Well, this is no good. Looks like we'll have to rely on all the other great titles scheduled for 2011.
Although many PlayStation 3 owners have been looking forward to The Last Guardian , we've never really landed an official release date. That's always a little worrisome and now, it appears we had every reason to be concerned:
As posted at the PlayStation Blog , SCEA has confirmed that Team ICO's latest ambitious project has been delayed past its tentative "holiday 2011" launch window. They've also been forced to delay the ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection , which was slated to arrive some time this spring. Here's studio boss Fumito Ueda's apology:
"I announced at last year’s Tokyo Game Show that the release timing of The Last Guardian which is currently being developed would be holiday 2011. However, to provide more challenging and better quality of content to users and to fulfill First Party Studio’s obligations, I decided to postpone its release timing.
All the members of my production team are working together at a fast pace to develop and release the game in First Party Studio quality. I sincerely apologize to all the customers who have been waiting for 'The Last Guardian' for so long, but I beg for your patience. I will also announce the new release timing at a later time."
As usual, we can expect the months between September and December to be jam-packed full of blockbusters and masterpieces, so perhaps we won't feel the pain quite so keenly. Even so, The Last Guardian will be a breath of fresh air whenever it arrives, which is why we sorta wanted it ASAP…
Related Game(s): The Last Guardian
"fulfill First Party Studio's obligations"
I really hope this game isn't being delayed because Sony wants 3D and move support implemented in it.
In any event, fully expected TLG to be delayed, but what gives with the Team Ico Collection? I was hoping to at least have that this year.
"First Party Obligations", Hmmm, that sure sounds like a subtle way of stating blame it on Sony to me.
I agree about the TI Collection. TIC Now!
Last edited by FatherSun on 4/20/2011 11:09:47 AM
I thought it had already been announced that TLG would have 3D. I know the Bundle does. No, I think what he really means is that people expect high quality from Sony firt party titles, and with the less than stellar results of what we've seen so far, he wants to buck that trend. At least, I hope that's the case.
Well that sucks!
Seriously, there is no need to apologize and no need to rush. The Last Guardian will be a gem and quality like that takes time. I am willing to wait for them to create an experience that they are proud of. Now if we were is some sort of drought then I'd be all over Ueda! But PlayStation has us covered.
I am a little upset about the delay but more so for the collection. What are they going to do to it that requires all this time. It seems like they may be delaying it in order to release it along with TLG. Or at least in the same quarter for publicity purposes.
Last edited by FatherSun on 4/20/2011 11:06:42 AM
I'm very much in favor of waiting for games to be done right as opposed to games being done on time. I'm perfectly happy to wait if it means I get a high quality game.
No need to rush, just a need to be thorough.
I'm not surprised by this but I'm still bummed. At this rate, we'll be lucky if we get other games from TeamIco this gen. Quality over Quantity is always best anyway
Well at least this way we won't be con'd into getting DLC for the game afterwards… (Why do I get a feeling I'll be eating them words in a years time..)
I'm just glad that now it won't get caught in the crossfire of the war between Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3.
It wouldn't be. TLG is far too different from a shooter to be negatively impacted by them, IMO. It really is for a whole other class of gamer.
Fall and Winter 2011 is packed very well. It's ok to let The Last Guardian have its glory in 2012.
It's good that SCEJ allows Team Ico to take its time. Would suck to get a very short TLG with a lot of DLC to make up for it.
No worries, let them take as much time as they want!
You can't rush quality.
"You can't rush quality"
Truer words have never been typed.
Noooooooooo! Ah well, take whatever time you need to polish these games and make'em shine Team ICO. I can wait. And when they come out, I'll be waiting in line.
Yeah I knew it wouldn't make it, but that's okay. Somehow I'll survive with Resistance 3 and Uncharted 3 at my disposal along with God knows what else. Do it up right Ueda!
I can wait knowing its delayed!
Not knowing if a game is delayed ie.tentative release dates(heavy rain i'm looking at you),really grinds my gears.
This can go along side mgs rising,Agent & Max payne3 for my d1p 2012!!
As I mentioned yesterday, I'm saddened by this news. However it wasn't entirely unexpected, given the huge number of exclusives releasing this year. We're set for 2011, and we need something for 2012, the line-up for which is getting much better as we proceed towards it. Can't wait to play some of what's coming out next year. It won't be as good as this one, but it'll still be great.
I am fine with this as long as the games are done right. There is so much going on this year that if these games came out none of the other games would get a play. For all 3 games I am estimating 300 hours of game play. This will just make 2012 look a little bit better compared to 2011.
Last edited by CrusaderForever on 4/20/2011 2:24:24 PM
Im okay with this. Too many games plus the NGP migth lower the sales.
There were way too many good games coming out this year anyways, along with the NGP. Besides, they have more time to make the game even more high-quality.
Also, there weren't really any PS3 exclusives coming out next year except for the rumored GoW4 (rumored being the key word there), so adding this to next year's lineup only helps Sony.
Curses!!! However you can take your time if you need it. So long as it doesn't take 13 years and is good I will be happy.
I'm pretty sure this wasn't just delayed because of a desire to keep the game's quality up. If anyone remembers, the Japan E-quake has had a large impact on industries as well. Since we know that Team ICO is based in Japan, they obviously might need some time to rebuild.
oh well, i guess its time to pull out one of those ps2s and try and find a copy of those 2 titles.
why is it repetitive crap releases like clockwork, and new innovative artistic gold is delayed till kingdom come!?
i remember the BBC report on this BACK IN 2005 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
how can you spend 6 years on a game, and STILL not be finished!?
god, and i thought GT5 took forever!
*Ring Ring*
'Oh hi, you want to talk to Anon? Cool, I'll get him. HEY! ANON! Duke Nukem Forever would like a word.'
thats got a excuse.
its been rebuilt multiple times to keep up to date with new engines.
this hasent.
it went from PC to PC and ps2, then PC and ps3 and 360, from quake 4s engine, to UE2 to UE3.
this has not.
its been built on one engine, on one platform!