release date. A specific one at that. No more of this vague sometime this or that month.
Can't wait to get this though.
I'm gonna make another playthrough on the re-vamped version of wkc before I delve into the sequel. I think ill rather enjoy that.
May 20th, what a holy day for true rpg gamers.
This is my most anticipated game until Dark Souls (probably tied).
August 2nd is dumb, I'm NOT waiting until Summer is over to play this beautiful game.
Amazon.co.uk ya'll!
Good news. So Sony Computer Entertainment Amreica isn't publishing this one like they did the first right? Who was it again that is publishing the Amreican version?
D3 – though I couldn't name another game by them.
Gods Eater Burst
Puzzel Quest 2
Dark Sector
but yah D3 is owned by Bandai/Namco and its just their shovelware/bargain Bin games subsidiary.. just goes to show what they think of WKC… I believe thisll be the FIRST full price 59.99 game theyve released
Oh, BTW, if I remember correctly, the PSP version is due for release in Europe at the same time, so be ready for a double purchase!
I raised my hand, and I felt stupid, both for actually raising it and for not having played the first WKC =)
I'm glad we got a date, but that's like two and a half months! And I learned my lesson with Fallout 3 GOTY, don't buy games outside your region because you won't get auto patches.
I wonder what that dynamic combat system is about because you could already design and customize your own attacks and combos in the first.
I wish I could play this over summer, but I guess I can wait… somehow.
This is game is that good. So good that I would buy the NA version too if I can't get the UK patches/DLC for it.
No patching and potentially no DLC? GRRR!! Stupid SCEA!!! Now I may have to wait, or buy it twice….and of course if I get the Euro version, my game saves won't work in the US version…because the game is being published by different publishers and will most certainly have a different application ID and so different save files.
Yeah my US saves don't work for other regions. You could probably get DLC with a EU acct but I dunno if that would help with any patches.
Never have I been so torn by joy and anguish at the same time.
A specific release date is good, but that is much later than I was hoping for. May 20 would have allowed plenty of time for me to get in a solid storyline playthrough before june 7 when I could put it down for a bit and play Infamous 2.
Then upon finishing infamous 2 I could have played my second story playthrough of WKC2 and began my online escapades.
With an August 2nd release date, I'll be left waiting anxiously months longer than expected. A part of me still hopes the U.S. date is wrong and that perhaps may 20 might be world wide.
nah, you never would have gotten through even the first game in that amount of time.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/26/2011 7:35:44 AM
hed have gotten through it in that time if hes just talking about single player and not doing all the online ccontent lol
I barely sleep, so I can play at least 6 hours a day and so with more than 2 weeks that would have given me time to play over 80 hours easy.
Yeah I would have saved the online play for after I beat Infamous 2, then I could have really focused on making some friends and slaying like crazy.
i'm kinda relieved that its in august, gives me time to get some cash for it but also pissed that the date is so far away. ohh well, since its an rpg i dont have any rush to get it. i guess i'll have littlebigplanet 2, socom 4, crysis 2, infamous 2, and maybe brink to pass the time. i'd get wkc2 day 1 if i could though.
I just beat the first one, kinda mad, i didn't get to fight that asshole more…i forgot his name already it starts with a G, you know who im talking bout
Last edited by gangan19 on 4/26/2011 2:29:28 AM
definitely a typo!
the day sony gives EU something before the US is the day the apocalypse will be upon us.
Hahahaha THE TIME IS UPON US! interesting though, I have never played WKC, the gameplay looked slow, It looked similar to FFXII, where you assign your command, then you have to wait for a bar to attack, I prefer the wait to happen before I enter the command like on previous FF games.
I do need a new RPG though, so this is mighty tempting to RPG fans, would you say the story is satisfying (I'm not asking for spoilers.)
It seems we have ben getting more and more priverlages in europe recently, Here in the UK we're getting 'The Tree of Life' before it even enters the cannes festival. I certainly won't complain with earlier releases… Unless it's anything like the US version of Final Fantasy X without Dark Aeons, thats what makes that game a worthy challenge.
Just looked on Amazon, it's not even listed yet…
I just looked at some gameplay trailers… I don't know… I can see it's faster.. but theres somthing about the MMO RPG style I don't like. If you can move your character, I would rather it conrtol more like an action RPG like Fable or Neir. Watching the video That waiting bar just seems to stick out like a sore thumb, maybe its more engaging whilst actually playing it…. I'll wait and see on this one.
Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 4/26/2011 4:07:13 AM
You are right! In wkc there indeed is a mmorpg-feeling to it. Never though of that.
I am a dedicated rpg fan however I do struggle hard with jrpgs so I do not think I am the right one to comment on the story etc. However the waiting bar was *damn* annoying to me, that much I think I can say.
But funny you mentioned that mmorpg thing, cause that's so right. Also the timed respawning of mobs is *very* mmorpg'ish.
Last edited by Beamboom on 4/26/2011 5:41:58 AM
It's a hybrid in a way of MMORPG and JRPG. It's a JRPG when played single player, the story is pretty good, but some feel it's too cliched – although what RPG story set in a fantasy world of swords and magic isn't? The combat is almost turn based, but looks and plays more like action. I can see why you might get frustrated waiting for your turn, but at the same time, waiting for your turn does give you the ability to cycle between characters to give commands – if you want to.
