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White Knight Chronicles 2 Trophies Revealed

If you're a completionist when it comes to role-playing games, you'll want to nab all the Trophies in White Knight Chronicles 2 .

The much anticipated sequel from Level-5 will arrive in the U.S. this summer and the full Trophy list has been located . What do you think? Some of them seem easy enough but there are always a few of the Gold variety that will challenge even the most dedicated fan; the "Royal Certificate of Appreciation" might take some time, for example. How long to Rid 150 People of their Worries? And do you think you can complete 100 quests with the coveted S rank? Personally, the Trophy bug never bit me but for some, Achievements and Trophies are now a big part of the interactive entertainment experience. And because most RPG buffs tend to be of the hardcore gamer variety, you have to believe that a great many will want to nab every Trophy.

And by the way, I certainly hope you kept your original WKC save file. If you didn't, you'll have to play it through again when WKC2 arrives.

Related Game(s): White Knight Chronicles 2

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13 years ago

This is the original all over again…

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I thought that it had been announced that you wouldn't have to play through the first to play the second for the worldwide releases. The trophies don't worry me, I mean, I'll get what I can be bothered with, but anything too taxing just falls by the wayside. It's all good. Can't wait to try this one out though.

13 years ago


You don't have to have a WKC1 file. You can begin WKC2 at any time.

13 years ago

Why would you want to skip the first one though, you would have no clue what was going on story wise and the story is great.

13 years ago

Didn't need trophies for ps1 or ps2. I laugh when I get trophies in games.

Anyway, can't wait to get this. Now I just need to know when it'll release in Europe. Hopefully it's still in May.

13 years ago

I laugh because the names are usually funny.

13 years ago

I was hoping that they might make the platinum a little more achievable with this iteration. I guess not. Personally, I feel that if you're going to have a trophy system, you need to pitch the trophy difficulty in such a way that the dedicated 1-2% who pay through the game a couple of times or more, can actually achieve the platinum trophy. Otherwise it's just a pointless thing in the distance that everyone scoffs at because the know there's no way in Hades that they're going to get there.

Ah well, WKC isn;'about the trophies anyway, still it would have been nice to be able to platinum the game in something less than about 75 days of continuous play time.

13 years ago

I hear ya, I'm on my 3rd play of the story, have played for over 150 hours and I only have 21% of the trophies. Ouch. lol

13 years ago

the trophieds are not as bad in wkc2.. although they look the same theyre easier to obtain in wkc2… ppl can get platinum in this game in a month if they play about 5-8 hours a day everyday, wheeras wkc1 took 12 hours a day everyday for # MONTHS, so yeah its easier to play wkc2 (and yes i have wkc1 plat) also ranking up in wkc2 is much faster too, the max rank is 30, you can get from 1 to 15 just doing the story mode sidequests until you beat the game, after that getting the last 15 is a joke, for example to get to rank 26 you need 7 millin points.. theres a quest you do that takes 10 mins and gives 150000 points… so 7 hours of doin that quest would rank you up.. whereas in wkc1 theres no way youd rank up every 7-8 hours because you needed like 16 million and the highest quest you do took 5 mins and only gave 60000, so yeah wkc2 is easier..

also theres dlc you can but that boosts the gr point, exp points and money you recieve, they cost 3 bucks each and last a whole 30 days… so again this game has been stupidly dumbeddown (as far as time consumption goes) compared to wkc1.. so yeah dont let those trophies scare you, theyre a joke this time around.

i know ppl mthat started wkc2 with a 100% completed wkc1 save file (i.e they wer erank 15 already and had platinum trophy.. which btw you get something special in part 2 if you have part 1 plat) and they got to rank 30 and did everything theer was to do in wkc2 in a month and have since retired/quit… you could never achieve all that in a months time in wkc1.

13 years ago

I bet you could count the owners of the WKC plat on one hand.

Anyway, no worries as I don't care. I still have my save but I wanna go through the first game with the improvements ya know? I think this series has the basics down for a rise to prominence in a dying genre that's been shot through the heart by the current trends.

13 years ago

Looking at that list of trophies reminds me of just how incompetent Japanese developers have been at adding trophies to their games. It's as if they want the trophies to make their game an everlasting grind rather than simply adding to the fun or challenge.

And no, grinding is not a challenge. Grinding is a brain-dead activity you can do in your sleep.

13 years ago

Definitely. I just don't get why they have to make the trophies so ridiculous.

13 years ago

because they have to be hard, so they say.
i dont mind a challenge, but gets really annoying when you need to put 10+ hours a day to get a trophy.
like the KZ2 get in the top 1% in the week trophy, you look at everyone who has that they spend a good 10+ hours a day playing!
ahhhhhh, some of us have to work and study you know?
something being hard to get, does not mean you have to put your whole life into it!
i wish more developers would be like IW, and leave MP trophies out of the plat.
tis the reason why i dont bother with allot of games anymore, i dont have the time to put into the MP to be able to acquire the higher ranks, to acquire the trophies.
O, plus with all the little 8yo brats on there ill probably loose my temper and go off my rocker at them like i did last time.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Grinding is a definite challenge to those who don't have that many hours in the day. In fact, it's borderline impossible if they want to play any other games, and much harder than nabbing a Trophy that just takes skill.

13 years ago

Seriously grinding for me, because my time is limited, almost takes away from the game, almost. If it wasn't because I understood the importance and its relevance, I'd almost be upset. And it's weird, 'cause I like grinding; helps me level up and whatnot, but sometimes I'm like "Man, I just wana get into the actual game". And it sucks being on this end of the spectrum, because think about it, if I have to grind for 3 hrs, and I only have 3 hrs of play time for this week, I have to wait a whole week just to get into the actual gameplay. Kinda weird. In that sense I almost wish grinding was necessary for extras just so people like myself can get a feel for the game like others.
Belive me though, I'm not saying they should handicap games, 'cause you guys shouldn't have to suffer due to the likes of people like me. Looks like I need to manage my time a bit better, lol.I'm starting to grow a ridiculous backlog. I'm still in the early stages of WKC that my friend let me borrow. I'mn holding off for WKC2 just so I can have both in all their glory, but that's going to be a heck of a feat. Good time for gaming, bad time to be an adult with time-sucking responsibilities.

13 years ago

…… so i guess this is not one for the trophy whores?

13 years ago

Wasn't it confirmed that for the US/EU version you don't need the WKC1 save file like the japanese version? Siliconera reported as such:

I'll play WKC1 anyway because I was waiting for this version to buy when it was announced to have the first game.

13 years ago

All I can say is….

Where are Kona-chan and Yuki-chan?

Lucky * Star

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/16/2011 4:53:21 PM

13 years ago

Not surprised, the first one was basically designed that you could platinum or you could keep your soul. Didn't expect the second to be different.

However this game isn't about trophies, it's about the story and gameplay. Best rpg this gen in my opinion, easily.

13 years ago

I'm not really into the whole trophie thing. Don't get me wrong, I like be rewarded with them that's always a cool little feeling. But as for wkc and wkc2
I'm good on getting plat for them. I've seen the list. Haha

Besides wkc and wkc, like other have said before me, is about the game not the trophies. I can't understand playing a game for trophies and not the game. Especially wkc. The first was amazing and I don't doubt the 2nd will be any less amazing.

I can already see it now, my character running around in me georama…. ohhhhh I can't wait

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