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Chrono Trigger Destined For PSN?

Hey, you know what was a pretty good game? Chrono Trigger .

Many have paid exorbitant sums for an original SNES copy but soon, if you don't have it in your collection, it can become yours again for a relatively low price. Or so the ESRB would have you believe, and they're not in the business of rating old games for no reason. Besides, it's listed specifically for the PlayStation 3 and PSP if you check the game rating's website : the Squaresoft classic will likely be coming to the downloadable world. It may be distributed as a PS1 Classic on the PSN because lest you forget, CT was included in Final Fantasy Chronicles along with Final Fantasy IV . By the way, FFIV just got its "Complete Collection" this week on the PSP.

Remember, there was a time when Squaresoft ruled the world of RPGs and had lots and lots of role-playing fans under its belt. We swear it's true. It did happen.

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13 years ago


I effing love this game. This is truly excellent news. I can't wait for this to hit psn.
Trul?y an epic game, with a story line and characters that are just as epic.

The only thing that would make this better is if this got released in some sort of chrono collection that came with chrono cross. Oh and if they would make a third installment.

I heard that the name chrono break was being used by square, but that was a couple years ago. Don't think they are doing anything with it though…

But excellent news.

13 years ago

This was one I could just never get into. I have this weird pet peeve when it comes to time traveling games.

So when people were using swords and shields and such, you get weapons, then go back in time to when they were only using sticks and you get better weapons? How does that work?

Then you go way into the future where they have robots and lasers and the weapons do less damage than the stick you picked up in prehistoric times. Ummmm what?

13 years ago

how can you say that about square, ben? i just picked up ff13, and i am absolutely blown away. top 3 game this gen, easily. the story is phenomenal, the graphics are incredible. so what, you don't have FULL control of your party? would selecting "cast cure" instead of assigning a paradigm be that much different? and too linear? chrono trigger was linear! just because theres an overworld map, doesnt mean its open world. stop trashing on square ben.

13 years ago

Square has largely been a joke when it comes to console games this gen. Their PSP and PS1 releases have been their only saving grace.

13 years ago

Dude, keep playing the game, you'll see.

13 years ago

I agree. Final Fantasy 13 is amazing. Great story, graphics, and gameplay. Could have been deeper, but what was there is plenty good. FF13, Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean, Project Sylpheed, and Nier, not to mention the great handheld titles are enough to give Square much love from me this gen.

Last edited by PorkChopGamer on 4/22/2011 11:09:57 AM

13 years ago

FFXIII is fantastic! Im 113 hours into the game, and about 10 5-star missions away from PLAT! But I will say that the main game is linear….both in the level design(corridors) and in how you fight(90% of the time is autobattle through most of the game).

Granted, after you beat the game and you take on the missions, you need a little more control yourself, and the paradigms become more of a big deal…but still, strategy is streamlined. Even in FFXII when you couldnt exactly control your other characters, you could still setup gambits to "control" them. In FFXIII you have 2% control….as in, you can change their class. But if your main character is Fang, and you have Lightning in your party and you are both synergists – You can manually cast Faithra and Bravera on your party, but Lightning will ALWAYS cast Faith and Bravery at the same time(in essence WASTING TIME!!!) So you have no control to be able to tell Lightning to stop acting retarded and do what you want her to do which is cast Enfire!!! Eventually she catches on and stops, but it still wastes time.

You are limited….and in the past, I never felt limited in a FF game. So when you take control away from the player (esp in an RPG), we're going to get upset a little bit, even if the game is still phenomenal!

13 years ago

I loved FF13, enough to platinum it. Never played enough of any other FF game to have any preconceived notions of what a FF game should play like. Having said that, it is a shame that people bag on it so much. Perhaps SE should have called it something different so as not to upset the FF faithful. But if they did call it something else, it probably wouldn't have sold as many copies as it did. Having put as many hours into the game as I did, I can appreciate just how much time and effort went into making the game, it is not as though they skimp in any area.
Perhaps they could have made it less linear in the beginning, or made towns. That is what I hear most people really wanted. But SE had a vision for the game, and produced a solid product. If they did put in the features that a lot of fans say were missing, perhaps we would have been waiting a few more years for the game to release or received a different game entirely. And as it is, the game took FOREVER to be released. Personally as someone who went in not knowing what to expect of the game, I loved it, and see it as a top notch production.

