Capcom's new IP is Dragon's Dogma , and after being revealed at the publisher's annual Captivate event, new details have arisen.
What they're calling an "open-world action title" seems to combine concepts of both the role-playing and action genres; sort of like a blend of Elder Scrolls and Devil May Cry . As for the gameplay, Andriasang posted up some new screenshots and gameplay basics: firstly, you'll see the main character and "pawn" support characters facing down a large foe and secondly, you'll notice the controls and possible combat options. You will be able to jump and execute both a weak and strong attack; we're assuming these strikes can be strung together for various combos. Furthermore, as you can see by the screenshot here, you'll even be able to grab an enemy and let your allies pound on him.
See, that's something I've always wanted to do. There have been plenty of games where you can be grabbed, and there have been games where you can grab foes, but I can't think of one that lets you grab an opponent in party-based combat, thereby letting your buddies beat on him. At any rate, Dragon's Dogma has plenty of potential; we'll see if Capcom can pull it off.
Looking forward to all info available on this title. Capcom has a real shot at something of substance here.
Sounds pretty good. Let's hope it's a capcom return to form.
I'm excited for this game, seems to have a lot of potential. It's the most interesting thing that I've seen Capcom come out with, at least to me anyway.
Hope they put a lot of love into and polish it up nice.
Looking for to trying this and Asura's Wrath.
From the description of this, it seem to me this game is Drakan meets Devil May Cry;anybody familiar with the Drakan franchise(PC/PS2)clearly understand where I am coming from given its focus on open-world gameplay, dragons and things of that nature.
Anyhow while its nice to see Capcom embarking on a new IP, being the the usual me I'm both skeptical and pessemistic given this console cycle underwhelming "new IPs" not to mention Capcom's western focus which is constantly backfiring.
A promising style indeed. It seems something that we haven't seen yet. Now this is what the guys at Capcom can do when they stop f**king around and actually give us something. It's good to see new IPs at this point in the console cycle, and if supporting Dragon's Dogma means that we'll get more of of them, then I'll support it (as long as it turns out as good as it's sounding, of course).
Yeah i think this game looks pretty damn awesome. I hope capcom delivers on this.
i agree with everyone. it does look very promising, and it's also great to see a new ip this late in this gen. i noticed almost every game i own is a sequel. 22 games and 1 game was a new ip. it's heavy rain.
<<<< this late in the gen>>>>
Huh? I wouldn't call it "late", seeing how we're only into year 4 of the PS3's 10 year cycle.
Cool. Hope its a good as it sounds. Capcom's been disappointing me all gen with titles I'm not interested in (or, like Lost Planet 2, ones I'm interested in that end up sucking), so I hope this game makes me actually buy a game from them this gen.
hmmmmm, looks interesting.
crapcom always take there well known series, and mutilate them into some crap.
so maybe the only way for them to release a decent game is to create a new IP?
only time will tell.