Personally I enjoy it because it's just enough of a MMORPG without going all the way to World of Warcraft or something, so there's not the same addiction. Yet it's also close enough to a traditional JRPG for me to love it. About the only missing JRPG elements are the overblown hair styles for the male characters and strangely compelling, yet oh so cute female characters with short skirts. Ah, but then you make your own character, so I guess you can add some of that flavor yourself….
you can make the guage fill up faster by wearing lighter armor or no armor at all and or casting spells like haste that sped you up.. with no armoor you can literally attack every 1 second.. however with no armor that means no stats or defense so youll wont be hitting very hard and gertting killed in one hit.. also the story is OK.. but not enough (imo) to buy the game for… the online play is the selling point
Highlander, yeah I always create female characters in rpg's without exception, so the female blessing were present :).
But that reminds me of another thing I found annoying in WKC: That your character is not the main character in the story, she/he is hardly present.
However, on the psp I can very much see myself enjoying this game. Not sure why, but it kind of fit the psp media better, imo. Maybe the reason is as simple as I've played other jrpgs on the psp so I associate it with these kind of rpgs…
Last edited by Beamboom on 4/26/2011 2:52:02 PM
LOL! Well, my character in WKC – KOSMOS was as close as the character creator would let me get to a 'real' KOSMOS. But hey, I have to watch her run around for hours on end, so I might as well enjoy it….LOL! Pixels or not, it's more fun than watching a male character.
I believe that the Player's character is a bit more involved in things this time round?
he/she gets their own knigvht in the story (which is customizable just like the avatar is) but other than that their involvement in the story is just as nonexistant as it is in the first one.. HOWEVER new dlc quests have just been relased to start a new story in which youravatar IS the main character so yeah thats another reason not to import :p
"Pixels or not, it's more fun than watching a male character." -> Thats *exactly* why I always create females. They usually turn out to be bloody good looking. 😀
PSP game is on the same day for UK. As of now, it is strongly suggested that the PSP entry doesn't have a publisher for the USA…unless D3 announce anything soon.
I absolutely can't wait. my 2nd fave RPG of the gen! I will be struggling though, i have a birthday to fork out for, 64 quid Balls Of Steel DNF and WKC2? Going to be tough, i might have to put WKC2 on a small hold.
DNF comes out in the UK 1st too….just what is happening here!? lol
Well done to SCEE for supporting WKC2. I think WKC had a better than expected performance in the UK.
The PSP game will be imported without question. Because of the potential lack o0f patches and DLC, I may have to wait to see what happens with imported copies for DLC and online play. Either that or buy it twice.
Can't you create a Europe PSN account, import European Playstation Network cards for DLC?
I'm not sure how the system works.
2 Months is a long wait, i don't know if i could do it, but there are many games coming ala Infamous 2 so, is it that bad you wait if all else fails?
actually thats the funny part. if you look at WKC sales it actually sold better in the US than the UK (only by like 100k) yet SCEE publishes it out there but SCEA passes t up? shouildnt it have been the OTHER way around?
It is strange, but hey, if SCEE say it sold better than expected and granted it a publish again, what can you do about the fact SCEA don't see it that way, despite good sales?
So, having had all the data on my PS3 wiped out (including all my WKC1 stuff) how is this going to affect me in WKC2?
What I mean is, will I still be able to access my Georama, which should be saved under my PSN account? I have a friend who had to make a whole new PSN account just to play WKC1 after he lost all his data in a YLOD incident. It wouldn't let him create another Georama under his original PSN, and it also wouldn't let him access the old one.
Anyways, WKC2 is a completely new game, so maybe it won't be a problem.
Last edited by Arvis on 4/26/2011 9:34:45 AM
considering it uses the same save it WOULD be a problem so yeah your pretty much screwed.. and this is why i keep my saves backed up on a usb.. which is funny because WKC is the ONLY save i back up… id be mad if i couldnt import/lost my 1126 hours of ok.. as for my other games well theyve already been platinumed and wont be touched again (plus cant be imported to a sequel) so i wouldnt care if i lost those.. and even if i did theyd only take 30 hours or less to redo everything that i wouldnt mind having to start over) wkc on the other hand…
Actually you cant get the games platinum TROPHIES on wkc2.. although it comes with part 1.. part 1s trophies arent included so the only way to get part 1s trophies is by having and playing the ORIGINAL part 1
Oh and since when do we except dates by VGB (which they probably just got of gamestop or some other retail site) as official dates? especially when theres nothing on the publishers site to back it up
Last edited by duomaxwell007 on 4/26/2011 9:49:41 AM
oh and one other thing.. before we all get too excited about this lets hope PSN is actually up by then…. at this rate im starting to have very little hope lol.
oh and for those who think WKC is too slow, dont you all wish the game was still like this:
My guess the date is pushed back because the US sales will be lower then the rest of the world.
And that is why Square-Enix is Westernizing everything.
I hate to say it, but maybe square-enix is right…
Sweet, I know what I'm getting for the summer 🙂
I don't mind the wait, too many games to play already anyway.
And Ben's birthday is the same day as mine 😉
Will import from Europe if it has dual audio. Otherwise I'll just wait.
I'm really looking forward to this game.
The first one was much fun, at least in single player and for a while in multiplayer.