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PSXE Poll Update: Gamers Don’t Need New Consoles Yet

It seems industry insiders say we shouldn't expect new consoles from Sony or Microsoft until 2014. And you know what? It seems gamers are just fine with that.

In our recent poll, the vast majority said they're more than willing to wait at least until 2013 or 2014, and many even said they're good for another 5 years. The bottom line is that new hardware is expensive, it has taken some time for Sony to become profitable, and developers can continue to get a lot out of the current hardware. Given the quality and diversity of the software that continues to arrive on a frequent basis, we're not surprised with the result. Besides, given some remaining economic instability, not that many are all that prepared for another generation. Higher prices the whole way around…? Now? Nah, we're good with what we have, and we can't wait for games like Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and – dare we say it? – Final Fantasy Versus XIII .

Now, to the topic that is occupying the entire gaming world: the ongoing PSN outage. The question is, how badly has this affected you? Are you one of those people who primarily play online, and spend a lot of time downloading movies and indulging in Qriocity, etc.? Or do you just revel in single-player experiences while rarely signing into the PSN? Somewhere in between? Let us know. It might help gauge the overall reaction to Sony when the Network comes back.

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13 years ago

I am happy with my PS3, I do not want another one like a PS4 right away. I know that this year there is a lot of good games coming out and I will get probably most of them! I am just hoping for backwards compatible for the PS4 and by 2014 all the greatest hits for the PS2 to be in 1080p and with trophies and more bonus content!

13 years ago

As am I. I am in no hurry for the PS4. Max the PS3 out first.

13 years ago

After InFamous 2 and Uncharted 3, I'll be ready for the PS4. unless something more awesome than those two games come out for the PS3.

13 years ago

Yeah the whole psn being down kind of caught me by surprise yesterday. Just asked a friend if he wanted to play some killzone and was then informed about it. However I am perfectly content with playing bioshock 2 "which amazon is still selling for $12"

13 years ago

I'm always signed in but it doesn't hurt me that PSN is down. One thing I almost forgot about that does kinda suck is the inFamous beta I received before it went down. No biggy though cause I'm still buying the game when it comes out.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

I ain't buying a new console till at least 2015,and has gone through its 1st hardware revision.

13 years ago

Good thinking. I agree 100% This generation I learned never to buy a new game console at launch.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Thank you & i find it extremely hard to scroll past your avatar 😉

13 years ago

I am almost exclusively a single player only guy, with very few exceptions (Killzone2, Uncharted2, LBP2, GT5).

Even so, as a customer, this situation is simply not acceptable, and has been made worse by Sony's lack of communication on the subject.

13 years ago


13 years ago

I don't believe they were that bad. Sony put a few announcements out and if you try sign in there's a PSN under maintinence messeage and they just put up another update. What more do you need?

Last edited by Xombito on 4/24/2011 11:17:50 PM

13 years ago

I need me some Versus >_<

13 years ago

PS3 games are still getting better and better! We don't need new systems yet 🙂 (Okay, maybe M$ is due…)

13 years ago

I've just been replaying fallout 3. Evil this time. The psn being down sucks, not because I play a lot of online games but because I'm not able to speak to my pals That I've made on psn.

13 years ago

Yeah all I really miss is sending messages to people.

13 years ago

I am happy to wait for a PS4 for Sony exclusives, but as stated, it will be next generation PC at the end of this year for multi-platform games and PC only games…



13 years ago

We won't need a new gen of consoles until all the devs have their little dev kits and can actually program for them and are no longer willing to dev for the current systems.

I'm taking this time to play games that I might otherwise be embarrassed being seen playing by online friends 🙂

13 years ago

"Barbie's Riding Academy"?????

13 years ago

hahaha, I'm not tellin.

13 years ago

Just don't forget the proper procedure with your lil pony…

You get up on the saddle from the left side.

13 years ago

@ bikersaint

Seems like you know alot about that barbie riding game yourself… 😉

13 years ago

Biker has every game known to man and little girl 🙂

13 years ago

constantly moving to something new == we have nothing good on hand, cuz one product is not flourish until it is matured, and constantly in a changing state means we master nothing, and this is the problem of today's industry, be it the gaming world or say gadget world, when is the last time you have your best gadget on the market for more than a year?

back to the topic of PS4, this is the last thing on my mind for now. i am perfectly comfortable and just started enjoying the wave of great games this gen, so dont even think to build a ps4, i say least 5 years from now or even 8 years.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 4/24/2011 11:07:09 PM

13 years ago

My sentiments exactly. If we move to the next thing without the current maturing, what's stopping us from doing the same next gen, and the gen after that, and the gen after that. Game and console developers need not become that of the twitch mentality.

13 years ago

And yes maybe the last gen is being used as an example of when this gen should be ending but I think anyone can argue that there have been a multitude of variables that have made this gaming generation different than the last.

I won't feel comfortable moving into the next gen of consoles until most of the devs feel that they have mastered all of the current consoles, primarily the Playstation 3.

13 years ago

In the last poll I voted "not for 5 years".

The US economy sucks now & is only going to get worse for many more future generations due to all the wrong moves being done by the snake oil salesman that the lemmings elected to ruin it.

As for the new poll, I can't vote cause I couldn't find a button for…..

"The USPS smashed my PS3 so I wouldn't worry about PSN outages"

13 years ago

I'm definately good for a while for new consoles. Though admittedly I am the guy who would buy a new console almost as soon as it came out (at least) because it's hard to resist the urge to try new hardware. As for this PSN outage. I voted for "It sucks" but really it gives me more time to finished up on my single player games that I got backed up. I still got Portal 2 single player and of course I got the PC version if I want to do the co-op mode, I'm finishing up Vanquish and I picked up AVP for PC for 5 bucks on steam. So even if the network will be down through the week I'm covered.