13 years ago

Sven, I know what you mean on the Enfire bit with Lightning. I tried going into the options for her when she is a Synergist. I was hoping you could change the priority that she casts buffs, but alas, you can't. Wish they would have given you that kind of control. That way, once in battle, you know exactly the actions she will take, and you can do your own thing with Fang. Pretty sure you are talking about the Shaolong Gui battle. That was my beef with that, you waited forever for her to cast Enfire. Argh!

13 years ago

SvenMD, you could turn the Gambits off in FFXII giving you compete control of each character. That's what was great about XII's battle system. It offered choice. I started playing XIII again. Trying to give it another chance. Sad thing is I have had to convince myself it's not really a Final Fantasy in order to enjoy it as much as I am which still isn't as much as I have enjoyed every other RPG I have I played starting from the SNES days until now.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/22/2011 11:58:26 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I loved FFXIII, too.

But if you can find me one veteran RPG fan on earth who thinks Square-Enix is even in the same universe as Squaresoft, I'll give you money.

13 years ago

@MyWorstNightmare – definitely talking about the BIG Guis. It was very frustrating to deal with. I was lucky with my Dark Matter farming though. The platinum ingots took a while though. I also didn't like having to fight the SAME thing to get enough money todo anything. Couldn't they have made some other enemies that dropped PI's or something worth like 100K or something??

As far as calling it something else, the game was definitely FF in character, but they TOOK OUT slot of things that long time fans liked or were accustomed to from prior games. And again, as a dev, you an always add to your game and you will be praised….. You take stuff out and I'm going to be mad. It's just the way it goes.

@Jawknee – Thank You!!! After you said ray I realized you could turn those on and off at the top of the gambit screen!! I had forgotten. But again, it's all about options. They gave you the choice to use them or not. In FFXIII – not so much choice.

13 years ago

@johnygold, sevenmd, and porkchop
i loved ff13 too, and agree with those above that loved it. it was far superior to ff12's mmo autopilot gameplay, and the story was way better in ff13. absolutely loved going through the mark missions in ff13. the game was just beautiful, and i loved the production values. the music was great too.

i get that some people did not like some of the stripped out elements in ff13, but i still think it's a great game, and even a good ff game. all they have to do is tweek it a little bit by letting you swap out characters like ff10, and putting less of an emphasis on staggering an opponet then it would be just about perfect for me.

13 years ago

Excelsior, FFXII's gameplay was only on "auto pilot" if the player kept all the Gambits on all the time. As I stated above you could turn them off giving you complete control over your entire party thus making it more of a true RPG battle system than XIII will ever be.

@SvenMD, I think I could over look all the other flaws in the game like lack of towns, NPC's and it's kill tubes if they had just let you switch party members mid battle. Kind pointless each character having their own Eidolon when you can only use the party leaders per battle. Since I liked having Lightening as my lead, I was always forced to use her Eidolon. Hell, even if they let you chose which Eidolon to summon from a list of the 3 you have in your party, that would have made it that much better in my opinion.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/22/2011 1:02:42 PM

13 years ago

I agree that FF13's music was good.

Both songs were fantastic, and I love how the main theme just had different tempo and instruments to fit various moods.

lol >.<

P.s. If by Chrono Trigger being linear you mean it had a beginning and an end, you are right. But there are character(s) who have alternate endings… and you can fight the final boss almost whenever you want (at a certain point)… and yeah… more I can't say without spoiling. But yeah… as World said… if that's what you think, I recommend playing it further.

Additionally, NO ONE said Square-Enix hasn't made any good games this gen. But I mean, really Porkchop… look at that list you gave. Compared to what SquareSoft used to do, it's a short list and some of those games in the list are a bit of a stretch to say they are RPG-gold. I betcha I could quadruple that list with PS1 RPG's from SquareSoft that are better than what you listed.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 4/22/2011 1:57:22 PM

13 years ago

@Jawknee – another good point. To this day I don't think that I've actually seen Sazh's Eidolon in action, or Hope now that I think about it. The 3 girls are my party leaders 98% of the time… With an occasional Snow. Maybe tonight I will just go check out the others summons. (But then again, I don't think Sazh has even been in my party since I was able to choose the characters!!)

