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Rumor: Fourth God Of War Slated For September 2012

The best action franchise of the generation can't die. It's only a matter of time…

And perhaps that time has been revealed already: according to PSM3 , the fourth God of War is scheduled to launch in September 2012. We've seen snippets of evidence of the new installment over the past few months, including a "God of War 4 cinematic test" on a LinkedIn CV (the game name was later retracted), and now it seems the publication has an inside scoop:

"PSM3 has heard from another source that God of War 4 is coming, and will hit in September 2012. Our source works closely with the God of War universe, and let slip he'd be working on a related project at the same time."

GoWIII marked the end of a trilogy but developer Sony Santa Monica has said the franchise itself is far from over. The only problem we have with this rumor is that all GoW titles have released in March. It's sort of like a tradition. That being said, perhaps SCEA wants the possibility of increased sales that a late summer/early fall release can generate.

Who knows? We just know we want it.

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Mr Bubbles IGR
Mr Bubbles IGR
13 years ago

gimme 🙂

13 years ago

That is awesome, 2012 is already looking good for PS3

13 years ago

I'll buy it day one. Hopefully it tells the story of a new character. Kratos' story was pretty much resolved at the end of 3. I mean, killing every single god in Athens would do that, wouldn't it?

13 years ago

Kratos is the most abadass character in video games. Why would you want to replace him?

I think you guys are not thinking right lol

This are video games, the story can be altered in so many ways.

"1000 years later Kratos the God of War has witnessed a rise in evil and corruption. New gods have come fourth to challenge him and now he must stand up as the god of war and rid the world of impending evil."

-Based outside Greece
-Based on a world where the Greek took over a large portion of the world (thus many gods exist in many areas of the world)
-Technology has increased but gradually, most of the world relies on old technology enhanced with energy, scrolls, and the powers of gods

People need to be creative.

Stop limiting yourselves

13 years ago

Also want to add that it doesn't have to break Greek mythology altogether like I did lol

They can still bend the mythology around, but maybe this time it should be set many years after GOWIII which would mean that the country itself will be very different and such.

13 years ago

I love Kratos too but *SPOILERS*

Didn't he die at the end of 3? I think his story had a solid 3 game story arc of beginning, middle, and resolution (not to mention the prequels). I'd hate to see them cheapen his character just for the sake of a sequel. I love the world they created. They could easily create a similar character. Whatever they do I'll be buying it.

13 years ago

I think he died in all the other games too.

13 years ago

He dies a lot, but that never stops him.

13 years ago

No it certainly does not. But I thought he died for good? To be with his wife and kid?

Well whatever, you can't domesticate Kratos.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Post credits, his body is gone with a trail of blood leading over the cliff. I don't think he's dead, but I don't know where he'd go from there, and that's why I'm most worried about a continuation of the series. Unless they can pull one hell of a rabbit out of the hat, it'll feel unnecessary.

13 years ago

The devs have said that Kratos's story is done, right? So I would assume that they have a new main character.

And I'm kinda hoping they do too, because the series needs a couple new gameplay mechanics to keep people interested, and maybe they can pull off some new gameplay mechanics that Kratos couldn't with a new MC. Just a thought.

13 years ago

September 2012? I was kinda hoping for Kratos to take a longer break than that, like GOW4 as a PS4 launch title. Ah well, I'll buy it regardless

13 years ago

Problem with releasing such a huge title as a launch title is the amount of user base. That's why they released GoW2 as a PS2 game because obviously the PS2 user base was far larger than the PS3's. They knew a majority of the fans wouldn't own the new console.

13 years ago

How about the new Batman game for ps4 instead of ps3? How about the move the next Assassin's Creed to ps4 too?

As a matter of act they should give Uncharted a break and release UC3 on ps4

13 years ago

Why would UC3 be on PS4 when it's almost done?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It depends entirely on how long away those games are, and how far away the PS4 is. A conservative estimate (IMO) would say a release in late '13. So, games with a long development would make sense to go onto it. All those titles you mentioned are supposed to be out by the end of this year, which is two years from release. No need to delay them that long, however the next iteration of each might be a half-decent idea.