Last edited by Xombito on 4/24/2011 11:27:20 PM

13 years ago

If they're really desperate for console sales they can just do like Apple does. Release the same product over and over and advertise the hell out of the minor software upgrades.

Not needing a new console is the very reason why backwards compatibility is so important for each new system. It's not whether or not the PS4 comes out, but whether we can still play our favorite games on it. There's got to be a better reason than "One day it'll play awesome games" to make people buy it. Especially now.

13 years ago

youve obviously never bought a apple product before, because i cant remember a single product they have released thats been the same as its predecessor.
the ipad 2 is probably the smallest change, but even that has a new processor, thinner design and better cameras.
not what i would call the same product.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
13 years ago

MAG is a cool game but I am getting real tired of spawn, kill,die, spawn, kill, die, spawn, etc……yawn thats typical of online MP games with zip, nada for story so no more purchases of online only games.

I am playing Fallout 3 New Vegas then I am going to play GOTY Fallout 3 and then its going to be time to play Skyrim.

13 years ago

does not surprise me.
people just spent 600+ bucks on a ps3, thousands on a new TV, so there not ready to go shell out more for the same.
id be nice to see new tech tomorrow, but its certainly not the best thing for the economy.
its not the best thing hardware wise either, were in the middle of allot of new tech and no one knows whos going to win out.
nothing worse then putting millions into a dead horse.
cough HD DVD………..

13 years ago

So uh you just ranted about a week ago on wanting a new system last week. And now you don't want one????????????? CONFUSION.

13 years ago

and where did i say i dont want new consoles?
yet again the reading comprehension, or more lack thereof, on this site never ceases to amaze me!

13 years ago


You were ranting about how you would like a new console pronto on several of your last posts. Now look at this post here it's like you wouldn't mind waiting.

You are a two-faced person.

BTW: if this site ceases to amaze you get off. go to another playstation blog.

Last edited by thj_1980 on 4/25/2011 10:10:02 AM

13 years ago

Interesting to see that Nintendo has NOW officially announced their new HD home console to be released in 2012.

I wonder how M$ and $ony will react?

Could stir things up a little 🙂

HD Mario anyone 🙂



13 years ago

HD Mario…meh


13 years ago

I think a Playstation 3 still has quite a few years left in it. I'd be hjappy for another PS late 2015. As for XBOX, Over the last year especially I think their Age has begun to show, Gears of War 3 really needs to be a technical power house to save that console otherwise I could see a new console arriving late 2012- Early 2013.

I think with the PS3 there are some titles I still want from my favourite series. FF, I like the look of the titles in the Fabula Nova Crystallis, But before the PS3 ends I want at least another proper Final Fantasy titles, Final Fantasy XV (FFXIV, does not count, as it is online and in my opinion should just be called FF Online 2).

I'd also like another Tekken, not just a Tekken Tag game. at least one Crash game appearing on the system… A Dead Sapce 3 would also be brilliant, Otehr titles like Silent Hill, Uncharted and Resistance seem to be on the way. I still believe the PS3 has plenty of life left in it.

13 years ago

This outage is really killing me. I was so looking forward to playing Red Johnsons Chronicles, and finishing up Strong Bad this week, but I can't with an off clock :(.

But I do have plenty of other games to play on all of my consoles, so I should be able to last till it's back up…

Last edited by firehahahahaha on 4/25/2011 6:16:03 AM

13 years ago

Maybe those playing Gears of war 3 need a new console.

13 years ago

I can wait for a new Console for a few more years yet. Plenty of life left in the PS3.

13 years ago

Don't need a new console for quite a while, I'm still learning new tricks on my ps3.

Psn, can't message my friends, but at least no one bothers me in the middle of some rpg battling.

13 years ago

I've got portal 2 to play.

13 years ago

this psn outage is absolutely killing me as a sony fan. i can't even begin to explain my frustration. i'm mad at the hackers for cuasing this. i'm mad at sony for having poor network security with no apparent redunancy. i'm even more upset they chose to stick their heads in the sand and give us nothing but silence. we are 6 days into this, and still know nothing. sony has denied 2 to 5 days to me even though they told 2 days to week yesterday. who knows? i don't think even sony knows to be honest. i'm sure they hear the outcry.

how many more days before they climb down from that mountain and tell us something? sony stating we know it's broke, and we are trying to fix it just is not good ehough. some kind of progress report would go a long way, and might tamp down some of the wild speculation.

as for next gen. i'm ready now. i want the 1080p 60fps that was talked about at the start of this gen. i get that many are content with what they have now, and don't want to have to make the investment in next gen yet. i feel differently, though. 5 yrs is a lifetime in terms of techology, and i'm used to upgrading every 5 yrs.

that's why the wii 2 has cuaght my eye. i may just get it to satisfy my itch for an upgrade. don't worry, though i'm a hardcore sony fan and i'll still be in line day1 for sony's next console.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/25/2011 12:00:48 PM

13 years ago

I really at this time can't think of another console, i just got the new 3ds, replaced my old launched PS3 last year plus bought a bigger tv, I need to wear out all my new toys before getting another new toy 😉

13 years ago

The PS3 is one of the best systems on the market. it took a while to have all the programs avilable now. why abandon it now when sony has proved it is very powerful. more games and variety please. expand the system not replace it

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