Again, having the option to pick out of your 3 characters would be great!

13 years ago

Yeah, I never ended up using Sazh or Hopes Eidolons. The only time I ever resorted to using Sazh as a party leader was when I had the occassion to need his instant stagger ability.

Vanille's whole Eidolon experience was, um, well, risque? Oh well, I like Vanille.

13 years ago

i was one of those who tried to convince myself id love FF13, but it just didn't work. It was decent at best to me, honestly had the game not been such a good looking game graphically, i may not have been so inclined to finish it.

Then people kept saying 'wait to chapter 11 it opens up,i swear!' it opened up….into one hunt after another, adding very little to no story to it. It became a mini monster hunter game. FF12 did it better, wouldnt mind if it got a graphical upgrade like 13

13 years ago

i knew you could turn the gambit's off in ff12, but if you do it's so damn tedious in my opinion. you could customise the gambits to do anything you want so you might as well use them. that part i liked, but i didn't like the step towards a mmo in ff12. plus, the story and characters were pretty bland. about the only character that was decent is baltier. i bought the collecters editition of ff12 and still own it…let's just say it didn't grab me like the other ff's, and it's my least favorite ff.

there are some elememts that i dislike in ff13 as well. it definitely needs to ditch the kill tubes, and get some exploration back. plus it needs the towns, shops, and classic npc's as well. i know people all have their different preferences on ff's and some feel let down by ff13, but i loved it. in fact talking about it makes me want to go play it again. i'm only a few trophies away from platinuming it.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/22/2011 2:57:56 PM

13 years ago

XIII was a very enjoyable game, probaly still my favourite this generation, but I can certainly understand why FF fans foudn it a let down its nothing compaired to VI – X. Still it sealed the wound from XII for me so I regard it highly.

13 years ago

that's exactly how i feel. ff12 was so aimless and bland. plus i hated the battle system, i thought ff13 was a step forward in the right direction in terms of story, characters, and gameplay. sure, it had some flaws but i was willing to look past that becuase of its sheer beauty.


vanielle's edion was on the erotic side. she looks like she's really enjoying it at the end. one of the funiest moments in a ff game is when vanielle shows the others where her mark is. the look on hope's face was hillarous. he looks shocked, and taken back but also it looks like he kind of liked seeing vanielle's butt cheek. classic.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/22/2011 4:44:58 PM

13 years ago

Gosh don't get me even started on XII, It was the single biggest gaming disapointment of my life, I fully agree with you.

As for XIII what i loved most was the characters, while there was not much 'depth' within their backstory they had such strong charisma. When I think of XIII I think of the characters over the story.

13 years ago

UD and Ex1-

I agree with both of you. FF12 is my least favorite of all of the FFs. Good but still on the bottom. And the whole MMO style gameplay really got under my skin. I didn't mind wrangling the AI, for the improvements Square made in 13(Battle screen, characters, etc.).


I don't think that person exists. In its totality, I think that Square has released some worthwile games this generation, but not near the consistency of the heyday.

13 years ago

Consider it bought, I never got very far in it back in the day but I did love it and would like to finish it on my PSP.

13 years ago

I'm practically on the same boat as you World; I never got very far in it (got to play it while visiting a friend in Florida in 2001), but I loved it and bought the PS1 incarnation of it included in FF:Chronicles. Buying it on the PSN wouldn't be too bad, since it'll probably be easier for me to play it on my PSP, since I'm always on the go (no pun intended). For the few days I played it, the game was definitely fun, with an intriguing stroryline, interesting characters, and just overall sucked me in. Not bad considering I'd never officially gotten into RPGs until more recently.

13 years ago

Hope this is true. The PS1 release of Chrono Trigger is my favorite edition. Love that they added cut scenes drawn by Akira Toryiama's Dragonball studio. This is such an awesome game. Easily my favorite RPG of all time right behind FFVII.