13 years ago

By the Gods

13 years ago

I would love to see God of War 4 set in Asgard.

Kratos v. Thor anyone?

13 years ago

The epicness meter goes through the roof!

13 years ago

We all know that fight end with a QTE in were Kratos take Thor's hammer smashes his head with it and becomes a sub weapon.

Last edited by Oxvial on 4/20/2011 1:40:49 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'd rather see Kratos vs Loki, or Odin. Thor is overrated 😛

13 years ago

2012 that's a nice little break hopefully they can make the puzzles just as challenging as GOW1&2 because to me that's the only thing that was missing in GOW3.

13 years ago

That would just be incredible, but I'm having a hard time in deciding who he would kill

13 years ago

Kratos is hands down my favorite action hero of all time. You heard me, of all time!

Can't wait to see what challenges stand in his way and where the story takes him next.

I also want him to meet Nariko in this game lol. If you know me well I always wanted that to happen.

Anyway it's gonna fun seeing some images of the game come up. Pure quality stuff.

13 years ago

Would they have redheaded children?

13 years ago

Maybe, depends on who's genes are stronger lol. Even the genes will be having a war between each other.

13 years ago

"Genes of War"

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Of course they would… but it'd only grow in the same spot where Kratos' tattoo is.

13 years ago

Well, it would probably be a waste to not use that shiny engine as soon as possible. III kind of let me down though, so I'll take a wait and see approach on WHEN to buy it but it's a must buy in any case.

13 years ago

Great news. Now we just need a proper, PS3 exclusive MGS6. 🙂

13 years ago

Yes sir!

*waits for the "Snake's story is done" comments*

Last edited by Scarecrow on 4/20/2011 1:14:05 PM

13 years ago

Well, here's the "Snake's story is done" comment.

Seriously, its over. Kojima needs to do something new, or at least get away from MGS (ZoE3 would be nice if he decides not to do anything new). I mean, I love MGS, but when the story's done in such a story-based game, its done. I see no reason to continue it with such a great ending. It would feel like they were milking the franchise tbh.

Even with new gameplay mechanics like in Rising, or a Meryl-based game like everyone wants, there's no tension because we know what's going to happen (seeing how Rising's a prequel and people want the Meryl game to be about her backstory). Sure, it'd be interesting, but I would know the conclusion of the story anyways, so the only reason I'd play would be for the gameplay. And if there's anything I know about MGS, its that you don't just play for the excellent gameplay, you play to see the excellent story too.

Last edited by Lairfan on 4/20/2011 7:12:32 PM

13 years ago

"Snake's story is done"!!!!


And I'd still like to see another spin-off like Rising, only doing it through Meryl's eyes, plus including her whole back story.

But only on the PS3

13 years ago

Dude I would buy 3 copies of that!

Meryl is amazing, I can't believe she went for Johnny, I still can't believe it lol. I still believe she would have gone for Snake if he didn't reject her like he did in MGS4, yes even as old as he was lol.

Man, we should be telling these companies what to make.

A spinoff through Meryl's eyes would be refreshing. It would be a beloved character from the series, the first female character ever playable in MGS and it would set many interesting plots such as her life as a rookie soldier, her encounter with Snake and other major MGS characters, and then her transition into what leads to MGS4 or something of the sort.

Instead of tactical/shooting gameplay, her gameplay would have some tactical elements but with a lot of traps and unique gun gameplay. And even some support characters, I mean why not? Much better than playing Raiden any damn day.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I think a Meryl MGS would work as a tactical team shooter with that group she had in MGS4. That's what I like about the series; there are so many possibilities for genre changes in spin-offs because of the difference in the nature of the characters.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago


I'll believe it when I see it, but for now I'm saying that they're wrong and that it'll be another 'Kratos serves the Gods' outing on the NGP. I really like the series, but I think it should have ended with III, even with that somewhat ambiguous ending.