13 years ago

Jawk, i agree with you with the exception of the loading times it had, ps1 version is the definitive version but goddamnit, i hated having to go into my inventory because of the load times.

13 years ago

Not quick to label a game the 'best I ever played' but if I had to, Chrono Trigger has the best shot. Really, really good. And pretty fast-paced in comparison to other RPGs of the time.

13 years ago

This is great! I actually just started playing this again about 2 months ago on my PC. I just beat Magus.

I would love to see this with some updated cutscenes and stuff!

13 years ago

The cut scenes are just animated ones. Penned by the same studio who did Dragonball Z and GT. They look great. Only downside is they could have drawn more cells. The frame rate is a bit choppy.

13 years ago

I gotcha

I've actually never bought a game from the PSN or iPhone that I've previously owned in my life. But I guess the updates graphics on some of them are worth it.

ChronoTrigger was one of my favorites growing up. I loved the Triple Techs!

13 years ago

I remember that time too. At least people and the actual games of those times are still around 😀

13 years ago

I hope we get this in the UK, I have noticed many PSone classics on the US store that have not being released in the UK. Mainly ones that we never got in the first place, Like Parasite Eve I, I recently played it through an emulator (Which I do not feel guilty about, If they have not given me a way to purchase the game I feel i have a right to get it other ways..) and I asbolutely adored it, If this was released in the UK back in the day it might have even been in my top 10 PSone games.

I would also like to play Xenogears, which I have heard so much about and the sequel to this, Chrono Cross.

13 years ago

Just because they didn't release the game in your country it doesn't give you the right to pirate.

13 years ago

Very debatable… If it was reigion free I would import it, But I don't even have that option. Though I have heard that You can buy american PSN gift cards online, I'm actually tempted to do that with PE1 I enjoyed it that much.

13 years ago

That's a good idea. If you create a US account you could use those cards to buy stuff off the US store. They should work. Demos and what not that I download from the Japanese and EU store seem to work. But then again, those are demos.

13 years ago

Still have my cartridge. Where did the time go? Has it really been 16 years since?

13 years ago

My PSP is becoming goddamn beast of an rpg machine.

Now for Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon, Suikoden II, and the Breath of Fire series.

13 years ago

+1 for LoD.

13 years ago

They should give it HD graphics 🙂

13 years ago

Or at least give it the same kind of overhaul they gave Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection.

13 years ago

This would be awesome on the PSN. It'd be great if Chrono Cross follows close behind, too!

13 years ago

I really hope its not a ps1 faithful port. I could go without the 8 second load times in between the INVENTORY screens. Seriously, loading was horrid on that game. Keep the cutscenes, add some bonus stuff like on the ds version if it doesn't deal with a dual screen

And while you are at it, Release Crono Cross already, one of the best soundtracks on a rpg when it released

Last edited by aaronisbla on 4/22/2011 2:29:54 PM

13 years ago

Was it really? I don't remember it being that bad. Maybe since it will be a digital file and will load from the HD it won't take quite as long.

13 years ago

compared to the snes version, they were pretty noticeable after awhile.

13 years ago

I only played a digital copy and it didn't have that problem so there ya go.

13 years ago

I lost my SNES version. 🙁 I still have my SNES too.

13 years ago

One thing Square really needs to do is re-size the games so they fit the PSP screen. None of the screen size settings on the PSP get it just right. If Capcom can re-size their Resident Evil games to fit nicely inside the PSP screen Square can too.

13 years ago

Can't you do it manually? I mean there's a "Custom" option that allows you to resize the screen the way you want it for PS1 games (it's there for FF8, so I'm assuming it's possible for other Square PS1 games).

Last edited by WolfCrimson on 4/22/2011 4:39:28 PM

13 years ago

Yes you can but what I am saying is none of the settings, even the custom settings work just right. No matter how you adjust it, it doesn't fit the PSP screen perfectly were as Resident Evil 2 and 3 I just have to hit full screen and it fits perfectly with no stretching or black edges. All Square games are off no matter how to adjust it.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/22/2011 5:09:49 PM

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