And as much as I like Kratos and the whole world that Santa Monica created with the series, I want to see them tackle something else. Creativity and diversity is a good thing, even if it is Heavenly Sword 2, which would be surprisingly similar to GoW.

13 years ago

They don't have to use Kratos for GoW4 (provided its a true-blue sequel to GoW3 and not just an interquel like GoS was). Santa Monica has already said that Kratos's story is done, so its not too hard to imagine that they could come up with a new main character who has to take out a different set of gods. It could work pretty well actually, provided they make the new main character just as badass as Kratos (even though they would have to make a different personality and motivation for him just so people don't say he's a Kratos clone).

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

As I've mentioned before, I wouldn't be averse to the idea of new gods, new protagonist, new setting, etc. But how would they make it feel entirely fresh, rather than a simple rehash of the series to date? I mean, it would still be one guy against the gods, and I think that the formula needs a break.

If they can pull it off, then by all means they should go for it, but I'd rather see them try their hands at a different story entirely, or a different genre.

13 years ago

Fingers crossed they make the jump to Norse mythology with this one (and Kratos is "re-born" as Odin or something sweet like that) and we get an entirely new landscape, characters, motivations, even some new gameplay ideas. They can keep the GOW feel alive even if they take some liberties. I think there's no need to adhere strictly to the formula of the first five games — it's well-tread territory at this point, and I'm sure we'll get more Kratos backstory games via NGP. Let's stake out new territory, Sony. Cannot WAIT to see what they get up to.

13 years ago

well, this is a tough game to really create a new saga with. While Kratos is one of the most extreme protagonists in games to date, the game may need to be laid to rest. I think it would be too cheesy if you put a greek god in Valhalla. Kratos vs. Odin wouldn't make sense because they have no reason to come in conflict with each other. I think it would be neat if they went a sort of assassins creed route. and made god of war jump into a different timeline. its worked with other games, and i don't really see why they couldn't do it here. Put kratos in a technologically superior environment, or create a new arch with a decendent of Kratos but has the same powers as kratos maybe even try to make him darker and more demented. Put him in a really dark environment full of death and corruption. Give the new kratos guns er something. I dont know but who says god of war HAS to be greek only?

13 years ago

How about if he fights the primordial god Kaos,the one who created everything(If thats his name), and kratos wants him to bring everyone back to life.
Plus athena is still running around and she could be playable as co-op.

Last edited by Pandacastro on 4/20/2011 3:03:53 PM

13 years ago

I hope the game is out before the end of the world in mayans calendar December 21,2012.

13 years ago

I can see next being set in Egypt. Anubis anyone? At least I think he is the Egyptian God of War, correct me if I'm wrong.

13 years ago

Nah, Anubis is more like Hades. Onuris is the Egyptian war god.

13 years ago

Thanks for that. Egypt would be cool though, alot of gods there. Wouldn't be against a Norse version either.

13 years ago

Egypt would be good because of all the gods they have, and during different eras they got different gods and I don't think that they had set leader. So yea, lots to play with there.

13 years ago

Egypt or Norse Mythology would be cool.

13 years ago

I don't consider GoW the best action franchise of the generation, yet, I'm always happy for a new GoW game. Bring it on.

What else is coming exclusively to PS3 in 2012?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Versus XIII, The Last Guardian, AGENT. Tales of Xillia and Yakuza: Of The End, if they're released outside JP. Eight Days and The Getaway, unless we're being lied to and they actually have been cancelled. Starhawk, if that is Lightbox's next project. Maybe QD's next project.
Hmm… That's actually a surprisingly strong list…

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 4/20/2011 4:19:11 PM

13 years ago

I would actually prefer if the next would take place in modern times. Imagine:

Kratos arrives on a battlefield and yells "F*©k modern warfare!"
Kratos summons the gods to cleanse the earth.

Last edited by cLoudou on 4/20/2011 5:23:01 PM

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